Hell Fighters Memorial Flight is coming up! Posted by Shadow_Bshwackr on Monday, April 16, 2007 (05:36:21) (5381 reads)
A Memorial Flight for the passing of HF Squadron member HF_Scuba will be held on April 29th.
Hell Fighters Squadron wrote:
At 1500 hours (US Central) on Sunday, April 29, 2007, the Hell Fighters will pay their last respects to a man who made this world a better place to live in. We would like to extend an invitation to all interested pilots regardless of squadron, to join us on this day. The game will be hosted on the Hyper Lobby and will be played in IL2 Sturmovik/Forgotten Battles version 4.08m.
For more details about practice runs and to sign up to participate, Click HERE!
Newe Skins for IL2! Posted by Shadow_Bshwackr on Saturday, January 06, 2007 (20:46:20) (4711 reads)
CC Member Obelix has announced some great new skins for IL2!!
Thanks Obelix!!
To see the new skins and get the download link: Click HERE!
New Theme Available at CC! Posted by Shadow_Bshwackr on Saturday, December 02, 2006 (18:40:11) (4094 reads)
CC has a new theme available!Based on the newest release of a "Civie" Flight Sim, CC is proud to offer our members a choice in how they view CC!
To see the new theme, look at the lower right menu and find "Theme Preview". Choose ComCentralX from the drop down menu! Don't worry, it won't change it permanently...:D
FSX Update is released! Posted by Shadow_Bshwackr on Friday, November 24, 2006 (04:35:14) (6837 reads)
FSX has released a new update!
MS FSX wrote:
Certain highly-detailed scenery add-ons that make use of large satellite images may not display correctly in Flight Simulator X. Specifically, you’ll notice large rectangular areas that are black or dark blue, where the proper ground texture does not draw at all. Microsoft has confirmed this issue to be a bug in the Flight Simulator X terrain display engine.