UberDemon's FB+AEP+PF UQMG Out!!!
-> IL2/FB/AEP/Pacific Fighters

#1: UberDemon's FB+AEP+PF UQMG Out!!! Author: RAF92_MoserLocation: Illinois PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:26 am
For those who have no idea what I am talking about, UQMG (Uberdemon Quick Mission Generator) is a wonderful mission tool to quickly set up up random missions. It can easily make combination of planes, such as towing gliders and Ju88 mistel. It has Briefing editing tools, and you can tell it if you want a lot of objects, cameras,etc in the mission. Also has a cloning feature where you can clone flights and raise the max number of 32 planes in a mission signifigantly. I really recommend this as I absolutely think it is a must have for Il-2.



-> IL2/FB/AEP/Pacific Fighters

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