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Modelling Magazine index
The AFV ASSOCIATION was formed in 1964 to support the thoughts and research of all those interested in Armored Fighting Vehicles and related topics, such as AFV drawings. The emphasis has always been on sharing information and communicating with other members of similar interests; e.g. German armor, Japanese AFVs, or whatever.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:50 pm
Post subject: Modelling Magazine index

Hi Guys-
Below you'll find an index I've created over a 20 year period of all my modelling magazines. You can cut and past this and save to your computer. I hope you find it usefull.
Best regards-
Geoff Steer [;-{/)


-Somua S
-The Centaur-35
-Morris C8
-German WW2 Field Gun
-Churchill SBG
-Scratchbuilding WW1 German Tank
-Painting Krupp's "Protze"
-Conversion Sd Kfz 11 (Based on Tamiya Hanomag with parts from
-Esci Demag)
-Hellers H35 R35
-Churchill Flail
-Scratchbuilt Beaverbug
-The Paris Gun
-Pulverize a Panzer (MK-IV)
-Bedford QL Trooper
-Bedford QL GS
-Reme halftrack
-Soviet Tank Force in the '80s
-Tamiya's M48 Patton
-Polish Camouflage & Markings
-Armstrong Breech Loader
-Flakpanzer Gepard
-Scratchbuilt A13 Cruiser MK-3
-Vickers Gun Emplacement

-Scratchbuilt Whippet
-Polish Armoured Vehicles WW2 MILITARY MODELLING
JULY '84
-Israeli Super Sherman
-Willy's Jeep
-D-Day Assault Engineers
-M60 (with M-48 Turret)
-Hungarian Armour
-US Softskins

-US Softskins
-Scale Link's Rolls Royce Armoured Car
-Israel's Upgraded Shermans
-US Sofskins
JUNE '86
-Blitz Buggies
-Vickers Light Tanks
-Italian Armour WW2 (M11/39 Cross-sectional view)
-MODELLING Pzkw-IV Variants
-AMX 13
-1918 3Ton Tender 'RAF Type'
-Chieftan Stillbrew
-WW1 Trench Uniforms
-Yugoslavia's T-34/85 (good plans with side views of a Czech. T-34/85 and
Soviet re-worked T-34/85) MILITARY MODELLING
-British 25pdr, 6-inch Howitzer
-Italian Army, Western Desert
-WW1 Mining and Trench Raiding
-Pzkpfw 35(t)

-Engineers in Modern Warfare
-Budge's new arrivals
-WW1 Machine Guns & Barbed Wire
-Sailors in Field Grey
-Mussolini's Uniforms
-WW1 Artilery & Tactics
-Rooikat (South Africas Armoured Car)
-Insignia of the Brownshirts
-Gunze Sangyo's Pzkw III
-Scratchbuilding M114
-WW1 What Gunners Wore
-Steam Road Transport
JUNE '89
-T44m or T54
-Orange Free State Artilery
-Chieftans of 4 RTR
-WW1 Body armour
-US M25 Tank Transporter PT-1*** (See also Nov. '96 issue)
JULY '89
-Chieftans of 4 RTR
-D-Day Diorama
-US M25 Tank Transporter PT-2***
-Rhino (South Africas Self Propelled Gun)
-US M25 Tank Transporter PT-3*** MILITARY MODELLING
-Army Motor Reserve
-Foreign Legionnaire WW2
-Hitler's Mercedes
-Chieftain AVRE
-11TH Panzer Division at Kursk

MAY '90
-6-PDR on Halftrack
JUNE '90
-Sturmmorser Tiger
-BMP-1 Modifying Dragons Kt
-Sherman 1
-Churchill NA-75
-Luftwaffe Battle of Britain Uniforms

-Weathering AFVs
-Scale Link's Dennis Lorry
-Soviet 122mm M38 Howitzer
-Khaki Service Dress
-Gulf Colours
MAY '91
-Armour in the Gulf
-T12 & T24 Early Soviet Medium Tanks
-Challenger tanks in the Gulf
-Dragon's T72 improvements
-Camouflage Suits worn in the Gulf
-Schwere Wehrmacht Schlepper Light Flak
-Accurate Armours Comet
-The Tank Killers (88mm Diorama)
-Cromwell's A9 Cruiser
-Israeli Defence Force AFVs
-1/8 scale Challenger
-A9/A13 Cruiser Dio.
MAY '92
-Dragon's Scud
-1/9 scale Stuka Zu Fuss MILITARY MODELLING
JUNE '92
-Panzerwerfer 42 (Azimut's Rocket Launcher)
-1/8 Scale Challlenger
JULY '92
-Tamiya's Challenger MILITARY MODELLING
-Azimut's Steyr
-JS-2 pt 2
-T80 MBT Close-up
-Accurate Armours M18 Hellcat

-Crusader Backdate
-French Armour (Modern)
-German Tanks in Spain
-Luftwaffe flak vehicle (converting Sdkfz 251)
-Shermans at El Alemein
-Cromwell's Panzer 2
-Argentinians in the Falklands
-Lead Sled's Aerosan
-Priest Diorama
-Sonderfahrgestell (experimental German Vehicle)
-Kirin's Kubelwagen
-Accurate Armours Whippet
-Plans for the Spanish Pz.I up-gunned with Breda 20mm
MAY '93
-Vicker's Mk-6 Diorama
-Shilka Superdetail
JULY '93
-SU-85 to SU-100 (Conversion by Vasko Barbic)
-Accurate Armour's MAUS
-Cromwell's T-28 (Russian WW2 Heavy Tank)
-Detailing Tamiya's Stuka Zu-fuss and 75mm
-Cromwell's 1/15 scale Hetzer
-Hell's angels of the Reich (Zundapp K-800 and motorcyclist)
-Accurate Armour's Warrior MILITARY MODELLING

-Tamiya's T-72 and a look at the real thing
-Schlepper-Steyr with PAK-30 MILITARY MODELLING
-1/35 Cobra Gunship
-Real German tanks at Munster
-Scientific Armour's Challenger II
-Panzer Ib to Ia Conversion (with plans)
-Accurate Armours M-10 and Achilles
-1/15 Scale StuGIII (with plans)

-Command Panzer I
-Tamiya's King Tiger
-Nordenfelt's Machine Gun
-Skoda's Turtle Part 1
-Skoda's T
-Turtle Part 2
-Kubinka=Russia's tank museum
-Skoda's Turtle Part 3
-Kubinka-Russia's tank museum
-Zvezda's 1/35 BT-5
MAY '94
-Cromwell's M-10 Achilles
-Kubinka-Russias tank museum
-Scale Model's RSO Tractor kit
JUNE '94
-Kubinka-Russia's tank museumm
-Saladin armoured car
-Tiger 1 Turret corrections
-British tanks at Normandy (also lists available kits in 1/35)
-Accurate Armour's Tetrarch
JULY '94
-More Kubinka-Russia's tank museum
-Accurate Armour's Daimler MK-1
-British Military Markings WWII (pt1 formation signs)
-JS-III Conversion

-Resicast's 1/35 Sexton (Good Sexton info., Interior Photos)
-More on Kubinka
-Pg-51 blurb on Heller's Leclerc, Pg-53 Certti's Polish Wz34 and Dragon's Panzer IV\L70, Panther F (Includes info on correcting Smalturm turret)
-British Military Markings (pt2 Arm of Service Markings)
-More on Kubinka
-Building Italeri's Panther
-British Military Markings (pt3 Tactical Markings)
-Tamiya's Panther G
-FlakPanther Super Coellian (Twin 5cm AA)
-French WW-1 Tank Diorama
-Bergpanzer IV
-Building Italerie's Panther A

-Verlinden's Super Scale Universal Carrier, Stowage Plans, Pictures
-BT-7 Scale Drawings and good pictures
-Dragon's M-46 Patton (Brief Write-up)
-German tank Transporter-Faun
-Accurate Armours Centaur Dozer (Brief Write-up)
-Building Dragon's MK-Vc Firefly (Notes on Accurising)
-Building Resicast's 1/35 Dieppe Churchill MK-III (Notes on Accurising, Plans)
-1/20 Verlinden 37mm German flak gun (Good Detail views)
-PG 66 Polish Tankette-TK3
-PZ-II Data
-BT-5 Plans
-Matilda MK-I Writeup
-Correcting Zvezda's BT-5 PT-II
-Panzerwagen Ehrhard (Tankmaster's WW-1 German armoured car)
-AFV Clubs M88-A1 Recovery Vehicle
-U.S. Army Service Dress (WW-II and Present)
-MODELLING an early Tiger I (Backdating Tamiya's latest with aftermarket products)
-Cromwell's Dorchester MILITARY MODELLING
-Carbine Calibre .30 M1
-WWI Transport

