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M8 Greyhound - Survivors
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:00 am
Post subject: M8 Greyhound - Survivors

M8 Greyhound - Survivors

For now I have photos to those vehicles:

M8 Greyhound – Arsenalen Tank Museum, Strängnäs (Sweden)
M8 Greyhound (20135) – Muckleburgh Collection, Norfolk (UK)
M8 Greyhound (6033442-S) – Bovington Tank Museum (UK)
M8 Greyhound "Marauder" (6032575) – Private collection (UK)
M8 Greyhound "Cherokee" (6041433-S) – Private collection (UK)
M8 Greyhound "Cochrane" (6032477-S) – Private collection (UK)
M8 Greyhound "Black Jack" "Cheyenne" (6032625-S) – Private collection (UK)
M8 Greyhound – Munster Panzer Museum (Germany)
M8 Greyhound – Heeresgeschichtliches Museum Arsenal, Vienna (Austria)
M8 Greyhound – Lehrsammlung der Panzertruppenschule, Zwölfaxing (Austria)
M8 Greyhound (603332) – National War & Resistance Museum, Overloon (Netherlands)
M8 Greyhound (6033537-S) – National War & Resistance Museum, Overloon (Netherlands)
M8 Greyhound (????????-S) – Stock Americain army surplus store, Baisy-Thy (Belgium)
M8 Greyhound – Depot of the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History, Kapellen (Belgium)
M8 Greyhound (6035718 S) – Private collection (Belgium)
M8 Greyhound (4132421) – Museum Bevrijdende Vleugels, Best (Belgium)
M8 Greyhound (6032584-S) – Péiteng (Luxemburg)
M8 Greyhound "Danny" (6071975) – Saumur Tank Museum (France)
M8 Greyhound – Museum Musée de l'Abri, Hatten (France)
M8 Greyhound "Ebersmunster" – Maginot Line Memorial Museum, Marckolsheim (France)
M8 Greyhound (6035723-S) – Fabrice Vitry Collection, Sens (France)
M8 Greyhound – Polish memorial site / Hill 262 "Maczuga", Mont-Ormel Memorial (France)
M8 Greyhound – 2nd French Armored Division monument, Les Dunes-de-Varreville (France)
M8 Greyhound (6010819 S) – Daniel Pala Collection, Reims (France)
M8 Greyhound (6034882 S) – Guerre et Paix en Ardennes Museum, Novion-Porcien (France)
M8 Greyhound "Fontenoy" – 501/503 Régiment de Chars de Combat, Mourmelon-le-Grand (France)
M8 Greyhound "Ain Deida" – 501/503 Régiment de Chars de Combat, Mourmelon-le-Grand (France)
M8 Greyhound (6034743-S) – Lorraine Battle Memorial association, Hardricourt (France)
M8 Greyhound "Pigalle" – "UNIVEM Paris Ile-de-France" association,Versailles (France)
M8 Greyhound – Camp de la Courtine, La Courtine (France)
M8 Greyhound "Jhon's Shack" (6044523) – "Jeepest" (vehicle parts store) collection, Saint-Mihiel (France)
M8 Greyhound "L'ange de Satan" – "Vintage Military Vehicles Collectors" (CVMA) association, Vertou (France)
M8 Greyhound "Mlle Swing" – "Historical Military Vehicles" (VMH) association, Avrillé (France)
M8 Greyhound "Chillot" – 2ème Régiment de Dragons (NBC Defense Regiment), Fontevraud (France)
M8 Greyhound – Canjuers military camp, Draguignan (France)
M8 Greyhound "Hunter" – "Civilian and Military Collection Vehicles" (VCCM) association, Montreuil-Juigné (France)
M8 Greyhound (6010819 S) – Rassemblement Axonnais Des Amis de la Résistance (R.A.D.A.R.) association, Laon (France)
M8 Greyhound (6040300-S) – Claudix Guibert Collection, Cognac (France)
M8 Greyhound (33921944) – "Historical Squadron of the French 2nd Armored Division", Trie-Château (France)
M8 Greyhound "Linda" (6027377) – Association de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Historique et Militaire (ASPHM), La Wantzenau (France)
M8 Greyhound – Association de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Historique et Militaire (ASPHM), La Wantzenau (France)
M8 Greyhound – Museo della Motorizzazione Militare della Cecchignola, Roma (Italy)
M8 Greyhound – Museo della Cavalleria, Pinerolo (Italy) (2x)
M8 Greyhound – Caserma "Babini", Bellinzago Novarese (Italy)
M8 Greyhound – Caserma "Beraudo di Pralorno", Grosseto (Italy)
M8 Greyhound – Caserma "De Carli", Cordenňns (Italy)
M8 Greyhound – Reggimento "Nizza Cavalleria", Pinerolo (Italy)
M8 Greyhound – El Goloso Museum, Madrid (Spain)
M8 Greyhound (6033353-S) – Army Museum Zdice (Czech Republic)
