Gannet, ready for the show
Gannet, ready for the show
_POTD_SUBON06-06-2016 14:41

JG300-Stoopy - 22-07-2016 05:56  
Super clean! Does that guy do windows too? Mr. Green

JG300-Ascout - 22-07-2016 09:12  
I just wanna' watch the wings unfold!
JG300-Ascout - 22-07-2016 09:36  
Fascinating video. Doesn't having a "Double Mamba" engine setup sound awesome? I also learned a new word, in the description of a Gannet when equipped with the belly radar pod, in less than flattering terms. Laughing
JG300-Stoopy - 22-07-2016 16:45  
"I also learned a new word, in the description of a Gannet when equipped with the belly radar pod, in less than flattering terms."

Would that be the test pilot's reference to it as an "Excrescence" @ the 7:43 mark in the video?

Yep that's gonna be useful from now on... Mr. Green
JG300-Ascout - 22-07-2016 21:02  
Ayup! That would be it!