-Walk a round new Challenger II
-Building Italieri's Mercedes WW-II German Truck
-PG 60- Short Reiviews of: Alan Hobbie's Russian Zis 5ton Truck, Mirage's OT-26 and T-26/BT2 Russian Light Tanks, Cromwell's German 88mm Flak Sonderfahrgestelle (fully Trakced mobile)
-Enhancing Emhar's Whippet
-Russia's German Tank TG (Plans and history)
-1 inch to 1 foot Sturmtiger
-Painting figures with Acrylics
-VM Co. Ltd. 1/35 Valentine Write-up (Pg. 55)
-Not much! Emhars MK-IV Female in German service (Yippeeee!!!)
-Accurate Armours Challenger II
-Russian T-80 in extreme detail
-Polish tank officer (1939)
-Pg.59 Humber Armoured car info (Where the Mk-I,II&III were used)
JULY '96
-Sonderfahrgestell (Cromwell's kit of the self propelled 88)
-Backdating a Panther A to D
-Tamiya's Wespe
-1/15 Scale Pak 40 (German 75mm Anti-Tank Gun)
-Making your own decals
-Italieris Tiger I
-H&K's FCM 36 (French WWII Tank)
-Soviet Komsomolyets Artillery Tractor
-Sherman Cast Hulls
-The Gardner Machine Gun
-Scimitar walk around (great interior detail)
-Revell and AFV Club's Scimitars/Scorpion PPT-I
-Building Cromwell's LVT Amphibian
-Light Aid Ferret (REME Ferret Scout Car)
-Building Tank Workshop M25 Armoured tank Transporter (See also June/July/Agust '89 three part article on vehicle)
(Great detail of the real tank transporter)
-Revell and AFV Club's Scimitars/Scorpion PT-II
-Scale Model Accessories's Diamond-T Tank Transporter(Good info on real thing)
-Info on Cromwell's Conqueror

-CMT's Skoda 35T (Detail info)
-Academy's 1/35 Tiger I (with complete, kit supplied, interior)
-75mm armed U.S. M3 Halftrack conversion, Part 1
-Battle of the Bulge re-enactment (good infantry info)
-Cromwell's Panzer II (see also Nov. '92)
-Expedient Sherman Jumbos (Up-armouring in the field)
-Luftfaust (German WW-II Anti-Aircraft Bazooka)
-75mm armed U.S M3 Halftrack conversion, Part 2
MARCH '97 VOLUME 27 #2
-Building Cromwell's Conquerer (good info on the real thing)
-Superdetailing Dragon's Russian T-80UB MBT (PT-1)
-Superdetailing Dragon's Russian T-80UB MBT (PT-2)
-Russian KV-1 1/9 Scale (Great Interior Detail)
-German Trippel Amphibious car (resin kit)
-Renault UE Chenillette, write-up(French Utilitie/Supply Tractor)

MAY '97 VOLUME 27 #4
-Accurate Armour's Pz-1A (Good interior info/plans)
-1/15 Scale Borgward (Bomb planting tank)
-Tank MODELLING Course-Cri.El's 1/35 75mm Pak40 on French Lorraine cargo carrier.
VOLUME 27 #5
-IFOR - International force in Bosnia
-Tank MODELLING Course-Building Cromwell's A10 Cruiser
VOLUME 27 #7 (Skipped #6)
-Soviet T-40 Swimming Tank MILITARY MODELLING
-Switzerland's Tank Museum
-IFOR - International force in Bosnia (PT-III Conclusion)
VOLUME 27 #8
-Inside the Panzer I
-Walkaround M1A1 Abrams
-M1A1 120mm Kit
VOLUME 27 #10
-Detailing & Correcting Italeri's 38t
-MODELLING the M31B1 Lee tank recovery vehicle
-Detailing the Spojnia 7TP
-Tamiya's Kubelwagen
VOLUME 27 #11
-Academy's Hellcat with Steve Zaloga (see also VOLUME 28, #7)

-Upgrading Tamiya's IS3 to an IS3M
-Great interior and exterior detail

VOLUME 27 #14 (Skipped #13) October 1997
-Faun Tractor (German rail or road based truck)
-Largescale Brummbar
-Making molds at home
-Hornet Malkara - British early sixties anti-tank missile system
Plans, info and drawings
VOLUME 27 #15 17 October 1997
-Phil Dyer builds & Corrects Italeri's Sherman Rocket launcher Calliope (See also F.S.M. March '94 pg. 36, Greate research data)
-Building Accurate Armour's Morris Recon Car
-More casting information
VOLUME 27 #17 14 NOVEMBER 1997 (Skipped 16-Euromilitaire special)
-Scratchbuilt Marder III (See also- jan. '92 FSM)
-Tamiya's Duece and a half
-Building Al-By's 1/35 French Renault AMC35/Belgian ACG1
-Accademy's Warrior updated with Cromwell Model's parts
-Middle East Pz-IV's & Stug. III (Post WWII)
-Steve Zaloga Scratchbuilds a Marmon Harrington T-16 (WWII U.S. tank)
-90mm BMW Motorcycle
-75mm armed U.S. M3 Halftrack (See also Jan.'97 Vol. 26 #13 and Feb. '97 Vol. 27 #1 for parts 1&2 for more info)
-Big Scimitar CVR(T)
-Falklands Paratrooper
-Pg. 58 - Picture of German Quad 20mm mounted on T-34
-Building Cromwell's Morris Mk-II Pg. 30
Pg. 34 Interior Views MILITARY MODELLING
VOLUME 28 #4 MARCH 1998 (Skipped Volume 28 #3)
-Dragon's M4A1 (Great detail closeups of the real thing,corrections)
-Converting AFV Club's Scimitar to a Sabre
-Gutted building Dio-Rama
VOLUME 28 #5 APRIL 1998
-Zaloga Builds Techmod's T-50
-German Late war Soldier wearing anti-gas clothing MILITARY MODELLING

VOLUME 28 #7 MAY-JUNE (Skipped #6)
-Zaloga Backdates Italeri's M-24 Chaffee to WW-II Variant
-M-18 Hellcat (Great info/detail internal/external pictures. See also VOLUME 27, #11)
VOLUME 28 #8
-Zaloga corrects/superdetails/backdates Tamiya's M3 Stuart
-Kettenkraftrad - Germany's Halftrack motorcycle

VOLUME 28 #10 (Skipped #9)
-Zaloga Backdates Tamiya's M-48 Patton to Gas powered Syrian Variant(Explains how to correct ((lower) Suspension))
-AS-90 in Bosnia
-Resicast's Bedford Tipper (1939 truck)
-Chaffee detail in "Despatches"(helpsZaloga's Backdate in Vol.28#7)
-Details of Browning M1919A6 Machine gun. Pg. 41
VOLUME 28 #11
-Zaloga converts T-60 to Romanian TACAM mounting Soviet 76mm
-Elephant to Ferdinand (Backdating Italeri's kit with Accurate Armour conversion kit)
-Scratchbuilt Nashorn MILITARY MODELLING
-Accurate Armour's Fox (British Armoured Car)
-Phil Dyer corrects Dragon's Valentine
-Dragon's Super Sherman M-51
-Revell's Jagpanther (Three different variants)
-SU-76i - Soviet hunting tank based on captured Pz-III
Dragon's Stug. IV
-Korean T-34/85 blown out (Great interior detail, Zaloga)
-Commander's Csaba (Hungarian WW-II armoured car)
VOLUME 28 #13 (4 Sept. - 2 October 1998)
-ICM's T-35 and T-28
-1/15 scale German 75mm Howitzer MILITARY MODELLING
VOLUME 28 #14
-German Marder 1A3 IFV (Modern Troop carrier)
-Pictures of running tanks (Pz-III with early Drive/Idler wheels & 50MM)
-Challenger II walkaround
-Cromwell's SA-6 Gainful Russian Rocket Launcher
-T-34/85 Kits
-Pg-59 Writeup of Fine Mold's Type 97 Te-Ke
-Pg-61 Writeup of Maquette's BT-2
VOLUME 28 #15
-The Best T-34/85 kits on the market
-SA-6 Gainful
-Challenger II Closeup
-Ardennes Fallschirmjager figure MILITARY MODELLING
VOLUME 28 #16
-Yanks' Ranger Figure
-T-64 MBT (Various versions)
-Resicast's conversions for Tamiya's Bren Carrier (Wader)
VOLUME 28 #18
-Spanish T-26 by Zaloga (great info on the variations)
-Tamiya's M8 Greyhound (great colour photos of interior)
VOLUME 28 #19
-SKIF's BMP-3 by Steven Zaloga
-T-26 in Spain (the role it played)
VOLUME 29 #1
-RPM's FT-17 John Prigent builds a WW-I variant
-BMP3 Article by Steve Zaloga (great info on the vehicle)
-Saurer RK-7 by David Parker (wheeled or tracked recon car)

