"Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing....
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#1: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: JG300-AscoutLocation: Cyberspace PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:29 pm
Thanks, Fled...I'll check it out from home when I get there. I'm sure it's fine...(even though I don't see any designated Mustang or Motorcycle parking Evil or Very Mad ....OTOH, I think they can just park where they dang please. Mr. Green

I'll have the package finished and upload in about 24 hours or less, I reckon...

#2: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: Uhu_FledermausLocation: Blaricum, The Netherlands ~GMT+1 PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:11 pm

Updated AFCAD file for Phu Bai Redux,

designated parking numbers:

1. Ramp Military Cargo for Mil C-130 Hercules - Transport
2. Ramp General Aircraft Medium Mil C-47 Dakota/DC-3 - Transport
3. Ramp General Aircraft Medium Mil C-47 Dakota/DC-3 - Transport
4. Ramp General Aircraft Medium Mil C-47 Dakota/DC-3 - Transport
5. Ramp General Aircraft Medium Mil C-47 Dakota/DC-3 - Transport
6. Ramp General Aircraft Medium Mil C-47 Dakota/DC-3 - Transport
7. Ramp Military Cargo for Mil C-130 Hercules - Transport
8. Ramp General Aircraft Medium Mil C-47 Dakota/DC-3 - Transport
9. Ramp General Aircraft Medium Mil C-47 Dakota/DC-3 - Transport
10. Ramp Military Combat for Mil A-1H Skyraider/AD-6 - Attack
11. Ramp Military Combat for Mil A-1H Skyraider/AD-6 - Attack
12. Ramp Military Combat for Mil A-1H Skyraider/AD-6 - Attack
13. Ramp Military Combat for Mil A-1H Skyraider/AD-6 - Attack
14. Ramp Military Combat for MilH OH-6A Cayuse/Defender 500 Observation Helicopter
15. Ramp Military Combat for MilH OH-6A Cayuse/Defender 500 Observation Helicopter
16. Ramp Military Combat for MilH OH-6A Cayuse/Defender 500 Observation Helicopter
17. Ramp Military Combat for MilH OH-6A Cayuse/Defender 500 Observation Helicopter
18. Ramp Military Combat for MilH OH-6A Cayuse/Defender 500 Observation Helicopter
19. Ramp Military Combat for MilH OH-6A Cayuse/Defender 500 Observation Helicopter
20. Ramp Military Combat for MilH OH-6A Cayuse/Defender 500 Observation Helicopter
21. Ramp Military Combat for MilH OH-6A Cayuse/Defender 500 Observation Helicopter
22. Ramp Military Combat for MilH UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) Utility Helicopter
23. Ramp Military Combat for MilH UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) Utility Helicopter
24. Ramp Military Combat for MilH UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) Utility Helicopter
25. Ramp Military Combat for MilH UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) Utility Helicopter
26. Ramp Military Combat for MilH UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) Utility Helicopter
27. Ramp Military Combat for MilH CH-47 Chinook Transport Helicopter
28. Ramp Military Combat for MilH CH-47 Chinook Transport Helicopter
29. Ramp Military Combat for MilH CH-47 Chinook Transport Helicopter
30. Ramp Military Combat for MilH CH-47 Chinook Transport Helicopter
31. Ramp Military Combat for MilH CH-47 Chinook Transport Helicopter

I hope this covers the needs and requirements for the troops Sir !



#3: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: JG300-fr8ycatLocation: Los Angeles PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:10 pm
- JG300-Ascout

EXCEPT: (Richard, I'm missing textures for the rocket pods on the B model...can you send or identify. I have in "Mountain Hideout", but don't know the bmp)

I just checked and there aren't any textures assigned to the pods, the color (gray) is built into the pods in FSDS.

If the color has gone I'm not sure what happened.

#4: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: JG300-AscoutLocation: Cyberspace PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:34 pm

I found the textures for the rocket pods, I believe and transferred them over from another scenery I'd done. I also moved the MP Jeep over a "crack in the sidewalk" in front of the terminal and reuploaded this morning (about 2PM Euro time). There were no changes to aircraft or revetlment locations or anything that would affect AFCAD stuff. Can you do you magic on the newer version?

Now all I'm doing is polishing the readme, puttin' in some pics, and waiting to wrap the whole magilla up. This WILL be done by Saturday, depending on AFCAD stuff.

#5: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: Uhu_FledermausLocation: Blaricum, The Netherlands ~GMT+1 PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:33 am

At the Saltmines at this moment, gonna get it when I'm home and try to finish the AFCAD later on today for final check


#6: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: JG300-AscoutLocation: Cyberspace PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:03 pm
ATTENTION! Phu_Bai_Redux in reloaded to FTP server. Final.

I. really. mean. it.

EXCEPT: (Richard, I'm missing textures for the rocket pods on the B model...can you send or identify. I have in "Mountain Hideout", but don't know the bmp)

FLED: OK to set up parking spaces and stuff....ain't movin' another helicopter or revetment again. Ever. No matter what. Rolling Eyes
See if the trees thing is complete, please.

Speaking of revetments, these are just bitchin'. Another Al special.

Go get it! When done, I'll plug in any thing else it needs like some more stuff in readme and some pics.

This MoFo better work in FSX when it comes out!

#7: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: JG300-fr8ycatLocation: Los Angeles PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 2:43 pm
Well I just tried again and the FTP server works for me now.

