Downloads › FS2004 Hughes OH6A

FS2004 Hughes OH6A   _DLP_EDPICK
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Category MS Flight SimulatorsFlight Simulator 2004FS2004 AircraftFS2004-Helicopters
_DLP_SUBMITTEDBY Shadow_Bshwackr
Richard 'fr8ycat
Version 1.06
Sun Jan 01, 2006 5:00 am

Hughes OH-6A Highskid Civilian version for FS9

An "EZ" installing file, the Hughes OH6A is one sweet flying aircraft and is a great addition to anyone's hanger.

Model by Richard 'fr8ycat" Frady
Paint by "JG300-Stoopy"

Thanks to:
Lynn Rogers: for contributing to the original model & rotor textures.
Deane Baunton: for use of his center console & collective textures.
Manuel Gonzalez: For his excellent sound.
Dave Eckert: for his pilot figure.

Intrepid Com-Central Beta Test Pilots:
Doug "Ascout" Kibbey

And anyone I have unintentionally left out.