M8 Greyhound – Military History Park, Pivka (Slovenia)
M8 Greyhound – Military Barracks, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
M8 Greyhound – Mrakovica War Museu, Prijedor (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
M8 Greyhound – Hellenic Air Museum, Tatoi-Dekelia (Greece)
M8 Greyhound – Armoured Corps Museum, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra (India)
M8 Greyhound – The Cavalry Centre, Fort Adison, Saraburi (Thailand)
M8 Greyhound – Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution, Beijing (China)
M8 Greyhound – Armor Academy military base, Camp HuKou, HuKou, Hsinchu (Taiwan)
M8 Greyhound – ROC Marine Corps base, near Taipei (Taiwan)
M8 Greyhound – Ch'eng-kung-ling, Nantun District, Taichung (Taiwan)
M8 Greyhound – Longgang road, Jhongli City, Taoyuan (Taiwan)
M8 Greyhound (6035749) – Private collection (Australia)
M8 Greyhound (6035798 S) – Veterans Memorial Museum, Huntsville, AL (USA)
M8 Greyhound (6032517) – Camp Roberts Historical Museum and Museum Annex, Camp Roberts, CA (USA)
M8 Greyhound – Jacques Littlefield Collection, Portola, CA (USA)
M8 Greyhound (6035718 S) – Garbarino World War II US Military Vehicle Museum, San Rafael, CA (USA)
M8 Greyhound (6038457) – American Society of Military History "Tankland" South El Monte, CA (USA)
M8 Greyhound (6052560-S) – Owned by Michael Roberts, Steven "Doc" Jones, and Barry Goss, Port Saint Lucie, FL (USA)
M8 Greyhound (60114171) – Military Museum Of Southern New England, Danbury, CT (USA)
M8 Greyhound – Ropkey Armor Museum, Crawfordsville, IN (USA)
M8 Greyhound – National Armor and Cavalry Museum, Fort Benning, GA (USA)
M8 Greyhound – Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, HI (USA)
M8 Greyhound (40150503) – Roberts Armory WWII Museum, Rochell, IL (USA)
M8 Greyhound "Filibuster" (6051455) – WW2 Victory Museum, Auburn, IN (USA)
M8 Greyhound (6034340) – Indiana Military History Museum, Vincennes IN (USA)
M8 Greyhound – U.S. Cavalry Museum, Fort Riley, KS (USA)
M8 Greyhound (6035127) – American G.I. Museum, College Station, TX (USA)
M8 Greyhound – Fort Bliss, NM (USA)
M8 Greyhound – 1st Cavalery Division Museum, Fort Hood, TX (USA)
M8 Greyhound – Fort Lewis, Tacoma, WA (USA)
M8 Greyhound (6035718 S) – Virginia Museum of Military Vehicles, Nokesville, VA (USA)
M8 Greyhound – Armed Forces Military Museum, Largo, FL (USA)
M8 Greyhound "Wille" (603571) – American Airpower Museum, Farmingdale, NY (USA)
M8 Greyhound (6035718 S) – Northeast Military Vehicle Services, Milford, MA (USA)
M8 Greyhound – Museu Militar Conde de Linhares, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
M8 Greyhound – Parque Regional de Manutenção/1, Vila Militar, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
M8 Greyhound – Museu do Exército do Comando Militar do Sul, Porto Alegre (Brazil)
M8 Greyhound – 13º Regimento de Cavalaria Mecanizado, Pirassununga (Brazil)
M8 Greyhound – Museu Capitão Pitaluga, Valença (Brazil)
M8 Greyhound – Caramaschi Collection, Paranoá (Brazil)
M8 Greyhound (3268076) – Unknown location (Netherlands)
M8 Greyhound "Donna Mike" (604004 S) – Unknown location (Czech Republic)
M8 M8 Greyhound "Donna Mike" "Baby Donna" (6040014 S) – Unknown location (Czech Republic)
M8 Greyhound (6052589-S) – Unknown location (USA)
M8 Greyhound (40150503) – Unknown location (USA)
M8 Greyhound (6036584 S) – Unknown location (USA)
M8 Greyhound (603270-S) – Unknown location (USA)
M8 Greyhound – Unknown location (Brazil)
M8 Greyhound "Tally Ho" (6038700-S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound "Backstreet Bruiser" (6053129-S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound "Carole" (60122688 S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound (6033447 S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound (604325-S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound (6034950-S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound (6033447 S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound (6023374) – Unknown location

