subsearcher of the Aeronavlel
subsearcher of the Aeronavlel
_POTD_SUBON22-01-2016 06:09

siskens - 17-02-2016 01:17  
so sorry....The Alize over Kerlouan was first....! It is: Aeronavale...and great fun to see them in action at their base naar Landivisiau. Rolling Eyes
JG300-Stoopy - 17-02-2016 05:34  
No worries, it's good enough to easily be worth a second look! Mr. Green
piney - 17-02-2016 08:06  
indeed it is

JG300-Ascout - 17-02-2016 12:58  
Great pic, what he heck type of plane is that?
siskens - 17-02-2016 13:44  
Welcome It is a Breguet Alizé BR-1050 ; an anti sub plane and searcher ; 1960's ; the French Wikipedia has an item on the Breguet planes...http://royalefrenchnavy.perso.sfr.fr/RFN-Avions.htm.
JG300-Stoopy - 17-02-2016 17:49  
When I was a kid I had a European plastic model kit of this plane, I cant remember the kit manufacturer, bu it was cool.... the sensing dome-thingy was retractable. I thought it was some kind of bomb until I opened the kit and started building it.
JG300-Ascout - 17-02-2016 21:24  
I thought is was a huge Johnson. Wink