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FSX-Flag Animation Tutorial
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Category MS Flight SimulatorsFlight Simulator XFSX Utilities
_DLP_SUBMITTEDBY Shadow_Bshwackr
Serdar Nuzhet
Version 11.07
Compatibility FSX
File Size 1.2MB
Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:09 pm

This tutorial will help you to understand
the principals and the procedure of creating
and importing group of animated flags into FSX.

Having spent considerable amount of time in the process of learning, creating and importing animations for the Flight Simulator X, I decided to compile this tutorial. I hope that this document will be a useful reference for the beginners and the experienced enthusiasts alike who enjoy this hobby.

The purpose of this tutorial is to give an idea of the principals and the process of creating the animations. It is not intended to provide information on the creation of 3d objects. It is deemed that the reader is capable of using 3d creation software such as 3ds max and Gmax and have experience of importing scenery objects into FSX.

3ds max 7 was used to create the writers FSX scenery and this animation tutorial. I believe that the Gmax process should be similar