An Escalation, of sorts...
An Escalation, of sorts...
_POTD_SUBON09-03-2011 20:13

siskens - 26-03-2011 01:54  
Welcome to the Moffatt Airshow! Cool
Tanklord - 26-03-2011 06:33  
Hold That Tiger!!! Laughing Mr. Green
HF_SlowHand - 26-03-2011 06:39  
you JG300 guys are a bunch of show offs LOL
piney - 26-03-2011 06:58  
JG300-Stoopy - 26-03-2011 07:46  
Well ya know, you can only show us that big, open, empty hangar so many times before we loose our self-control over it Smile
JG300-Ascout - 26-03-2011 14:18  
Nice job!

In the meantime, I've gone and flown something a bit....larger through there. Wink

I might be able to do it inverted, but that will take some practice. Rolling Eyes
JG300-Stoopy - 26-03-2011 15:54  
"In the meantime, I've gone and flown something a bit....larger through there"

Oh lord have mercy I'm almost afraid to think of what that may be.... Mr. Green Shocked Cool
JG300-Ascout - 26-03-2011 17:28  
Think nimble, four-engined, and fast. Twisted Evil