Well outside the Envelope
Well outside the Envelope
_POTD_SUBON05-05-2011 19:35

JG300-Ascout - 01-06-2011 03:05  
"I think we're a' havin' ourselves a little ol' departure from controlled flight...".
piney - 01-06-2011 05:31  
Cool but methinks you are in major dodo
Tanklord - 01-06-2011 08:57  
That is so gonna hurt! Laughing
Manolo - 01-06-2011 15:51  
"Dammit, Jim...I'm a doctor, not a worker of the miracles!"
JG300-Stoopy - 01-06-2011 16:25  
Razz Thanks for the responses, Gents Laughing

...and Manolo... Wink