whadya think Herr Stoopy?
whadya think Herr Stoopy?
_POTD_SUBON25-06-2011 17:06

JG300-Ascout - 08-07-2011 03:09  
I think the "Boss Hawg" gets first dibs on all captured aircraft.

I get "sloppy seconds", if he ain't wrecked it first. Laughing
JG300-Stoopy - 08-07-2011 05:16  
I think we need to have the Chief Armorer upgrade those puny 20mm's top some proper Mk108's.

And I try not to take first dibs on British-shaped planes, we've had too many 'accidents' around the 'Sty due to failure of others to recognize the revised insignia...nice try Ascout! Wink

JG300-Ascout - 08-07-2011 06:42  
*sigh* Well, there goes my chance at an accelerated promotion.... Sad
piney - 08-07-2011 07:53  
Freiherr_Kiefer - 08-07-2011 11:13  
the twenties are more reliable Twisted Evil
JG300-fr8ycat - 08-07-2011 22:53  
Who's in my parking spot!!!!!!!!! Evil or Very Mad