_POTD_SUBON25-08-2012 13:14

JG300-Stoopy - 07-09-2012 05:15  
This is the screenie you don't want to stop looking at. So many cool details...

Hats Off!

piney - 07-09-2012 09:24  
you've created a monster Stoopy Laughing
JG300-Ascout - 07-09-2012 13:16  
Well, it's only going to get worse. Lots worse. Laughing
sven_c - 07-09-2012 16:05  
I see your problem. JG300 is going to attack these bombers, right? Laughing Laughing
JG300-1Bullet - 07-09-2012 20:51  
Good Hunting!