VOLUME 29 #2 Feb./March '99
-Zaloga builds Sweden's SAV 105 Self-propelled (Based on 38t)
-Baluard's German WW-II Steam Locomotive
-Skif's kit of the T-64

VOLUME 29 #3 March/April '99
-Steve Zaloga describes the T-64
-Great info on the Dragon Wagon (Tech. Manual pictures) and improving Tamiya's kit
-Accurate Armour's 17 pounder MILITARY MODELLING
-Esci's 1/9 scale Zundapp
VOLUME 29 #4 April/May '99
-Zaloga builds and describes the Zrinyi (good info on Hungarian paintschemes) Commander Model's - Botond Model kit described also.
-On Track Model's 10.5cm leFH 18/1 Sf auf Gesch IVb (50/50 Pz-III and IV with 105mm howitzer)
-Internet modelling info
VOLUME 29 #6 May/June '99 (Skipped #5-Figure special)
-Zaloga converts Tamiya's Stuart to a British honey
-British Challengers meet Polish T-72s (Great pictures)
VOLUME 29 #7 June/July
-Zaloga builds Dragon's Hetzer in use with Russian Liberation Army
-Phil Dyer shows British mods to Stuart Honey
VOLUME 29 #8 July/August
-Dragon's 3 new Sdkfz250 Neu art Halftracks
-John Prigent builds Resicast's armoured bulldozer (British)
-Fallschirmjager (paratroopers) in the Ardennes '44
VOLUME 29 #9 6 August/27 August '99
-Saipan Chi-Ha Type 97-Steve Zaloga upgrades old Tamiya kit
VOLUME 29 #10 27 August-16 Sep. SPECIAL ISSUE No. 2
-Italian R-35 vs. U.S. 37mm in Sicily (good R-35/37mm info)
-Sherman 1B with 105mm
-Proposed panzer- 38t with panzer IV turret
-Sherman funnies
-2 Matadors - great pictures/plans & info (Acc. Armour's and Cromwells)
-Improving Tamiya's M5A1
-Accurizing and improving Esci's T-55
-Bergepanther Ausf G
VOLUME 29 #11 17 Sep./7 Oct '99
-Yugoslavian Stuart (M3A3 with German 75mm Pk40)
-British Rubber Zimmerit (Shown on Cromwell-good Cromwell info)
-Euro Militaire Preview
-Dutch Leopard (some engineering variants) MILITARY MODELLING

-Somua S-35 by Zaloga
-Beltring 1999-Vickers machine gun colour picture and FAMO
-Accurate Armour's Charioteer-converts Tamiya's Cromwell-good pictures of the real thing
-pg 14 Special Comments - good info on M5A1 from D.P. Dyer and a reply from Cookie Sewel
VOLUME 29 #14 26 Nov.-23 Dec. '99 (Skipped #13-Euromilitaire)
-Steve Zaloga improves Tamiya's M8 Howitzer Motor Carriage-
great interior info
-1/9 Scale Hotchkiss scratchbuild
-FAMO write-up
VOLUME 29 #15 24 Dec.-20 Jan
-M3A3 Stuart, Accurate Armour's conversion for old Tamiya kit built by Cookie Sewell
-Finnish T-55 great pictures and plans
-Converting Tamiya's Challenger I Mk-3 from Gulf war type to European theatre variant
VOLUME 30 #1 21 Jan-17 Feb. 2000
-Steve Zaloga builds the Italian M13/40
-Exercise Ulan Eagle '99 (some pictures of modern armour)
-Building on a budget
-Italian Command tank M14/41
-M6 Anti Tank gun - U.S. 3" by Steve Zaloga
-PG-15 Spanish Foreign legion tank Unit markings
-Tamiya's FAMO
VOLUME 30 #3 17 Feb.-13 Apr. 2000
-Steve Zaloga makes a Christie Tank out of the Italeri/Zvezda kit
-Humber Armoured Cars in the N.A. desert
-Ambush Diorama (Neu art Sdkfz 250/1 halftrack under attack
VOLUME 30 #4 14 April-4 May
-Steve Zaloga builds AFV Clubs' M-10 (great interior views)
-Leclerc Close-up
-Jeep fitted with Movie camera US Signals MILITARY MODELLING
VOLUME 30 #6 26 May-15 June 2000 (Skipped #5-Figures special issue)
-Zaloga builds Eastern Express' kit of the KV-IS
-Trucks & Tracks Show-Pictures of people's models
-Opel Blitz as a Wehrmacht Workshop
-Stalingrad Dio
VOLUME 30 #7 16 Jun-6 Jul 2000
-Zaloga builds Dragon's M-26 Pershing (WW-II Zebra mission)
-Tamiya's Steyr 1500A converted to a flatbed with 20mm flak

VOLUME 30 #8
-Super detailing Tamiya's IS-III
-Photographing models
-Alan hobbie's Katyusha rocket launcher
-Building Cromwell's LVT4
-MR Model's Leichte Kampfwagen WW-I German light tank
-Egypt's T-122 Self propelled gun based on the T-34 (great detail)
-Sherman Turret changes by Phil Dyer - 75mm turret
-Detailing Tamiya's Panzer IVD
-Composition and markings of Iraqi armour
-Faun rail crane
-Resicast's Ram Kangaroo and great Ram Kangaroo article
-Cromwell's 1/15 scale Luchs
-1st Royal Tank Regiment's Challenger MBTs
-Skybow's Dodge command car
VOLUME 30 #9
-Challenger MBT
-Skybow's dodge Command car MILITARY MODELLING
VOLUME 30 #10 25th Aug.-14th Sep. 2000
-Zaloga builds Academy's M12 (great pictorial info and great Sherman VVS suspension info-what type goes with which version)
-U.S. Tank commander figure (great uniform detail info)
VOLUME 30 #11
-Zaloga builds Tamiya's Matilda II (Battle of France)
-British Armoured force uniforms WWII
VOLUME 30 #12
-Zaloga builds Azimut's 40mm Bofors on a Morris C9/B Chassis
-Tamiya's Leopard 2A5 (Pictures of real thing)
-Building a Panther Ausf. A using injection and resin molded parts
-Canadian army uniforms in Korea

VOLUME 30 No. 13 27 Oct. - 23 Nov. 2000
-Panther winter dio-rama
-French WW-I St-Chamond tank by Zaloga
-Fine Mold=s kit of the Type 3 Chi-Nu WW-II Japanese tank
VOLUME 30- No. 15 22 Dec. 2000 - 18 Jan. 2001
-Italeri=s SWS Bussing-NAG Wehrmachtschlepper
-Steve Zaloga reports on Armour Model and Preservation Society
VOLUME 31 No. 1 19th Jan. - 15th Feb. 2001
-Steve Zaloga Builds and details Italeri=s M-36B1
-Australia=s preserved AFV=s

VOLUME 31 No. 2 16th Feb.-01 15th March 2001
-Italian Panzer - Zaloga builds Cri.el=s 1/35 scale P40
-Weathering AFV Models
-AFV Club=s 1/35 scale Scimitar kit in a Gulf war Diorama

VOLUME 31 No. 3 16th March - 12 April 2001
-Tamiya=s 1/16 scale Tiger I
-Tamiya=s 1/35 scale Tiger II using Chesapeake Model Design=s conversion to up-date kit to a late war version
-Challenger II MBT in Kosovo Part 1

