Taking time to reflect on the various factors that contribute to ground looping
Taking time to reflect on the various factors that contribute to ground looping
_POTD_SUBON06-09-2012 16:40

piney - 30-09-2012 06:28  
perhaps increased intake of Special Reserve ?
Tanklord - 30-09-2012 06:28  
OOPS! Laughing Rolling Eyes
JG300-Ascout - 30-09-2012 10:23  
1. Bier
2. Post-coital malaise
3. That "too full" feeling
4. Being overcome by your own flatulence
5. "Hey, Guys...watch this!"
sven_c - 30-09-2012 12:30  
as they say, no DWF (drinking while flying)