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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:13 am
Post subject: Re: Article about FS10

- RAF92_BattleHawk
I was reading that article and was wondering...does your computer hafta be able toplay DVDs to play that game or what. Because if it does then a serious mod would be needed for the old Diesel Powered Computing whitchamacallit Razz

Quit whining...mine is steam-powered! (rich kids... Rolling Eyes )

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:21 pm
Post subject: Re: Article about FS10

- JG300-Ascout
- RAF92_BattleHawk
I was reading that article and was wondering...does your computer hafta be able toplay DVDs to play that game or what. Because if it does then a serious mod would be needed for the old Diesel Powered Computing whitchamacallit P

Quit whining...mine is steam-powered! (rich kids... roll )
Steam????...man I didn't know I could upgrade to steam..think it's better than mouse powered???..gettin tired of constantly cleaning mouse crap outta the box..hehe
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:13 am
Post subject: Re: Article about FS10

You gotta mouse and wheel? WOW...talk about spoiled!! At least my hand crank system has room for two so the wife don't get lonely cranking all by herself...:D *(snickering)
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:33 pm
Post subject: Re: Article about FS10

Still hasnt answered the real question

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Bar Maid

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:56 pm
Post subject: Re: Article about FS10

Yes BHawk, I've read an article that says FSX will be distributed on DVD.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:18 pm
Post subject: Re: Article about FS10

nuts...... maybe this could be a good enough reason to get my dad to take the computer in...i asked him to like last year and he said sure now he says no and he still hasnt taken it in. as for the upgrade, what will i need to do?. i think that i can get the upgrade done with the compy clean out so i'd appreciate it if sombody let me in on a secret ahead of time Smile

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:41 pm
Post subject: Re: Article about FS10


Lil article over at flightsim I tought to share with you lot Laughing

FSX Too Soon?
By Devon Leslie (8 January 2006)

By now, I'm sure everyone has oogled the screen shots recently released by Microsoft to the sounds of 'oooh' and 'aaaah' from the masses in the background.

You may not have heard my sigh while my brain ticked 'Here we go again...' as the all-too familiar cycle of upgrades and re-purchase of add-ons looms ahead.

In my opinion, Microsoft's FS team had no choice in the matter to release FSX and so I forgive them...but with the warning that the return on investment for FSX will take much longer to materialize than previous versions and I'm happy to explain why.

As we approach another paradigm shift in the world of the PC, we can always count on Microsoft to keep pace with new software technology to fully utilize the capabilities of the new hardware because, as the #1 producer of PC-compatible OS, it's their job.

Details on Vista have been somewhat scarce for a number of reasons, but as specs begin to leak out, it's clear that we can look forward to 56-bit multi-thread processing taking advantage of dual-core technology and the new PCI-Express standards that have emerged over the last year and a half.

However, if you are 'gearing up' with technology as the FlightSim.Com's Cap, Andrew and Nels suggest, you may be jumping the gun a little and could be in for some disappointment.

To tie this whole thing to aviation, I would like to paraphrase a quote from a Canadian Broadcasting Corp. TV movie called 'The Arrow' which is available worldwide on DVD. (If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.)

For those of you unfamiliar with the story, The Avro Arrow was Canada's last and tragic contribution to the jet fighter industry in the late fifties and became the victim of politics which lead to the subsequent cancellation of the program and mysterious destruction of the prototypes.

The Avro Arrow (in its day) was leagues beyond anything else in the world, flying faster than Mach 2.0 and sporting a brand new engine called the 'Iroquois' which in itself was a revolution of engineering and indeed the 'George' to the Arrow's 'Gracy.'

At any rate, the phrase from the movie which rings true time and time again in my field was spoken by a naysayer in the movie and goes something like this:

"...You can't fly an untried aircraft with an untried engine..."