VOLUME 31 No. 4 13th April-3rd May 2001
-Tunisian M5 Stuart by Zaloga
-Fitzcarraldo - Diorama of FAMO & Stug III pulling tugboat
-Commander=s kit of Little Willie - good info on real thing
-Updating an Italeri=s Horch with photo-etch
-Diorama - Road to Dunkirk
-Cromwell armoured recovery vehicle
-T-34 Recovery vehicle MILITARY MODELLING
-Hybrid Firefly by Phil Dyer
-Secret army Hetzer - Polish army Warsaw
-Late Ware FAMO
-Astrov=s children - Cookie Sewell models the T-70 and other Eastern European kits
-Detailing a Revell Demag
-John Prigent builds Sovereigns kit of the Panzer III Ausf A. (Has five big wheels)
VOLUME 31 No. 5 4th May-24th May 2001
-Challenger 2 MBT walk-around
-Zaloga builds Eastern Express= BA-6 Russian armoured car (Spanish Civil war markings)
-Diorama featuring Panzer III and Goliath/Borgward demolition vehicles
VOLUME 31 No. 6 May-25th to June 14th 2001
-Zaloga builds Cromwell=s kit of the U.S. M5 High Speed Tractor
-120mm figure of a Japanese NCO
-AThe Frozen Chosin@ Korean war diorama (info on Sherman Dozer with HVSS suspension)
-20th Century German army uniforms
VOLUME 31 No. 7 15th June to 5 July 2001
-1/9 scale WW-II U.S. Motorcycle rider (Harley-Davidson)
-Zaloga builds ADV/Azimut=s Vicker=s Utility tractor with a scratch-built 47mm Belgian FRC anti-tank gun MILITARY MODELLING
-Tanks in Brazil
-Updating Tamiya=s Sdkfz 7/2 anti-aircraft halftrack with scratch-built trailer

VOLUME 31 No. 8 6th July to 2nd August 2001
-Zaloga builds Corazzati=s 1/35 Italian M11/39 tank
-AMPS 2001
-Brazil=s German SdKfz 7 Halftracks
-WW-II U.S. Tank crew uniforms

VOLUME 31 No. 10 24 Aug. - 20th Sept. 2001 (Skipped #9 Fig. Special)
-Tamiya=s Marder III (Good pictures of Aberdeen=s)
-Tamiya=s 1/16 scale Sherman converted to Super Sherman
-Trucks & Tracks 2001
-Resicast=s 1/35 resin WW-II British Soldier figure
VOLUME 31 No. 11 21st Sep. - 11 Oct. 2001
-Accurate Armour=s Ward La France Heavy Wrecker
(Good info on the real thing)
-Tamiya=s Steel-wheeled Panther G
-Radio Controlled tanks
-Armour pictures

VOLUME 31 No. 12 12th Oct. - 1st Nov. 2001
-Steve Zaloga builds Armoured Brigade Model=s 1/35 M3 Grant
-Peter Brown describes the service record of the M3 Grant in British Service in North Africa
-Veterans album 5th RTR Cromwells

VOLUME 31 No. 13 2nd Nov. - 29th Nov. 2001
-Zaloga builds Skif=s Strela-10SV (Russian Tracked SAM Launcher - Great info on real thing)
-Peter Heath builds Tamiya=s Lee as a ABurma Lee@ (good info on real thing)
VOLUME 31 No. 15 28th Dec. 2001 - 24th Jan. 2002 (Skipped 14 Figure Special)
-D-Day Ranger (good figure info)
-Grant tanks in Australian service
-Detailing Tamiya=s Panzer III
-Veteran=s Album (German P.O.Ws in England after D-Day
-Reverse Dry-Brushing
-Steve Zaloga presents a photo report on AMPS East
VOLUME 32 No. 1 25 Jan. - 21 Feb. 2002
-Steve Zaloga Details Tamiya=s M8 scoutcar (Good interior detail)
-Bovington=s Tiger I
-Tamiya=s Wespe Normandy 1944
-SS Oak Leaf pattern camouflage smocks - how to paint them
-Famous British Regiments - the Cameronians-Scottish Rifles

VOLUME 32 No. 2 22 Feb. - 21st March 2002
-Steve Zaloga converts Tamiya=s Jeep into a British Airborne Jeep
-Famous British Regiments - York and Lancaster
-Accurate Armour=s Staghound by Ricardo Cignini
VOLUME 32 No. 3 22 Mar. - 18 Apr. 2002
-Steve Zaloga on U.S. Army Olive Drab
-Painting Leather
-Stug. III Diorama (some interior info)
-Veterans album
-Crusader 5.5" S.P. gun plans
-Famous British Regiments -The Royal Dublin Fusiliers
-Abrams in Kosovo

VOLUME 32 No. 4 19 April - 9 May 2002
-SdKfz 304 NSU Springer
-FORT=s kit of the Russian ZiS-42 Half-track
-Steve Zaloga corrects Tamiya=s M4A3E2 Jumbo Assault tank
-Bruce Crosby corrects & details Italeri=s LVT-4 Water Buffalo
(great info on 20m Polsten gun)
-Japanese tank colours
-Sam Dwyer builds Tamiya=s FAMO & Sd. Ah. 116 Trailer
-Israeli defence force halftracks
-Bandai=s 1/48 scale Sherman
-John Prigent builds Skybow=s 1.5 ton 6x6 cargo truck (good detail info)
-Battle of the Bulge King Tiger

VOLUME 32 No. 5 10 May - 30 May 2002
-Zaloga builds Armo=s kit of ZSU-57-2
-Famous British Regiments - The Royal Horse Artillery
-Trucks & Tracks 2002 (good model pictures)

VOLUME 32 No. 7 21 June - 11 July 2002
-Zaloga builds & up-grades Italeri’s M4A1
-Blown up Panzer III Diorama MILITARY MODELLING
VOLUME 32 No. 8 12 Jul. - 8 Aug. 2002
-Zaloga converts Tamiya’s M3 Halftrack to a T28E1 Anti-Aircraft
gun system
-WWII German paratrooper
-The Duke of Cornwall’s Light infantry
-Colour photographs from Canadian Archives
-120mm Vietcong figure
-DES Autocar (good pictures of a GMC Tractor with trailer)
VOLUME 32 No. 10 30 August - 26 Sept. 2002
(Skipped No. 9 - Figure special)
-Shermans at Alamein, Steve Zaloga does a model and Peter Brown relates the Sherman’s service with 1st armoured division
-Famous British Regiments - Royal Scotts Greys
VOLUME 32 No. 11 27 Sept. - 17 Oct. 2002
-Painting with Acrylics
-Steve Zaloga builds PSP’s M4 High Speed Tractor
-The Royal Regiment of Artillery
-Backdating Italeri’s Crusader MILITARY MODELLING
-The War and Peace show at Beltring
-MFCA 2002 Photo show report

VOLUME 32 No. 12 18th Oct. - 7th Nov. 2002
-Steve Zaloga Builds Academy’s M3 Stuart (plans, great interior info and pictures of the real vehicle)
-LVT(A)-4 On Peleliu (conversion using Tamiya’s M8 turret and CMK’s LVT(A)-1 resin kit)
-New Zealand’s M113 personnel carriers (plans)
-The Royal Irish Regiment

VOLUME 32 No. 13 8th Nov. - 28th Nov. 2002
-Steve Zaloga builds Sovereign 2000's British 2pdr anti-tank gun
(Great pictures of the Aberdeen preserved 2pdr)
-M4A4 Sherman of the Deccan Horse (Indian Army)
-Steve Zaloga Builds Tristar’s new Panzer I (great info on German camouflage from between WWI and WWII
-The Royal Warwickshire Regiment
-Photo walk around of the French Leclerc MBT

Military Modelling
VOLUME 32 No. 15 (Skipped 14 figure special)
27th Dec. 2002 - 23rdth Jan.2003
-Chris Mrosko builds Tristar’s Panzer I in Spanish civil war markings
-The Norfolk Regiment
-Scratch building an interior for Tamiya’s Cromwell
-Painting and weathering techniques
-Steve Zaloga makes a Sherman Crocodile
VOLUME 33 No. 01 24th Jan. - 27th Feb. 2003
-Steve Zaloga builds RPM’s FT-17 as a U.S. tank
-Mig Jimenez builds Tristar’s Panzer I as desert version
-The Royal Munster Fusiliers
-SFOR Leopard, Dutch army Leopard 2A5 MBT
VOLUME 33 No. 02 28th Feb. - 20 March 2003
-Zaloga converts Tamiya’s T-55 to a T-55AM2B using Panzershop’s conversion
-The Suffolk Regiment
-Part I of III of Cookie Sewell’s articles on the Early T-34s
-Part II of Dutch Leopards in SFOR Military Modelling

VOLUME 33 No. 03 21st March - 17th April 2003
-Part II of III of Cookie Sewell’s articles on the Early T-34s
-Dutch army vehicles in KOSOVO
-The Essex regiment

