another boring patrol
another boring patrol
_POTD_SUBON05-05-2011 08:38

Shadow_Bshwackr - 25-05-2011 06:51  
Mr. Green Mr. Green
JG300-Stoopy - 25-05-2011 08:49  
Hey to liven things up you could always swap seats with the rear gunner and let him drive around fer a while!
JG300-1Bullet - 25-05-2011 19:03  
Mr. Green Mr. Green
JG300-Stoopy - 25-05-2011 19:49  
And by the way, where exactly is Boring and what do you expect to find when patrolling it?

And while I'm axin' all these questions, what is that groovy plane anyways?

piney - 25-05-2011 21:51  
The baron tells me it't the alphasim freeware FS9 AR-196 to which he added a little weathering and some chipped paint