M8 Greyhound with BVP M-80 turret "Enver Murtic" "–BRKO–" – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound chassis – Private collection, VT (USA)

M8 Greyhound wreck – Former French Air Forces target range, south of Biville (France)
M8 Greyhound wreck – Fire Range, Fontevraud (France)
M8 Greyhound wrecks (2x) – Military collection "Ares" owned by Maciej and Stanisław Kęszycki, Panzer-Farm, Chrcynno near Nasielsk (Poland)

Looking for more informations about those M8 Greyhound :

M8 Greyhound – Caramaschi Collection, Paranoá (Brazil)
M8 Greyhound (3268076) – Unknown location (Netherlands)
M8 Greyhound "Donna Mike" (604004 S) – Unknown location (Czech Republic)
M8 Greyhound "Donna Mike" "Baby Donna" (6040014 S) – Unknown location (Czech Republic)
M8 Greyhound (6052589-S) – Unknown location (USA)
M8 Greyhound (40150503) – Unknown location (USA)
M8 Greyhound (6036584 S) – Unknown location (USA)
M8 Greyhound (603270-S) – Unknown location (USA)
M8 Greyhound – Unknown location (Brazil)
M8 Greyhound "Tally Ho" (6038700-S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound "Backstreet Bruiser" (6053129-S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound "Carole" (60122688 S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound (6033447 S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound (604325-S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound (6034950-S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound (6033447 S) – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound (6023374) – Unknown location

M8 Greyhound with BVP M-80 turret "Enver Murtic" "–BRKO–" – Unknown location
M8 Greyhound chassis – Private collection, VT (USA)

Looking for photos of those M8 Greyhound :

M8 Greyhound - Saumur Tank Museum (France) (2x)
M8 Greyhound - MVCG (Military Vehicle Conservation Group) Est association, buhl (France)
M8 Greyhound - “Willy” Collecion, Clermont-Ferrand (France)
M8 Greyhound - Breton Resistance Museum, Saint-Marcel (France)
M8 Greyhound - Christian Dours Collection, Chartres (France)
M8 Greyhound - Fire range, Givet (France) (3x)
M8 Greyhound - Patton Army Vehicle Association, Fontenay-le-Vicomte (France)
M8 Greyhound - Camp de Satory, Mobile Gendarmerie Armored Group (GBGM), Versailles (France)
M8 Greyhound - Target range, South-East of Castres (France)
M8 Greyhound - GI Wheels Club association, Valenciennes (France)
M8 Greyhound - Musee de la 2e Guerre Mondiale Roger Bellon, Le Camp near Conlie (France)
M8 Greyhound - Camp d'Auvours, 2nd French Marines Regiment, Le Mans (France) (7x)
M8 Greyhound - Rene Cochet Collection, Ribemont (France)
M8 Greyhound - Provence 44 Association, Le Rayol-Canadel (France)
M8 Greyhound – Robert Gill Collection (Austria)
M8 Greyhound - MVCG Rhone-Alpes, Passins (France)
M8 Greyhound - Mississippi Armed Forces Museum, Camp Shelby, MS (USA)
M8 Greyhound - Hayes Otoupalik Collection, Missoula, MO (USA)
M8 Greyhound - Private Collection, Albuquerque, NM (USA)
M8 Greyhound - Karl Smith Collection, Tooele, UT (USA)

M8 Greyhound turret - Musee des 3 guerres (3 wars museum), Annecy (France)

Any help is most welcome.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:12 pm
Post subject: Re: M8 Greyhound - Survivors

