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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:03 pm
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

Think it was avsim......really worth it, will do a search if I can.....

Ascout's briefing and details are really great and I've done a lot of this flight already, and it's just PERFECT for the A1D Skyraider ("Sandy").

One hitch would be that a diversion to Khe Sanh is called for and I don't see any navaids or airport code for that area in FS9.

Will dig....it's a great candidate for what you are proposing.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:23 pm
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

Excellent, any help is greatly appreciated..
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:02 pm
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

The SouthEast Asia Terrain Mesh is a five-part download (Avsim links are below) and WELL worth it. Ascout can provide more details as to how it truly matches certain areas he has RW pictures of. It's a must-have in my opinion.

Here you go:

SEA Mesh Part 1:
SEA Mesh Part 2:
SEA Mesh Part 3:
SEA Mesh Part 4:
SEA Mesh Part 5:

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:58 pm
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

I'd very much be interested in some RVN missions. Have all the scenery Ascout mentioned and have done some solo stuff but think some MP with it would be much more interesting.

Have often thought it would be cool to get a regular group together for just that type of flying.

Count me in!

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 9:13 pm
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

- JG300-Stoopy
Think it was avsim......really worth it, will do a search if I can.....

Ascout's briefing and details are really great and I've done a lot of this flight already, and it's just PERFECT for the A1D Skyraider ("Sandy").

One hitch would be that a diversion to Khe Sanh is called for and I don't see any navaids or airport code for that area in FS9.

Will dig....it's a great candidate for what you are proposing.

Khe Sanh airstrip is today used to grow coffee...it "came to a bad end", so to speak. I thought to build one, but the stock scenery is so lame it was pointless at what is the edge of plateau (but resembles the worlds longest and most endless gradual hill in the sim). With the mesh, its all VERY recognizable, but with no strip. Imagination helps here. Ill post pics of the real item and the mesh version when I get home...its so accurate its spooky.
Well just pretend its under mortar barrage and cant land fixed wing. Youll have to "LAPES" it. Mr. Green

Aint no airport code for that their coffee "coffee plantation". Wink

You should also go over to the Rotorwash website and download my Phu Bai and Martys Camp Eagle. (The phu bai is an early version, but light years better than whats in the sim...my own home version is way cooler, but Ive never packed up all the texture files for upload....

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 9:51 pm
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

- JG300-Ascout
You should also go over to the Rotorwash website and download my Phu Bai and Martys Camp Eagle. (The phu bai is an early version, but light years better than whats in the sim...my own home version is way cooler, but Ive never packed up all the texture files for upload....

...which can be fixed (I didn't drop the ball on something, did I???)....

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:58 pm
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

Update: Thanks to Fled locating the Flight Plan Editor V2 at flightsim.com which looks like the obstacle of adding waypoints merely by LAT/LONG is now conquered, I'll work up a flight plan per your "briefing", Ascout!


And I do have all the maps and everything at home (on travel right now) so that's not a problem either....matter of fact I made 800x600 res versions over the weekend, planning to display them here if that is okay with Ascout, although a great deal of the EXCELLENT fine quality is lost.....that'll be fixed by just incuding the larger originals in a ZIP package of everything with the flight plan (and Google Earth kml file too!) is done.

Sound like a plan to youse guys?????

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:40 pm
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

I thought I posted this the other day, but it appearantly didn't stick. Mike Stone just recently released a new B-52H. You can get it at www.pmstone.com . It is a nice bird, and Gerry Smith is in the process of painting it up in his usual multiple liveries.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:41 pm
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

This is Khe Sanh in FS9 with the SEA mesh Stoopy referred to (of course, there is no airstrip there today, just a brisk business in coffee, scrap metal, and unexploded ordnance), and ca. 1969 from same angle. If you squint, you can "picture" the strip down that bare spot in the middle. A Shau Valley is very nice too, as is Ruong Ruong and Dong Truoi Mountain, trust me.
Khe Sanh in FS9 stock is only locatable by knowing the lat/lon (which I published in my flight guide, I believe) and is so lame it's not worth showing.

Go to the gallery where you can enlarge:

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:31 pm
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

Now that I[m home I took a quick look at your briefing and have all the lat/long coordinates for most places, but one mission toward A Shau Valley refers to the village of A Sap.....any coordinates for that?

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:40 pm
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

- JG300-Stoopy
Now that I[m home I took a quick look at your briefing and have all the lat/long coordinates for most places, but one mission toward A Shau Valley refers to the village of A Sap.....any coordinates for that?

I think its visible on the map. Do have any but the JOG map (lots of red in the high contour area)?
It's tough to share the maps at anything like a good resolution because they are large and detailed. In any case, A Sap is at the South end of the valley just next to the river that runs up the middle of it...above and slightly to the left of the white circle "548" for the "highway" there.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:46 am
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

Check. That'll work, and yep, I have some other maps you provided that are green and stuff, plus the reddish one.

Righty-O, will see what can be done.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:42 am
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

- JG300-Stoopy
Check. That'll work, and yep, I have some other maps you provided that are green and stuff, plus the reddish one.

Righty-O, will see what can be done.

The green ones with the radials are gen-u-ine aeronautical maps, like this (in pretty good res, enlarge it when it displays):


1:50,000 tacticals are white and look like this small section:


You can get multiple detailed views of the A Shau from this page:


...and here is the A Shau in close-up from a brightened 1:250,000 JOG: (Dark line at lower left is Laotian border)

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:46 am
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

Yup! Got em (kept 'em from the beginning a long time ago!) and can make a heck of a package out of it....finally now that the flight plan hurdle is over!

Hope this sounds good to Hangy as per the original idear!!

Will make it and submit it and go from there......surely it could be one of the considerations I hope (and really is a great flight for the A1D as you had originally suggested, and the UH-1 for others if there are souls up to the task....I know I am!).

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 2:07 am
Post subject: Re: Military Flights

- JG300-Stoopy
Yup! Got em (kept 'em from the beginning a long time ago!) and can make a heck of a package out of it....finally now that the flight plan hurdle is over!

Hope this sounds good to Hangy as per the original idear!!

Will make it and submit it and go from there......surely it could be one of the considerations I hope (and really is a great flight for the A1D as you had originally suggested, and the UH-1 for others if there are souls up to the task....I know I am!).

Shoot me back the "missions" page...I want to look it over first....maybe revise a bit for something this formal....PM or email. I need it soon, as I leave for 'Urp Monday.

BTW, one nice thing is that, realistically, folks can depart from different bases and rendevouz at the scene of the "action". This could be very cool.

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