Specialist Ascout, your plane is ready...
Specialist Ascout, your plane is ready...
_POTD_SUBON24-01-2012 14:13

JG300-Dan736 - 10-03-2012 08:25  
Heidi and Grechten already on board?
JG300-Ascout - 10-03-2012 12:21  
I do hope so!
JG300-Stoopy - 10-03-2012 19:03  
Looks like quite the VIP ride...

sven_c - 15-06-2012 09:35  
Hey!?!?! Surprised Surprised Aren't you supposed to be part of the Luftwaffe?

You are boarding an American aircraft! Shocked Shocked
Don't be suprised if they send you to a prison camp and they don't let you go.