- bialy-r
M8 Greyhound - Survivors

For now I have photos to those vehicles:
M8 Greyhound (4132421) – Museum Bevrijdende Vleugels, Best (Belgium)

Best is smal town near Eindhoven and it is located in The Netherlands

- bialy-r

Looking for more informations about those M8 Greyhound :
M8 Greyhound (3268076) – Unknown location (Netherlands)

This vehicle is from a Private collection in the Netherlands, if you need some more photo's let me know.
Besides the one below, I have some more


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:38 pm
Post subject: Re: M8 Greyhound - Survivors

The 'National Armor & Cavalry Museum' (Ft Benning) has two M-8's.

Both were former Patton Museum Vehicles.

#1: Constabulary markings & displayed in Museum for many years. This is on your list.

#2: 3rd AD Markings, unrestored

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:53 pm
Post subject: Re: M8 Greyhound - Survivors

Hi Rafal! Hi Folks!

- bialy-r

M8 Greyhound - Survivors

For now I have photos to those vehicles:[/b]

M8 Greyhound – Fort Bliss, NM (USA)

Any help is most welcome.


That should be Fort Bliss, TX not NM.

Additional information:
Also if you want, it is inside the 1st Armored Division Museum, Fort Bliss, TX.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:57 pm
Post subject: Re: M8 Greyhound - Survivors

Patton AVA

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 7:32 pm
Post subject: Re: M8 Greyhound - Survivors

Mississippi Armed Forces Museum.


Musée de la Seconde Guerre mondiale Roger Bellon,


[img]http://provence44.free.fr/plugins/jpg_gallery/inc/popup.php?Jpop=gallery/Les_galleries/Le_club_provence44/m8/IMG/045 auto mitrailleuse M8.jpg[/img]


Karl Smith Collection

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:11 pm
Post subject: Re: M8 Greyhound - Survivors


There is an M-8 in Royal Canadian Draggon marlings, one of few Canadian units to use Greyhound in WWII, for sale at Willy's Acres, Ontario. It is marked "F868708".

I have additional detail photos.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:00 am
Post subject: Re: M8 Greyhound - Survivors

All M-8 Greyhound in the Czech Republic after the Greek army.

Renovation of one M-8

M8 Greyhound Guatemalan army

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:18 pm
Post subject: Re: M8 Greyhound - Survivors

Hi Patrik! Hi Folks!

- Patrik

All M-8 Greyhound in the Czech Republic after the Greek army.

Thanks for these links. Those guys do great work. I wish there was some way to get them to visit El Paso and restore the M8 and M20 that the museum here at Ft. Bliss has. I wonder how they pay for all that work?

Sgt, Scouts out!

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General G.S. Patton Jr.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:10 pm
Post subject: Re: M8 Greyhound - Survivors

Here is the one recently arrived in Switzerland:

I may be able to take some pictures of it at the end of this month

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:03 pm
Post subject: Re: M8 Greyhound - Survivors


I have at the register 10 M8 Greyhounds:
Baisy-Thy: www.afvregister.org/De...637&Page=0
Kapellen: www.afvregister.org/De...590&Page=0
Knokke-heist: www.afvregister.org/De...756&Page=1
Private collection: www.afvregister.org/De...098&Page=0
Private collection: www.afvregister.org/De...763&Page=0
Private collection: www.afvregister.org/De...765&Page=0
Private collection: www.afvregister.org/De...766&Page=0
Private collection: www.afvregister.org/De...773&Page=0
And another in one in Wommelgem and one in Poteau. Of the last two I haven't got pictures.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:21 pm
Post subject: Re: M8 Greyhound - Survivors

Hi Folks! Hi Rafal!

Correction for this vehicle:

"M8 Greyhound – Fort Bliss, NM (USA)"

1. Name of the museum is: Fort Bliss and Old Ironsides Museums.

2. Fort Bliss is in TX (Texas) and not NM (New Mexico)
While most of the training areas are in NM, the base is in TX.

Spot Report!
Sgt, Scouts out!

"You can never have too much reconnaissance."
General G.S. Patton Jr.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:30 pm
Post subject: Re: M8 Greyhound - Survivors

Hi Rafal
2 more M8 greyhound in the Stammheim Zeitgeschichtmuseum in Schweinfurt Germany ( I will send you the links in private email )

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