Lonely Vigil
Lonely Vigil
_POTD_SUBON15-02-2011 07:08

piney - 01-03-2011 05:03  
alas, soon to be gone forever
JG300-Stoopy - 01-03-2011 05:24  

I mean the airplane of course... Wink

Is it?

siskens - 01-03-2011 08:07  
Crying or Very sad ..........end of an era...
Freiherr_Kiefer - 01-03-2011 08:46  
Crying or Very sad The British lion goes to sleep
JG300-Ascout - 01-03-2011 12:14  
It will be flying on here for some time, and you may not have seen the last screenshot, either. Wink