Lookin g for Shades
Lookin g for Shades
_POTD_SUBON09-08-2011 10:43

JG300-Stoopy - 16-08-2011 04:49  
The poor lil' bugger gets cold out there in the wilderness, so hopefully you brought along the extra 30MM cannon mounted in the under-wing pods to help warm him up when you find him!! Twisted Evil

Shadow_Bshwackr - 16-08-2011 05:39  
You'll find Shades on the ground these days...

(Well, when he WAS flying, he still spend most of his time on the ground repairing his shot up plane.. )
Uhu_Fledermaus - 16-08-2011 08:59  
put some extra tracer ammo in that kite Razz

and make bloody sure you hit that tree rat Twisted Evil