...there (still) are  things getting in my way....
...there (still) are things getting in my way....
_POTD_SUBON30-09-2012 15:01

piney - 07-10-2012 05:56  
Drachen Jäger
Mr. Green
Wecome back Hans Welcome Smile
JG300-Stoopy - 07-10-2012 06:06  
Yes indeed welcome back!

Perhaps a warning shot or two will get things moving along...

siskens - 07-10-2012 07:55  
Smile Thanks a lot !A minor glitch here and there but we shall overcome !
JG300-Ascout - 07-10-2012 09:06  
Another accident caused by an air bag deployment!

sven_c - 07-10-2012 17:52  
well blast it out of your way Laughing Laughing