It's a new Com-Central World Record!!!!! The November Screenshot Winners have been announced!
It's a fact Jack! Behold the Might and Majesty of the record-breaking all-time monthly high score of the winning shot, the absolutely unbelievably stunning runner-up, the awe-inspiring winner of the "Theme Of The Month" category, the moving patriotism of the Veteran's Day Selection, plus some thrills, chills and plain Big'O BEEYOOTIFUL Shots as the Com-C Screenie Contest Winners threaten to fry the phosphor of your monitor and implode your video card with their unstoppable excellence!
To see 'em this very instant, waste no time by clicking right HERE, NOW!
Posted by JG300-Stoopy Tuesday, December 11, 2007 (09:09:08)
Big Huge Hairy Earth-Shaking Announcement! The Com-Central Hoplist Derby is Under Way!!!
Do You.....
- Enjoy quick but fun, challenging flights in either FS2004 or FSX?
- Sometimes have problems being available for the scheduled Sunday or Bush flights?
- Like the thought of getting a little recognition among your fellow pilots for your flight accomplishments?
- Enjoy a little healthy and fun ongoing competition with some points you can acquire from month to month?
- Like to expand your FS2004 or FSX aircraft and scenery collection with some great downloads that you can enjoy?
If the answer to any of the above is "yes" then the Com-Central Hoplist Derby is for you!!!
THe CC Hoplist Derby is ongoing monthly series of short flights for FS2004/FSX that you can complete in series, at a time and date of your own convenience and earn "points" for. A new series of "hop" flights will be presented each month, and each individual pilot will have their progress tracked and recorded on the CC FS9 server(s)as each leg of the flight is flown. There are monthly winners for each hop list, and the ultimate goal is to acquire as many points in the 12-month "Derby" season as you can!
To read more about the concept and rules, click HERE!
Late but worth the wait! The October 2007 Screenshot Winners are here!
And it's about time, eh?? The results may amaze and surprise you, as we welcome a new winner to the ranks and see who made the biggest bumps in the night during the spooky ol' month of October.....grab some leftover Halloween candy and feast your eyes on these treats as we congratulate the winner(s) HERE!
Posted by JG300-Stoopy Monday, November 12, 2007 (20:17:12)
Comin' right at ya full speed ahead! The September 2007 Screenshot Winners are here!
The victorious bask in the sunlight of applause as the votes are tallied and 30 of the finest non-edited, au naturale screenshots anywhere in the world are gathered for review and a winner is chosen! Enjoy the moment and celebrate the fine talent we have amongst us by reading about it HERE!
Posted by JG300-Stoopy Sunday, October 07, 2007 (19:31:45)
Almost but not entirely unbelievable & amazing, inspiring, and almost thrilling!
The July 2007 Screenshot Winners have been announced!
Take a break from the heat with a cool dip into some "Wet and Wild" action screenies from the month of July! Learn who was the wildest! Who was the wettest! Who captured top honors and honorable mentions as the completely amazing and engrossing details are fuly exposed to the public eye in this captivating expose' which can be easily accessed and read by clicking HERE!
Posted by JG300-Stoopy Sunday, August 05, 2007 (21:12:52)
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