Always check wire bracing and strut connections during preflight!
Always check wire bracing and strut connections during preflight!
_POTD_SUBON13-10-2012 08:53

Tanklord - 03-11-2012 07:53  
Is this one of thos "Scheiss" moments? Mr. Green
piney - 03-11-2012 08:28  
Mr. Green
JG300-Ascout - 03-11-2012 09:21  
Boss Hawg is such a worry wart....Cripes, you've still got 2.5 wings left, quit whining! Rolling Eyes
HF_SlowHand - 03-11-2012 10:36  
5 stars for Ascouts quip LOL
well played Ascout
HF_SlowHand - 03-11-2012 20:26  
ummm... doesn't he have 5 wings left? west coast math Ascout?
Shocked Rolling Eyes Wink
JG300-Ascout - 03-11-2012 22:15  
Ummm...I'm pretty sure that "triplane"refers to three wings. Are you working from a different manual? Wink