Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands
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#136: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: TrevorLarkumLocation: Northampton, England PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:22 pm
The last of the US vehicles:

Unique ID 1719: Overloon M109A2/90

Unique ID 1720: Overloon M110A2

#137: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: TrevorLarkumLocation: Northampton, England PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:21 pm
M47 (Italian, I suggest) and M48 bridgelayer:

Unique ID 1717: Overloon M47

Unique ID 1718: Overloon M48A2 AVLB

#138: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: TrevorLarkumLocation: Northampton, England PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:20 pm
- Hanno_Spoelstra
It was a pleasure meeting you in person after all those years, however briefly.

The honour was all mine! I appreciate you making the trip to the airport, it must have been very inconvenient - I hope you got back in time for your appointment.

- Hanno_Spoelstra
Great thread, if you need any more pictures from Overloon, feel free to use mine if you need them:

Many thanks, they look good. I'll go through them soon and add any where I don't have duplicates (and I'll post a link to them here).

I'm not sure if you got my email. This is the link I was trying to send to show the current list of Shermans in the PTC database:

Preserved American Tanks Volume 2: Sherman Tanks and Sherman-Based Vehicles

#139: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: Hanno_Spoelstra PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:28 pm
Here's an M50 Sherman I spotted on 26 May while it was on transport near Rotterdam. Sorry for the bad quality of the picture.

Does anybody know who this Sherman belongs to?


#140: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: Hanno_Spoelstra PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:31 pm

It was a pleasure meeting you in person after all those years, however briefly.

Great thread, if you need any more pictures from Overloon, feel free to use mine if you need them:


#141: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: TrevorLarkumLocation: Northampton, England PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:40 pm
- TrevorLarkum
- Michel_Krauss
You could also use photo's from my online album about the G13 (actualy a G14 because it's the diesel driven version)

Holds picture's of the vehicle in 2007 (not painted, external parts missing, thread at the end of the tube for muzzle brake) and the engine in the basement

Will do, thanks.

Done, I've used a selection of pictures from your G14 albums:

Unique ID 1706: Overloon G13

Meanwhile I've added one more vehicle, the T14E1 (M32A1B3). I had hoped to do a few more vehicles but this one took a bit of researching and I've added a bunch of locations for its map - it's travelled a lot!

Unique ID 1716: Overloon M32A1B3

As part of this I've start to put together an entry for the original Marshall Museum - any pictures for it would be appreciated, showing either the inside or outside of the building:

Location 11950: Marshall Museum, Zwijndrecht

#142: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: Massimo_FotiLocation: Lugano, Switzerland PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:48 pm
- TrevorLarkum
The camera worked pretty well, but overall I found Overloon rather dark - many other photos were noisy or blurred. I'll aim to post a more detailed response in the photography thread.

Yeah, we better discuss it on the photography thread. I have some ideas, but the sample you posted kind of mislead me and now I need more info. You should post some sample of failed pictures over there too. And maybe try a ballpark estimate of how many keepers you had among your shots.


#143: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: TrevorLarkumLocation: Northampton, England PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:54 pm
- Pzkpfw-e
Overloon's Panther, as "found".;p=37541
The last commentator may be worth contacting, as he has photos from 1964.

Good idea, so I've posted in that thread.

- Michel_Krauss
You could also use photo's from my online album about the G13 (actualy a G14 because it's the diesel driven version)

Holds picture's of the vehicle in 2007 (not painted, external parts missing, thread at the end of the tube for muzzle brake) and the engine in the basement

Will do, thanks.

- Massimo_Foti
On a side node, looks like you new camera is doing well :-)
Overloon must be fairly well lit, I see you used ISO 400 with good results.


The camera worked pretty well, but overall I found Overloon rather dark - many other photos were noisy or blurred. I'll aim to post a more detailed response in the photography thread.

#144: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: Michel_KraussLocation: Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:50 pm

I have send you photo's of the serial number on the Leopard 1V.
This also raises a question for Lesley, what is the meaning of the number located opposite ?

I made a new visit to Overloon yesterday and was able to take a picture of the other number location.
Did not manage to get the complete number, only the first section and it starts with "MDNL5"
I assume:
- MD stands for Ministerie van Defensie (Ministry of Defence)
- NL would be Netherlands
- 5 and further no idea


#145: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: TrevorLarkumLocation: Northampton, England PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:19 pm
Thanks everyone for comments - I'm about to go offline for a day, but will respond when I get back.

#146: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: Michel_KraussLocation: Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:20 pm
your welcome


#147: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: TrevorLarkumLocation: Northampton, England PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:29 pm
- Michel_Krauss
- TrevorLarkum
If anyone has anything else to add please let me know.

Photo's of the multibank engine of this tank located in the musuem basement Mr. Green


Thanks for the pictures of the Crab engine, Michael - I've now added them:

UID 1700: Overloon M4A4 Sherman Crab Flail "Avalon"

#148: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: Massimo_FotiLocation: Lugano, Switzerland PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:11 pm
On a side node, looks like you new camera is doing well Smile
Overloon must be fairly well lit, I see you used ISO 400 with good results.


#149: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: TrevorLarkumLocation: Northampton, England PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:55 pm
- Michel_Krauss
There are two red marked erea's at the glacis plate, both of them holding stamped markings.
The one at the left hand side can't be identified, however the one at the right hand side has the stamped marking "NL12340"

- L.Delsing
Yep, that is the ''fahrgestellnummer''/serial number of the hull. the markings (12E) are from A-eskadron, 2e peloton, E-tank of A-coy, 2nd platoon, radiocallsign ''E'' which is the tank of the platoon sergeant.

Original the Leopard 1s were Leopard 1A1s baulos 4. The V (verbeterd - Improved) was a Dutch modification with indeed the extra armour what the A1A1 also had but the ''V'' had some specific Dutch ''improvements''. The V is also called ''Verprutst'' (Messed up) by some old Leopard 1 commanders instead of ''Verbeterd'' (improved) :mrgreen:

Info added, thanks guys:

Overloon Leopard

- Michel_Krauss

The one at the left hand side can't be identified, however the one at the right hand side has the stamped marking "NL12340"
Picture of it available

Yes please!

- L.Delsing
The Leopard 1 preserved at Oirschot (KU-93-35) is since a long time gone. First to Soesterberg to make it ready for use as hard target (draining all the oil etc) and then to Vlieland as range target. When the army part on the range closed the remains of KU-93-35 were sold for scrap metal. This was an original tank from 11 Tkbat.

It was replaced by a Leopard 1V from a mobilization complex, serial 12367, r/n KU-93-65. At the moment it is still in front of the main building of 11th tank batallion but it is unknown if it remains here when 11th tkbat disband.

Noted, for when I work on Oirschot and Soesterberg.

#150: Re: Preserved Tanks in the Netherlands Author: TrevorLarkumLocation: Northampton, England PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:20 pm
...and a brace of High Speed Tractors, small/medium/large:

UID 1713: Overloon M5 HST "King Kong"

UID 1712: Overloon M4 HST

UID 1714: Overloon M6 HST

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