Our plans and trips to military museums
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#1: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: Massimo_FotiLocation: Lugano, Switzerland PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:02 pm
I am planning to attend the Tiger Day in Bovington on 30th April.

Hopefully I will be there already the day before.
Any chance to meet some fellow panzer-nerd over there?


#2: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: TrevorLarkumLocation: Northampton, England PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:23 pm
Just a mention to UK members, particularly those in the Midlands, that it's Wickstead at War this weekend.


#3: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: Rick_EshlemanLocation: Lewes, Delaware, USA PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:56 pm
A few more photos from today.

#4: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: Rick_EshlemanLocation: Lewes, Delaware, USA PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:51 pm
Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA June 2015.
I didn't make it to Carlisle, PA today but did got to Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA. They now have these vehicles (along with 3 helicopters) displayed in front of the airport: M1 IPM1 Tank (was there), M113A2 APC (was there), M60A3 MBT (was in front of the admin building before), M46 Medium Tank (was previously at the museum building), M4A3E8 Sherman (from?, glacis had these markings: 15536 and S65944), M110A2 8" SPH(?), M42 Duster(?), M578 LRV (?), M915A1 Line Haul Tractor (?), and an M1 8" gun. I've photos of all and will get them posted on flickr soon. Rick

#5: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: Rick_EshlemanLocation: Lewes, Delaware, USA PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:09 pm
I'm on vacation this week and have planned to go to Carlisle and Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA. Any requests from either place? I'll see if anything new on display, take some photos, and publish here or in Flickr. Rick

#6: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: junglejim65 PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 5:51 pm
Thanks for the info Walter; unfortunately we'll be on the road by then and I believe there's a Parade Day at Parola on the 14th which I would like to see!


#7: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: WalterLocation: Arnhem PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2015 8:50 pm
Hi Jim
If you want to go to Dresden you should go on July 11
That day they will open the big storage rooms
The museum itself is crap but in storage are many interesting vehicles


#8: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: junglejim65 PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2015 6:41 pm
Going on my German road trip next week - from Munich to Munster, down to Koblenz and then Sinsheim. Was going to go around and see Dresden too, but going to do that in July on the way to Finland! Had to compress my schedule, only in Germany until August.


#9: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: vagabondLocation: Constantly moving across US PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:15 pm
- Pzkpfw-e

Beijing - Sure as hell I'm going to visit the PLA tank museum!

It's really worth the trip from Beijing to the huge air museum if you have any extra time. The collection is astonishingly huge. Also going to the Great Wall at Mutianyu is much better than the usual spots. Make sure you are in shape for LOTS of steps. EVERY mountain I saw in China had a staircase.

#10: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: vagabondLocation: Constantly moving across US PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:14 pm
- Jstar
Will be in Salt lake City area first three days of June.

Any recommendations for armor/military museums beyond Camp Douglas?

i know there is a private one, but have no idea how to contact them to maybe arrange a visit.

Any help appreciate

many thanks


Joe - Talk to the folks at the Camp Douglas Museum, they may be able to hook you up with a contact number for the private collection.

#11: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: Kurt_Laughlin PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 5:47 pm
The AMPS armor modeling convention is at the end of this month in Auburn Indiana, so afterwards I plan to visit Camp Atterbury and the Indiana Military museum in Vincennes, plus various individual pieces along the way.


#12: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: the_shadockLocation: Normandy, France PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:26 pm
anyway I want to get there on the 4th, so we could meet there if you wish. I will bring a British black beret with French cavalry insignias (501ème RCC) and I'd like to shoot few photos. Will you bring a uniform or something?


#13: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: Geoff_walden PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 5:48 pm
Yes, parts of the French 2nd Armored Div. reached Berchtesgaden on the evening of May 4th, after the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division, but before the U.S. 101st Airborne Div. (yes, I know what "Band of Brothers" said, but it just ain't so). I will be there on the 4th as well, for the 70th anniversary (I was also there on the 60th anniversary).
(It's unclear who were actually the first troops to reach the Eagle's Nest, or when - it might have been the French, or it might have been the 101st - soldiers from both claimed they were the first.)

#14: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: the_shadockLocation: Normandy, France PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:16 pm

thanks for all the information. I have a time constraint, because I'd like to be at Berchtesgaden on May 4th, the day when some men of the 2nd French Armored Division are said to have reached the Eagle Nest 70 years ago. If I can visit Trieste, I will do.


#15: Re: Our plans and trips to military museums Author: Massimo_FotiLocation: Lugano, Switzerland PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:54 am
As I said, Museo della guerra per la pace Diego de Henriquez is now officially opened. At the moment only a portion of the collection is visible, they plan to expand the display area in the near future and add more artifacts. So far they mostly focused on WW I, it makes sense considering all the anniversaries. Here you can get an idea and info:

The rail museum is run by volunteers, it's worth a visit if you are there:

Sacrario Militare di Redipuglia is another place worth a visit in the area. WW I, with an interesting artillery collection:

Hope it will help


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