Downloads › Saitek X52 Profiles for Flight Sims

Saitek X52 Profiles for Flight Sims
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Category Utilities
Compatibility Windows XP-Vista-7-/Saitek X52
Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:03 am

To speed up the profiling process, we have created button profiles for some popular flying games. In addition to our suggested button layouts, the profiles also contain every keyboard command for that particular game. So, feel free to tailor the profiles

Follow these steps to view our suggested profile assignments, make modifications, and add new assignments.

Unzip and deposit the profiles into your Saitek profile folder. On XP, this is located in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents. On Vista, it's in C:\Users\Public\Documents, and Windows 7 the folder is located in your Documents Library.

Open your profile editor, and then use the 'open' function to view a profile.

To assign a function to a button, right click a button cell in the editor. The menu will show all the commands saved to the profile document. Left click the command name and it will be assigned to that button.

Repeat this process for any other commands you want to add.

Once you are happy with your setup, click the Save As button and give your new profile a name. You can save over the existing one if you want, but it may be best to keep this one unchanged as a template for new profiles.

You can then activate the profile by clicking the profile button (blue target reticule) in the editor window. Alternatively, once saved, the profile will appear in your Saitek icon menu located in the system tray. Left click on the profile name to activate, and click clear profile to deactivate the profile.