Sunday 17th November Flight
-> Com-Central's FSX Bush Flights

#1: Sunday 17th November Flight Author: SnorreLocation: Ziegenhain, Germany PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:42 am
We will finish our trip around Iceland today. This flight has a length of about 305 NM, so let's pick an airplane that flies around 180 KIAS. With that speed the flight will last 1:45Hrs....

We will explore the higher mountains of Iceland, make at least a touch and go visit at Vestmannaeyjar and finish our tour at Keflavik, a large military base.

#2: Re: Sunday 17th November Flight Author: SnorreLocation: Ziegenhain, Germany PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:00 pm
Bushy's server is down.... on TS we can meet at Dutchman's server. FSHostClient is also down, let's meet at TS first

#3: Re: Sunday 17th November Flight Author: SnorreLocation: Ziegenhain, Germany PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:38 pm
OK, we moved to digitalthemepark. Fled, you have a PN with the numbers.

-> Com-Central's FSX Bush Flights

All times are GMT - 6 Hours

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