VOLUME 33 No. 4 18th April-8th May 2003
100 page yearly armour special
-Part III of III of Cookie Sewell’s articles on the early T-34s
-Steve Zaloga makes the T10 an American Canal Defence Light (M3 Lee/Grant based)
-BMP-2D in Afghanistan (1/72 scale but good info)
-British railhead near the front 1917
-Panzer IV Ausf J in Finnish service
-Tamiya’s 1/16 scale RC controlled Sherman
-Airfix 1/72 scale Type 97 Chi Ha
-1/35 scale Panther in church diorama
-Universal carrier based Mantis (machine gun on pedestal)
-Stug III diorama
-ICM’s 1/35 Soviet 100mm BS-3 anti-tank gun
-1/76 scale Caen diorama
-Tamiya’s Amphibious Jeep detailed and up-dated
-1/15 scale Starr Hetzer
Military Modelling
VOLUME 33 No. 5 9th May-29th May 2003
-Tamiya’s Marder IIIM in winter camouflage
-The Prince of Wales Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians)
-Sovereign 2000's kit of the Austin K5 3 ton truck (good pictures of the real thing)

VOLUME 33 No. 6 30th May-19th June 2003
-Zaloga makes a D-Day M4A1 Wading Sherman (great info on rear lower hull attachments)
-Russian front winter diorama (great info on puppchen with pictures of real thing)
-British war raised light dragoon regiments of the 18th & 19th Centuries
VOLUME 33 No. 7 20th June-10th July 2003
-Steve Zaloga builds PST’s 1/72 scale kit of the Soviet Almaz S300-PM Missile defence system (Soviet equivalent of the Patriot)
-John Prigent builds Baluard’s kit of the WW-II German Diesel locomotive
-Marcel Verhaaf provides a history of the above locomotive with plans and detail photos
-The Connaught Rangers 88th and 94th
Military Modelling
VOLUME 33 No. 8 11th July - 7th August 2003
-BMP-2 from an M113, making an OPFOR vehicle
-Steve Zaloga models a D-Day encounter between U.S. paratroopers and a German Panzer division equipped with French tanks

VOLUME 33 No. 10 (skipped No. 9 figure special)29th August-25th Sept. 2003
-The Panther’s last breath, Mig Jimenez diorama
-Show reports and nothing else

VOLUME 33 No. 11 26th September – 16th October 2003
-The Historex story
-The British South Africa Police
-The Leicestershire Regiment
-War and Peace 2003 – good photos of the real thing
-Frank V. De Sisto builds Skybow’s M41A3 Walker Bulldog
-Berlin 1945 diorama

VOLUME 33 No. 12 17th October - 6th November 2003
-ZIS-5 Russian WW-II 3 ton truck, history and plans
-The Royal Irish Rifles
-Warrior’s 1/9 scale German General
-Looking at some shows, MAFVA Nationals and SCHAHMS
-1/76 scale Leyland Retriever Military Modelling

VOLUME 33 No. 13 7th November - 27th November 2003
-Steve Zaloga converts AFV Club’s M3A3 into a turretless recce tank. Also, a history of the vehicle is given.
-Building Dragon’s “KARL� Mortar
-The Seaforth Highlanders
-Diorama of a range target Comet tank (good interior plans)

VOLUME 33 No. 15 27th Dec. 2003 – 22nd Jan. 2004 (Skipped No. 14 Euromilitaire special)
-Steve Zaloga builds a 1/72 scale Sherman DD on D-Day (good photos of real DD)
-Page 59 has a good write-up by Cookie Sewell on Academy’s new M-36 Jackson including what is needed to make corrections
-Diorama of the Polish cavalry attacking German tanks during Polish campaign
-The Welsh Regiment
-1/16 scale RC Tiger I


VOLUME 34 No. 1 23 Jan. 26th Feb. 2004
-Panther in the Bocage, 1/76th scale diorama by Steve Zaloga
-1/6th scale Kubelwagen converted into armoured car
-Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
-Dragon’s 1/16th scale Zulu war British sergeant (good figure painting info)

VOLUME 34 No. 2
-The Royal Engineers
-Steve Zaloga 1/72nd scale V2 (good info on support vehicles, equipment and plans)
-Building Tasca’s 1/35 scale Panzer II Luchs

VOLUME 34 No. 3 2004
-Steve Zaloga builds Dragon’s new T-34 Model 1940 (good photos and interior info)
-Colours and markings of British Armour in Operation Iraqi freedom
-Cromwell’s 1/76 Challenger II
-The Highland Light infantry
-Nuremberg toy fair 2004

VOLUME 34 No. 4 16th April to 6th May 2004
-Steve Zaloga’s Diorama showing an M-32 breaching the Siegfried line
-The Gloucestershire Regiment
-120mm Vietnam War U.S. Grenadier figure
-Desert storm diorama, great info on uniform camouflage pattern
-U.S. 3rd Armoured division at Normandy, Phil Dyer discusses the bullet deflectors fitted to the bow machine guns
-Arnaldo D’Orazio converts Tamiya’s Panther G to a Bergepanther using On Track Models parts
-How to paint leather MILITARY MODELLING

VOLUME 34 No. 5 7th May 2004 to 27th May 2004
-Steve Zaloga’s M4A3E8 Heavy Armour
-The Grenadier Guards
-Trumpeter’s Challenger II (as it appeared in operation Telic)
-Photos from Trucks and Tracks

VOLUME 34 No. 6 23 May 2004 to 17th June 2004
-1/16 scale Flakpanzer 38(t) (Good detail info with some photos of the real thing)
-Academy’s M4A2 with info on corrections and 1/35 scale plans by George Bradford also
some photos of the real thing in Russian service
- The Gordon Highlanders
- Adrian Bay shows how to get realistic wrinkels on miniatures clothing


VOLUME 34 No. 7 18th June 2004 to 8th July 2004
-The South Lancashire Regiment
D-Day Swimmers & Waders:
-Valentine DD (great info, everything needed to build a kit, some photos of real thing)
-Sherman VC “Firefly� (good plans of waterproofing)
-Sexton SPG (good plans of waterproofing and George Bradford’s Sexton plans)

VOLUME 34 No. 8 9th July 2004 to 5th August 2004
-Radio Panzer - Panzer I Command tank
-Trumpeter’s FAUN tank transporter
-Royal Scots Fusiliers MILITARY MODELLING
-Lance Corporal Harman VC 1/9 scale figure, good info on figure painting

VOLUME 34 No. 9 6th August 2004 to 26th August 2004
-Part one of Cookie Sewel’s 4 part article on the history of the KV-1
-The Life Guards
-The Seventh Armoured Brigade in Op Telic, operation Iraqi freedom
-Looking at some shows: AMSS, BMSS, Athens, Sword & Lance
-Stormtrooper 1918, Andrea’s bust
-Page 73, Write-up on Alanger Ltd.’s NKVD 1944 and Stalin’s Kazak 1943

VOLUME 34 No. 10 27th August 2004 to 24th September 2004
-Part two of Cookie Sewel’s 4 part article on the history of the KV-1
-Diorama by Steve Zaloga showing Mirage Hobby’s 1/72 scale Grant beside burnt out Pz-III
-The Life Guards

VOLUME 34 No. 11 24th September 2004 to 14th October 2004
-Building Trumpeter’s Leopold
-King Own Scottish Borderers
-Waterborn Ivan, Russian soldier equipped with floatation gear
-Steve Zaloga’s 1/72 U.S. M33 (turretless M3 Grant/Lee hull) towing
the M1 204mm Howitzer
-PST’s 1/72 scale IS2 Armoured recovery tank towing a ISU-122 Self propelled gun
-Steve Guthrie models the Canadian Ram II in 1/72
-Part three of Cookie Sewel’s 4 part article on the history of the KV-1
-Page 68, write-up on Alan’s 1/35 scale kit of the Bison I (Sig 33 on Panzer I)


VOLUME 34 No. 12 15 October to 4th November, 2004
-D-Day U.S. Paratrooper (good info on uniform and gear, weaponry)
-Prince Albert’s Somerset Light Infantry
-Western Chuck wagon
-Tsar’s Batmobile, 1915 wheeled tank. And the French Dipoclodus trench crossing machine
-Part four of Cookie Sewel’s KV-1 history, building a KV-1 Model 1941 March to June production. Good detail pictures of the real thing
-Pg 52 has a writeup on Italeri’s LCM 3 50ft Landing Craft
-Pg 57 has a writeup on Dragon’s Sherman M4A2 in Russian service

VOLUME 34 No. 13 5th November, 2004 to 25th November, 2004
-Rolls Royce WW-I Armoured Car
-Vietnam War 120mm figure conversion
-Steve Zaloga builds Dragon’s 1/72 scale M2A2 Bradley from operation desert storm
-The Royal Marines
-War and Peace show 2004

