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Add-On for BUSH Flights is here!
Posted by Shadow_Bshwackr on Thursday, November 06, 2008 (20:53:07) (7403 reads)
Finally, after a couple months of work, the CC Bush Flights Total Scenery Package is complete and ready to download! This package includes literally everything you need to see all ninety (90) Shocked sceneries that I've created in the Glacier Bay area.
New stuff in the package includes Afcad files for all non-stock airport locations allowing use of the "Go To Airport" function as well as the Flight Planner, and if you have FSNav and run the DBC program they'll show up on the FSNav screen as well!
Weekly Bush Flights
Posted by RCAF_MadDog on Monday, August 29, 2005 (17:53:20) (4825 reads)
New jobs for the Com-Central Bush pilots! Instructions are posted in the forums.
Have fun all.
FS9 Scenery! Com Central Bush HQ's
Posted by Shadow_Bshwackr on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 (03:17:16) (4287 reads)
WOOHOOO, new scenery for Com Central Bush Flights! Yep, kudos to JG300_Ascout for making this great scenery for FS9 bush flying! This scenery has it all from animals to huts and oh yeah, an airstrip too...lol
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