Certainly, with the advent of CAD technology, this is no longer the case in modern aviation - but as it relates to software, I certainly need to rule on Microsoft's track record (indeed, many other developers' records as well) and therefore I have strong reservations with the notion of spending thousands to upgrade a new PC in preparation for a new OS so that I can fly a new FS in all its splendor later this year...


Well, I've been around PCs for a while; as far back as DOS 3.1 anyway (make note of the 3.1) and I've gotten used to a few things.

First off, every time Microsoft releases a new OS, we hear about nightmare upon nightmare from fellow owners who are struggling for various reasons because of a bug, glitch, hardware conflict, etc.

This is not to say that Microsoft makes bad products or that I am not a Microsoft fan, I am.

In fact, XP is one of the best OS environments I have seen in a long time, and I've been exposed to more OS environments than most of the readers here so please understand that this is a big compliment.

The reason for my hesitation is that it is impossible to create something as complex as a revolutionary new OS without experiencing some major issues.

I am looking forward to Vista for a number of reasons, but not before the first service pack is released and until then, I will hold off purchase.

In a way, I'm probably a bit selfish because I don't have the time or the desire to buy the product off the shelf and join the masses of users providing much-needed feedback to Microsoft so that fixes can be created and to be sure, if everyone thought as I did, Microsoft would have a hard time selling anything, so bless all of you who endure to make our lives easier.

The pressure on Microsoft is that they need to prove from the start that their new software is as revolutionary as they claim, and this leans heavily on the gaming market where advances in technology are most visible.

So what better product to debut their new OS than Flight Simulator?

Indeed, as I said, I do not blame Microsoft for releasing FSX; it makes sense from a business perspective.

However, as a user and consumer, there are troubled waters ahead - at least for a period while Microsoft rushes to correct the inevitable problems that will surface.

Add to the mix a brand new DirectX version (DirectX 10 will ship with Vista) and you have three completely new, revolutionary and untried software products to contend with.

When it all comes together and finally does work, it will be a vision of delight - of that I'm sure...when it finally does work...

Now, I'm sure some of you are spitting at the screen as you read this and that's fair; if you've got the money to spend and are willing to put up with the headaches, then more power too you.

As I mentioned, you are a necessary part of the equation and we will wait in eager anticipation for you to flaunt your screen shots and films of the FSX environment.

I am envious already...

...But as I said, I look at the track record so let's review the predecessors of the software mentioned above:

Windows XP: (2 major patches)
Flight Simulator 9: (1 major patch)
DirectX 9: (3 major patches)

Those of you who venture ahead will no doubt tell us that there is nothing to fear and once the fixes are released and the software is running like a Ferrari on steroids, I'm sure we will succumb to pressure and shell out for all of this new and wonderful technology...but for the rest of you, like me, that are not as cash liberal as we would like.

I have one piece of advice: Relax.

Bear in mind that the current version of Flight Simulator is a wonderful product and heavily supported by great add-ons and a solid community.

I could quite happily carry on with FS2004 for quite a while longer even in the face of the FSX wonders that will be pasted across our browsers.

The plan for me is to save, save, save. I will be far happier to keep my pennies until I can afford a great machine that will support the new software in the best possible way rather than shell-out what little I have to get a mediocre PC up and running in a vain attempt to keep pace with the new technology.

If there is one request I can make to Microsoft, it is a plea to delay the next version of Flight Simulator to a time no earlier than 2010.

With this next generation of technology, many consumers have multiple bridges to cross with respect to dual-core architecture, re-purchasing of add-ons and investment into a new OS.

I think that users en masse support the initiative and are happy to support Microsoft for the foreseeable future, but we need time...and when the time comes - we want to have more time to enjoy our investment.

For now, I express thanks to Microsoft for FS2004 which is a great sim and hope that all of the third-party suppliers and freeware developers will continue to support it as long as possible as I truly believe the FS2004 market will be around for a while longer.

Happy Simming!

Devon Leslie
devon.leslie @ hitechclub.com


I rest my case

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