VOLUME 34 No. 15 (Skippe Euromilitaire special No. 14) 24 Dec. ’04 – 28th Jan. ’05
-King’s Royal Rifle Corp.
-Steve Zaloga Builds RPM’s Panzernest Pill box (good info pics on real thing, photos including one that shows a u.s. M31 recovery vehicle carrying this pillbox)
-KFOR Challenger using Accurate Armour’s 1/35 scale kit with dozer blade
-Building Dragon’s Leopold railway gun
-Vehicle exhibition showing Italian trucks and armour
-1/72 scale Jagtiger
VOLUME 35 No. 1
-Trumpeter’s 1/16 scale T-34/85 (Good interior detail and a walk around of the real thing)
-King’s Royal Rifle Corp.
-Dragon’s 1/6 scale Napoleonic figure of a French Imperial Guard c. 1812
-Diorama of German soldiers in the Ardennes, salvaging allied goodies

VOLUME 35 No. 2
-Zaloga build commander model’s 1/35 scale M-22 Locust (great info on real thing, interior views, storage diagrams, markings, and Hamilcar glider)
-Desert Rat soldier figure (good info on gear and Lee Enfield .303 No. 1 Mark III)
-Trumpeter’s 1/16 scale T-34/76 Model ’42 (great interior info and diagram of 1941/42 STZ production)
-The Royal Horse Guards
-Tristar’s Africa Corps. Panzer I Ausf A with Tropical Panzer crew (good info on figures)
-Dragon’s Initial Production Tiger I write up Page 66
VOLUME 35 No. 3
-Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
-Adding an interior to an M5 Stuart by John Prigent
-Steve Zaloga’s desert diorama, Marmon Herrington and Italian L3/33 tankette
-Andrea Miniature’s 54mm Russian soldier
-Detailing Airfix’s 1/76 Sdkfz 222 armoured car


VOLUME 35 No. 4
-Steve Zaloga converts Tamiya’s M26 Pershing into the Super Pershing
-1st Royal Dragoons
-Pg 34 Korean War U.S. Infantry figures (two) 120mm
-Pg 39 German infantry figure Russian front 1/35 scale
-Ford CMP with 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun on back


VOLUME 35 No. 5 6th May – 26th May 2005
-Bouncing the Rhine, Steve Zaloga builds a diorama of an LCM 3 unloading an M24 Chafee. Great info on vehicles used in Rhine crossing including LCM 3s on Dragon Wagons
-Accurate Armour’s Scammell Pioneer towing a 7.2 inch howitzer
-Polish Lancer 1939
-79th Cameron Highlanders
-ANZAC at Gallipoli
-Italeri’s Land Rover in Israeli service
-Accurizing Tamiya’s 88mm Flak 36

VOLUME 35 NO. 6 27TH May – 16th June 2005
-Charles Buchanan with a new series on figure modeling, anatomy for modelers,how gravity affects the human. Part I
-Steve Zaloga builds a 1/72 scale BTR-ZD with an anti aircraft gun. Includes great info and views of the ZU-23 twin barreled AA gun
-ANZAC at Gallipoli
-Iraqi T-59 and T-62 for modelers
-Cromwell Modells’ Churchill kits are shown in a couple of ads

VOLUME 35 NO. 7 17th June – 7th July 2005
-D-Day Swimmers and Waders More information on the tank of 27th Armoured Brigade Firefly Sherman VC updated
-Charles Buchanan’s series on figure modeling, anatomy for modelers, ‘gait’ for miniature figures, Part II
-Get creative with a Cromwell, good info on weathering
-World War I RFC pilot figure
-World War II G.I. Figure
-Northhamptonshire Regiment 1914… The 48th Regiment of Foot

VOLUME 35 NO. 8 8th July 2005 – 4th August 2005
-Steve Zaloga’s 1/72 scale diorama showing a Cromwell passing a Puma armoured car in the Falaise gap
-Peter Brown gives a brief history of the Cromwell tank to accompany the above diorama includes info on markings
-The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort’s Own)
-Charles Buchanan’s series on figure modeling, Part III, how to model hands
-Part I of Dick Taylor’s article on Iraqi ground forces Unit Organization and vehicle markings in both gulf wars. Part I covers 1990-91


VOLUME 35 NO. 9 5th August 2005-25th August 2005
-Making a Sherman Mk-III of the Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry
- Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry, Peter Brown looks at their service in the Middle East
-The 1st (King’s) Dragoon Guards
- Charles Buchanan’s series on figure modeling, talks about shoulder blades on miniature figures
-Part II of Dick Taylor’s article on Iraqi Army vehicle markings
-Weathering clothing, Mark Bannerman shows how with enamels
-Cookie Sewel reports on AMPS 2005

VOLUME 35 NO. 10 26th August 2005-22 September 2005
- Steve Zaloga’s 1/72 scale diorama “Bocage Buster� featuring a Sherman with hedgerow cutter and a Sdkfz 250 halftrack
- The King’s Liverpool regiment
- Aufklarungspanzer, 38t reccon tank with SdKfz 251 armoured car turret. Good photos of the actual tank and good history.

VOLUME 35 No. 11 23rd September – 13th October 2005
-British Airborne 1944, Dragon’s 12 inch action figure- good figure info
-Dragon’s 3 in 1 Tiger I initial, early type
-Converting Cromwell’s Churchill Mk-IV AVRE to a CIRD – Mineroller (Great info on roller)
-The Royal Irish Fusiliers
-Sculpting horses
-Steve Zaloga builds a 1/72 scale Panhard armoured car (not much info on suspension)
-Knocked out, burned out Russian armour pictures
-Write up on Tristar’s Panzer IV D kit

VOLUME 35 No. 12 14th October 2005-4th November 2005
-LVT (A) 1&2Amtracs and Amtanks, great plan view drawings, info and pictures
-Sherman add-ons, appliqué armour on M4 mediums, great plans and photos and info
-Sculpting horses
-5th Royal Irish Lancers
-pictures from World Expo 2005 and War and Peace show 2005
-MAFVA Nationals & Duxford military day
-Tamiya’s Leclerc gets a writeup
VOLUME 35 No. 13 4th November 2005 24th November, 2005
-Steve Zaloga’s “operations Barbarosa� diorama-38t passing a Russian BT-7a
-Sculpting horses
-“Battered Bastard of Bastogne� 120mm figure of a U.S. 101st Airborne soldier
-MIAI Abrams on road to Bagdad – good photos
-Italeri’s LVT’s – Bruce Crosby re-models and corrects, making an LVT 2 and an LVT(A) 1
-Write-up of Accurate Armour’s Austin Tilly

VOLUME 35 No. 15 23rd December, 2005
-Trumpeter’s KV-2, Cookie Sewel gives a good history. Good photos and info
-Trumpeter’s KV-2, Jay Laverty builds the kit
-Markings, U.S. 3rd Infantry division in Operation Iraqi Freedom
-Sculpting horses
-Italeri’s LVT’s – Including LVT(A)-2 with 20mm Polsten gun A squadron 11 RTR, 79TH Armoured division NW Europe, LVT-2 3 tone cammo scheme Iwo Jima and a Navy Grey LVT-2 on Saipan. Also and LVT-4 on Saipan also in Navy grey. The amphibious trailer is shown in this article.

VOLUME 36 No. 1 27th January, 2006
-Mark Bannerman builds Cromwell’s British A9 Cruiser kit
-How to use commercial plaster scenery (buildings) in dioramas
-Sculpting horses
-Modifying Trumpeter’s FAUN into an armoured Elephant version, good pictures of actual vehicle
-Famous British regiments, The Black Watch
-Steve Zaloga makes a Afrika Korps Panzer IV Ausf D in 1/72 scale
-Page 56 has a write up of Italeri’s Crusader III AA Mk. III
-Page 61 has a write up on Zvezda’s Soviet machine gun crew
-Page 71 has a write up on ICM’s Bergepanther MILITARY MODELLING

VOLUME 36 No.2 24th February, 2006
-British Cruiser tanks, Peter Brown relates the of the first the A9 . Great plans, info, photos and colour plates of markings
-Latest add on armour for the Challenger II MBT, detailed walk-around of the actuall tank
-Tamiya’s 1/48 scale T-34/76, not much usefull info
-The Royal Fusiliers, the city of London’s Own Regiment
-The first VW swimmer, a 1/16th scale model providing good info on the swimmer
-Pg. 65, Cookie Sewell gives a detailed review of Dragon’s M4A1 76mm (W)
-Pg. 67, Cookie Sewell gives a detailed review of both Dragon’s and Tristar’s
20mm Flak 38 AA guns
- Pg. 69, Cookie Sewell gives a detailed review of Dragon’s Panzer IV Ausf. E Vorpanzer

