????? ?????????? ???, ??????
????? ?????????? ???, ??????
_POTD_SUBON27-09-2011 12:10

JG300-Stoopy - 13-10-2011 05:03  
!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!, !!!!!!
piney - 13-10-2011 05:34  
Shocked how bland for the Manolo, some different paint perhaps Laughing
Manolo - 13-10-2011 10:03  
"????? ?????????? ???, ??????"...he was trying to say.
Manolo - 13-10-2011 10:04  
The Manolo, in his beer he is crying because the software does not support the Cyrillic. Crying or Very sad
siskens - 13-10-2011 14:48  
Confused Oh Manolo...that's too bad for the beer....cheer up ! The plane heads for MOCKBA. Wink
JG300-Stoopy - 13-10-2011 18:24  
Dang - I thought about PM'ing you to see if the question marks were intentional... now I know, sorry!
Uhu_Fledermaus - 13-10-2011 18:27  
Shocked looks like the "Manolo" got lost in the russian toendra, not sure how he will combine his fine tuned skills with harsh russian NJET Rolling Eyes
sven_c - 16-08-2012 09:15  
hmm... good target for 109s, i suppose Twisted Evil Twisted Evil