Downloads › Version 4.08M Bomber Racing Trio (COOP)

Version 4.08M Bomber Racing Trio (COOP)
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Category IL2 | FB | AEP | PF | 1946 Combat Flight SimulatorIL-2 Sturmovik (Original Game)IL2-Missions
Compatibility Will work with Pacific Fighters and above
File Size Small
Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:29 pm

Trio of COOP Bomber Racing Mission files.

These are WinRaR files, the Readme gives instructions on where to install the files, if you aren't familiar.

We've had a blast with this at Com Central, hope you enjoy :-)

The Original concept was way back in 2003 and i've recently updated from He111's to also having B25J's and SBD-5's available.

**Disclaimer** I don't accept any responsibility if you pee yourself laughing whilst flying these COOP's with your friends !