Checking the works.....
Checking the works.....
_POTD_SUBON24-10-2012 16:16

piney - 05-11-2012 04:10  
JG300-Stoopy - 05-11-2012 05:03  
Beautiful picture Hans!

I'm stumped by what aircraft this is. Twin engine, fairly modern, military, with film and smoke generation. The cockpit canopy has me thinking OV-10 Bronco but can you give a clue?

JG300-Stoopy - 05-11-2012 05:08  
P.S. The (gorgeous) location is the second mystery. Panama?
siskens - 05-11-2012 15:15  
Yes, it is the Bronco, overflying Bonneville Dam in Oregon ( FTX-scenery: HIGHLY recommendable)....and..what a joy to FSfly again. Smile