VOLUME 36 No.3 17th March, 2006
-Eduard’s 1/16 scale Schwimmwagon (good pictures of a restored vehicle)
-Scimitar pictures showing up-armouring
-PT17 U.S. Patrol Torpedo boat using Airfix and Revell kit parts
-Famous British Regiments, The army service corps
-Nuremberg 2006 kit reports

VOLUME 36 No.4 14th April, 2006
-Building ADV Azimut’s Mack No with a walk around and history of the Vehicle
-Accurate Armour’s Lynx helicopter
-Dragon’s German 20mm AA gun in 1/6th scale
-Modelling an early Hetzer using Dragon’s kit and Verlinden interior parts
-Famous British Regiments, The army service corps part II

VOLUME 36 No. 5 5th May, 2006
-Accurate Armour’s E10 Paper Panzer (Similar to a Hetzer)
-“Cuddles� a Canadian M4A3 Sherman with a Dozer blade in Korea. Great info and photos of the actual Sherman
-Masters Production’s Chevy 1.5 ton truck
-The Royal Regiment of Scotland
-Trucks and Tracks 2006

VOLUME 36 No. 6 26th May, 2006
-Steve Zaloga builds Trumpeter’s SA-6, great photos of the actual vehicle
-Part I of Cookie Sewel’s four part article on Russia’s T-26 light tank
-Frank De Sisto builds Dragon’s Panzer IV/70 (V) Jagpanzer, good photos of the one at Aberdeen proving grounds
-Page 62- Dick Taylor shows photographs of vehicles to demonstrate weathering and wear
-Cold weather British paratrooper from the eighties
-Riders for horses
-Page 71 has a write-up the Bronco Comet
-Page 72 has a write-up the Academy Lee
-Page 76 has a write-up on Miniart’s T-70M

VOLUME 39 No. 3
-British armour nomenclature
-Cookie Sewel reviews Dragon’s 1/72 Challenger II in Iraq and Bergepanzer Tiger I
and 1/35 Royal Models Diorama Accessories T-55A up grade set for Czech, Polish and most Soviet ones as well
-“Tank Tracks: 9th Battalion Royal Tank Regiment at War 1940-45� Book review
-Tank wrecks and relics in the Netherlands
-“Tanks in detail 2: M3-M3A1-M3A3 Stuart I to V� Book review
-“Chariots of the Lake� British secret projects of WWII. Book review
-Borden tank museum report
-“Tank Driver� book review
-Second battle of El Alamein by George Bradford
-Current Egyptian tactical markings
-“German uniforms, insignia & Equipment 1918-1923: Freikorps, Reichswehr, Vehicles, Weapons� Book review
-Nuts & Bolts: Volume 18 “Marder III Panzerjager 38(t) fur 7.5cm Pak 40/3 (Sd.Kfz. 138)
Part 2: Ausf. H & 7.5 cm Pak 40


M1 Scratchbuild
Sdkfz 234/1 Conversion (Puma)
Lights and Lenses
FALL '83
M48A3 Pillbox

Using Photoetched parts
LVT(A)5 conversion
3 Shades of bare metal
Weathering with paints, pastels and washes
M1 57 antitank gun (six pounder)
M5A1 Stuart Detail
Truck from movie Duel FINESCALE MODELER
Superdetailing Tamiya's M1 Abrams
Casting RTV molds
Dora Railway gun
M4A3E2 "Jumbo"
German armour terms and abbreviations

Tin cans for Dioramas
75mm Pak 40 RSO Steyr Wagon Conversion
Scratchbuilt Lynx
Casting Resin
Opel Blitz enclosed rear
Simulating Zimmerit with paper
Early Priest
Tree branch camouflage
Detailing plastic with heat
Epoxy casting

1/25 Whippet
Building your first tank kit
Soviet KV-1E
Scratchbuild C.S.S. Hunley
JUNE '87
M-18 Hellcat scale drawings
Battle of the Bulge Fake M-10 (Panther disguised as M-10, Skorzeny)
Lights & Lenses

U.S. M36 B1 Tank Destroyer
Foxholes & Trenches
Panther Detail
JUNE '88
M-46 backdate to M-26 and plans
M47 Drawings
M3 Halftrack conversion 40mm Bofors
M42 Duster Detail
Klingon bird of prey (Scratchbuild)
Sherman applique armour
Weapons slings & straps
Spoked wheels
MAY '89

Battlescars for tanks
JULY '89
Painting German Armour
Renault Char B
1920 Rolls Royce Armoured Car
Verlinden's M1 Abrams
Vietnam armoured truck
88mm gun
Maxson Stuart
Soldering metal parts
MODELLING the first Sherman
Panzer IV/70(A) Conversion (early Lang)
Britain's huge shelled-area tank
MAY '90
Cambodian bus
JULY '90
MODELLING stowed equipment
Accurizing Tamiya's Panther (Templates for turret)
Another Klingon bird of prey (Sratchbuild)
Phanomen Granit Ambulance (Horch conversion)
Vietnam half-track
Portfolio-Tony Greenland's German armour
M41 Bulldog
US M1 Combat Car
Vietnam Patrol boat
MAY '91
Upgrading Tamiya's STUG IV
JULY '91
Desert storm M1A1
Accurizing Esci's LAV-25
Scratchbuilt LVTP-7
Research data: Sherman Firefly
Sdkfz 250/7 conversion FINESCALE MODELER

Soviet SU-76
A Panzerjager 38t Self Propelled gun (mounting Russian 76mm)
Marder III (See also Mil. Modelling Vol.27 No.17 Nov. '97)
Improving AMT/Ertl's Starship Enterprise (1/500, Page 86)
Somua S-35
MAY '92
Detailing tank interiors KV-2
JULY '92
Your first resin kit
Research data-Scorpion & Scimitar light tanks
Detailing the King Tiger
Detailing figures with acryllic paints
Research Data: M3A3 Stuart Tanks

Stalingrad T-34
Panzerwerfer 42
Canadair DC-4
MAY '93
Airbrushing AFVs
JULY '93
WW-1 Mk-IV Tank
T-26 Light tank

Nieuport 17
Kitbashing Stug III
Scratchbuilding a Hispano-Suiza 20mm Gun
1/35 M3A1 Conversion
Van Braun's Mars Lander (Scratchbuild)
1940 T-34 Conversion (Steve Zaloga) see also info in folder
Scratchbuilt Karl Mortar Gerat
Rocket Launching Sherman
Detailing 1/35 Engines
MAY '94
1911 Coast to Coast Biplane (Wright Flyer Conversion)
Building your first resin tank (NKC's AMR 33)
Most wanted kits

JULY '94
Iraqi T-62M
German Class 05 Locomotive
M.A.S.H. Chopppers
Vietnam Convoy Half-Track FINE SCALE MODELER
U.S. M12 155mm self-Propelled gun (Sherman Conversion)
1/15 Scale T-34
1/9 scale Stug IIIG (Good Stug III info)
Sherman III M4A2 Research Data
Workbench Review- French Leclerc MBT
March '95
M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle
Lighting up Klingon Cruiser
Research Data-Germany's last Panzer IVs
M88A1 Recovery vehicle pg 23 (Workbench Review)
May '95
155mm "Long Tom" U.S. M59 (1/35 AFV Club kit)
Conversions- U.S. M10 & M36 Tank Destroyers
Scratchbuilding WW1 Aeroplanes
July '95
Research Data- Panzer Neubaufahrzeug (Plans & Text)
Giant Scratchbuilt original series Enterprise

Detailing WW1 Field Gun
WW1 Biplanes
Building Better canopies
Painting Dinosaurs
Shipbuilding tips
"Star Trek" Shuttle, Accurizing Ertl's kit (Original series)
Conversion- Upparmouring an 1A1A1 Leopard tank
Model News- Monogram's Star Trek Voyager, Kazon & Maquis ship
Workbench review- Tamiya's 1/35 Early (Welded Hull) Sherman
Reasearch data: T3 Christie Tank (Plans and a guide to scratchbuilding)

MODELLING WWII- Backdating Tamiya's M3 Stuart to a M2A4
Building a Radschlepper Ost
Sandbagging a Sherman
Soviet T-80BV (Improving Dragon's Kit)
MODELLING Apollo 13 (1/48 Scale)
Workbench Reviews: Dragon's Jagtiger Sdkfz 186
Emhar MK-A Whippet

Sherman bulldozer (Oddball tracks and wheels)
German 8 Wheeled Armoured Cars (History, Plans, notes on kits)
Makeshift Lathe