Will wait until Ascout gives the word on the download.

#8: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: Uhu_FledermausLocation: Blaricum, The Netherlands ~GMT+1 PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:39 pm
YW Ascout,

Please let us know if that solved "the issue" for now.........


#9: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: Doug_KibbeyLocation: The Great Satan PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:43 pm
- Uhu_Fledermaus
Sorry to hear that the issue isn't resolved with the files.

Windows has the nasty habbit that when a HD has less than approx 25% of free space that it will start to act up, because then I won't defrag anymore as it lacks space for moving the files around when defragging.

What also could be an issue is the amount of memory installed Confused
just installed fs9 for a friend on a what older system (3,5 yrs) with 512mB of memory and 12 G's of HD available.

When I installed a known DC-3/C-47 it crashed with 0% loaded, same as you describe it Ascout, this for the simple reason that it could not find enough resources to cope with the load. Confused

I deinstalled the Addon Aircraft and all is back to normal again

So therefore I think that Stoopy's toughts aren't that farfetched as they may seem at first glance.

Hope it helps and you get up and running asap.

While I have plenty of memory (768), I'm down to 5% or less of HD space. And, I recently installed a HUGE new aircraft ( Laughing ) at about the time that this came up, so maybe that's part of the issue. I'm desparately in need of a new rig because of the space issue (or at least an external HD). I'll try deleting that big ol' plane and seeing if that helps....

Thanks fer the tip!

#10: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: Uhu_FledermausLocation: Blaricum, The Netherlands ~GMT+1 PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:18 pm
Sorry to hear that the issue isn't resolved with the files.

Windows has the nasty habbit that when a HD has less than approx 25% of free space that it will start to act up, because then I won't defrag anymore as it lacks space for moving the files around when defragging.

What also could be an issue is the amount of memory installed Confused
just installed fs9 for a friend on a what older system (3,5 yrs) with 512mB of memory and 12 G's of HD available.

When I installed a known DC-3/C-47 it crashed with 0% loaded, same as you describe it Ascout, this for the simple reason that it could not find enough resources to cope with the load. Confused

I deinstalled the Addon Aircraft and all is back to normal again

So therefore I think that Stoopy's toughts aren't that farfetched as they may seem at first glance.

Hope it helps and you get up and running asap.

#11: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: JG300-StoopyLocation: Group W bench PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:22 am
Hmmm. The FTP server is still down but seems a moot point since it sounds like Fled sent you the same thing.

You completely removed Chu Lai as well for the time being, right?

With your hard drive being so full, I wonder if it's a fragmentation issue from removing a file that's been on there quite some time, grouped with other related files. Now that it's been re-written it's physically far away from where it once was. Long shot, maybe a disk cleanup and defrag may help straighten some things out. Although with a fairly full disk it could take hours.

#12: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: JG300-AscoutLocation: Cyberspace PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:13 am
- Uhu_Fledermaus
PM'd ya some links to get the files

Thanks, Fled....the link for the single file didn't work, so I grabbed all of 'em...unfortunately, no effect.
If I try starting at Da Nang, it goes to "loading scnery files" and locks up at 0% (which is to say, immendiately). If I start elsewhere and "map view/slew" to anywhere even near Da Nang, it might load the terrain files, but as soon as you're there, you're not visibly in an aircraft and in 1-2 seconds, the screen goes black and you're in "program not responding" mode.

It's like an entire area of a hundred square miles or more has been plucked from the earth. Phu Bai and other VN airports seem unaffected.

I think I'm buggered.

#13: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: Uhu_FledermausLocation: Blaricum, The Netherlands ~GMT+1 PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:05 am
PM'd ya some links to get the files

#14: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: JG300-AscoutLocation: Cyberspace PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 2:30 am
- JG300-Stoopy
I don't know if it will help but I just ZIPped up my stock FS9\Scenery\Asia\Scenery BGL files, only the ones beginning with "AP" to make sure all are covered. It's 5MB (the whole folder is 99MB zipped, figure you don't need that).

Only problem is I'm trying to upload to the FTP server but can't connect. It may be down or since I'm on travel, maybe my hotel broadband don't like FTP ports.

Will keep trying.....

Thanks, Stoop...it's worth a shot. I didn't delete anything, just renamed the file per instructions...which made it easy to rename back...which I did. I don't know what that could screw up though. Seems pretty innocuous.

Oh, Fr8ycat PM'd me that he was having trouble getting the download from the server (again), so maybe it ain't working and that's what you're experiencing.

I told him to hold off, because I basically finished with macro placement this afternoon with the new revetments. Other than Fled's AFCAD stuff and a final readme, it's done. (Of course, Fled needs the new version to do his AFCAD thing). I'll probably upload it tomorrow night for him to work with (and y'all to check out).

#15: Re: "Phu Bai Redux" is ready for testing.... Author: JG300-StoopyLocation: Group W bench PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:03 am
I don't know if it will help but I just ZIPped up my stock FS9\Scenery\Asia\Scenery BGL files, only the ones beginning with "AP" to make sure all are covered. It's 5MB (the whole folder is 99MB zipped, figure you don't need that).

Only problem is I'm trying to upload to the FTP server but can't connect. It may be down or since I'm on travel, maybe my hotel broadband don't like FTP ports.

Will keep trying.....

-> FS2004

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