Yugoslav AA Tank (M3A3 Stuart with German Quad 20mm)
1996 New kit releases, Page 70
MAY '96
Detailing Dragon's 1/35 BTR-80
Picture of Neubaufahrzeug
1/20 Scale Vs-300A Helicopter (Sikorsky's First)
RCAF B-25 Mitchell Mk-III
Churchill Mk.IV NA75
Colour and Camouflage- Sdkfz 233 (8 Rad) Tunisia 1943
Land and Sea with Sculpey
MODELLING the Skink- Canadian anti-aircraft tank
(Historical Data and Model Conversion Kit info)

Kitbashing a Katyusha
Backdating Italeri's 38t
AFV Club Scimitar
CMK's 35t Skoda
PG-73 Humbrol colour chart


Hanomag 251 (Earlier short barreled 75mm Howitzer version)
Review of Italerie's Oshkosh truck
Research Data-British M-22 Locust Airborne Tank (Good plans)
Hot to cast resin parts
Building a Soviet KV-85
MAY '97
Super-detailing Dragon's Brummbar
JULY '97
Sratchbuilding a de Havilland D.H. 1A
Superdetailing/Correcting Tamiya's M551 Sheridan
SdKfz 253 (Conversion to a recon version) FINESCALE MODELER
Special report - how to order from overseas
Mid-production Sherman (merging 3 kits-Tamiya,Verlinden, MP)
Stuart in British Service (Colour & Markings)

Scratchbuilt M41 "Gorilla" Howitzer (Self-propelled 155m on Chaffee chassis) Great detail info
Marine Corps M4A3 Sherman Conversion (Iwo Jima)
Battle of the Bulge Jagpanther (Colour & Camouflage only)
WW-II Italian M.41 Self-propelled 90mm Anti-Tank gun (Research Data)
Workbench Review- Tamiya's 2.5 Ton 6X6
Backdating Dragon's M4A1 (Some Correction)
Build your own vacu-forming machine
PG.94 "Puppchin" German Towed Bazooka (MODELLING in white metal)
Workbench Review-AFV Club M-18, Tamiya's Jeep, Opel Blitz fuel truck
Scratchbuild U.S. M84 Mortar Carrier
Punch & Die Sets
New kit releases
Workbench Review- Dragon's T-34/85 (1944 version)
Research Data: Panzer I Ausf F VK1801 pg. 54
Dieppe Churchill Mk-I (conversion backdating Tamiya's Mk-VII)
Converting a Dodge Weapons Carrier into a Bambi (Israeli Armoured Car)
How to make a moto dremel table saw
How to whitewash
Canadian Coyote (Canadian version of LAV-25) FINESCALE MODELER
Workbench Reviews-Tamiya Marder IIIM, Trumpeter’s JSIIIM

JULY 2005
-Plans and templates for building a 1/35 scale Maresal, Rumanian tank destroyer based on Russian SU-76
-1/72 scale M1A1 Abrams-Great interior info
-Trumpeter’s German 39 (Hotchkiss) 10.5cm SPG gets a brief review

Canadian Lynx Armoured Scout car (Northern Europe '45, pg 34)
"Tank Killer" T56 (Conversion Based on Stuart Light tank)


-M32B1 Sherman recovery vehicle
-Sherman ARVs MkI and MkII
-Schwere Panzerspahwagen 8-Rad Armoured Cars
-M18 Hellcat tank destroyer
-Panzerbefehlswagen IV
-7.5cm Gebrigsjager 36 and 10cm Leichtgeschutz 40. 40/2

Afrika Corps Uniforms
Israeli M51HV
Engineering fighting vehicles
M1A1 Abrams
Ferret MK2

Pachi photo competition
M-551 Sheridan
HUM-V Update
-Step by step guide to building and painting Tamiya’s T-55
great info on painting techniques

Norwegian NM116 (Chafee)
Canadian Pig
Marder III

Accurizing Esci's LAV
MP Model's M4/M4A3
MB Model's MK-IV
MP Model's M4A4
Dartmoor's ferret
DML's T-72M G
MP's Easy Eight Suspension
ESCI's Pattons
Japanese Camouflage
Kit Transmissions

Accurate Armours Cromwell
Up-Armoured M4A3E8
Creating a KV-1s
Gunze Sangyo's selbstfahrlafette
Accurizing ESCI's LAV
A.E.F.'s S tank
Schqwertzenpanzer III
DML's T-80
MP Model's M50
MB Model's MK-IV
NKC's Whermachtsschlepper
Tamiya's Sdkfz 251 D9
ESCI's T-55

Accurizing Tamiya's M3
Making AEF's T-64A a T-64K
Commanders Panzer 1A

JK Model's Neubaufahrzeug
Iraqi Army Colors & Markings 1980-90
Camo/Desert Storm
Peddinghaus' Bergetiger Turret
Dragon's BTR-70

Accurate Armour's Warrior
T-26 Model '33
Schwqertzenpanzer V
Verlinden's M163 Vulcan
Pzkpw 35(t)
NKC's Sturmtiger
AEF's M60A1
DML Dragon's BRDM-2
Tamiya's M2A2 Bradley

Dragon's Scud
Tamiya's Sdkfz 251/1 "STUKA"
Accurate Armour's CVR(T) Scimitar
Accurate Armour's Zelda (Israeli M-113)

'79 No.1
'79 No. 2
Canadian Vehicle Markings

'79 No.3
'79 No. 4
25 Pounder Closeup
U.N. Ferrets
20 Pounder Ammo
'79 No. 5
Carden Loyd MG Carriers
'79 No. 6
Zrinyi II Hungarian Assault Gun
Valentine Archer
'81 No.1 RT
Volume 16 No. 2
T-44 Plans
Volume 20 No.1
M4A1 Grizzly

Volume 20 No. 6
Scammel Artilery Tractor
Volume 21 No. 1
15 CWT Bedford truck
Volume 25 No. 3
Japanese Type 95 Heavy tank

Volume 27 Number 3 RT
17pdr Achilles external and internal stowage
Sherman ARV interior

Volume 27 Number 1
Canadian Valentine in Russian service
C60L 3 ton General Service Lorry CMP

May 1997
Converting Tamiya's Universal Carrier into Winsor (stretched
4 wheeled version_)
M32B3 Sherman Recovery vehicle with HVSS Suspension (Korean war era)
Skif=s 2S1 Gvozdika - Good pictures of real thing
Cuban BRDM-1 (Arsenal=s injection molded kit)
Stuart MK-VI (Accurate Armour=s conversion)
MK-III Centurion in Israeli service Sho=t conversion
Accurate Armour's AEC Matador
Renault UE Write-up (Plans of same with German 37mm)
Accurate Armour's Scammell Pioneer tank transporter
Tamiya's Cromwell
Warrior MRV

SMA Faun D900 (German early war tank transporter) & Trailer
Accurate Armour's Centurion MK-1
Sd.Kfz 222 Interior detail
Lacrosse-U.S. 1950s truck mounted ground to ground missile launcher
Accurising Tamiya's Dingo Scout car
Italeri's sWS rocket launching halftrack
Maquette's T-34/76
Panhard P-178
Leopard 2A4
Hart Model's Scammell Pioneer
M31 Recovery Lee
Casting parts for Tamiya's LRDG truck (Wheels)
Flakzwilling Panther

Dragon=s T-34/85 (with great photos of real thing with post war mods)
Trumpeter=s T-80 Chinese MBT kit
Superscale Scimitar
Revel/Dragon=s Henschel Jagtiger
Pershing Diorama
Kursk diorama - Russian Lee
Skif=s Gvozdika 2S1
Danish Hummers
Urulmash-1 SU-101 Russian SPG (Major reworking of SU-100)


T-34/76 Interior views
M-10 Interior views
Panhard plans and detail
Military MODELLING articles on the Hungarian Toldi
Finnish T-28 picture, T-27 picture
Verlinden M4 Engine compartment
Correcting Esci's T-55
Building T-34/76 model 1940 (See also FSM January 1994)
"Moon Cover"
Conversions for Tamiya's old Hanomag halftrack
4" naval deck gun mounted on flatbed truck (Post Dunkirque emergency measure)
Anti-Aircraft Hetzer
"Saturn Cover"
British Vehicle markings and paint guides
Zimmerit, Muzzle Breaks, Funklenk (Bomb planting tank)
Turan tank, quad conversion, BT fast tanks article, Churchill funnies, Six wheeled German armoured car, sherman ARV's.
"White cover"

AEC Command car, German halftrack Sherman halftrack, German tank transporting trailer, Centaur dozer, LLoyd carrier,
L.40 DA 47/32 Italian assault tank, Centurian ARV, Bedford QLR
Polish armoured vehicles
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:44 pm
Post subject: Re: Modelling Magazine index

Many thanks!
(I am a modeller too!)
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