Facing the front


Facing the front

JG300-Stoopy (11-10-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1659)
Arriving Charleston WV


Arriving Charleston WV

JG300-Stoopy (15-10-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1470)
Deep in Banjo country now


Deep in Banjo country now

JG300-Stoopy (14-10-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1583)
Time to reflect


Time to reflect

JG300-Stoopy (13-10-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1691)
Dodging Squalls in WV


Dodging Squalls in WV

JG300-Stoopy (12-10-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1758)
Stormy Weather in West Virginia


Stormy Weather in West Virginia

JG300-Stoopy (10-10-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1507)
Entering West VA


Entering West VA

JG300-Stoopy (09-10-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1503)



JG300-Stoopy (08-10-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1541)
Departing Front Royal VA


Departing Front Royal VA

JG300-Stoopy (07-10-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1438)
Fillin' up in Front Royal


Fillin' up in Front Royal

JG300-Stoopy (06-10-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1570)
On final for Front Royal, VA


On final for Front Royal, VA

JG300-Stoopy (05-10-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1671)
Passing through Hume, VA


Passing through Hume, VA

JG300-Stoopy (04-10-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1667)
Departing KHEF Mannasas VA, MFS2020


Departing KHEF Mannasas VA, MFS2020

JG300-Stoopy (03-10-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1570)
Laying in wait


Laying in wait

JG300-Stoopy (01-08-2020)
_POTD_VIEWS (1590)
Dealing with [i]der Gabelschwanz-Teufel[/i]


Dealing with [i]der Gabelschwanz-Teufel[/i]

JG300-Stoopy (18-11-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (1910)
River Racing through Cologne


River Racing through Cologne

JG300-Stoopy (12-11-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (1955)
Wrath of the Valkyrie


Wrath of the Valkyrie

JG300-Stoopy (28-10-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (1916)
Making the drop


Making the drop

JG300-Stoopy (13-10-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (1562)
If they burn, it means they're a witch


If they burn, it means they're a witch

JG300-Stoopy (05-10-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (1849)
Ahh the colors of spring...


Ahh the colors of spring...

JG300-Stoopy (27-09-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (2262)
At Home in the Halberstadt


At Home in the Halberstadt

JG300-Stoopy (14-09-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (2154)
Running out of options


Running out of options

JG300-Stoopy (03-09-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (1917)
Run!!!! HALBERSTADT!!!!!!


Run!!!! HALBERSTADT!!!!!!

JG300-Stoopy (23-08-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (2252)
Making the drop!


Making the drop!

JG300-Stoopy (11-08-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (2040)
Get off my lawn!


Get off my lawn!

JG300-Stoopy (04-08-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (2036)



JG300-Stoopy (26-07-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (2107)
Here come the Ducks


Here come the Ducks

JG300-Stoopy (17-07-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (1773)
Let's  have some fireworks!


Let's have some fireworks!

JG300-Stoopy (10-07-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (1985)
A Train for the Bandit


A Train for the Bandit

JG300-Stoopy (03-07-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (2154)
Ivan and the Bandit


Ivan and the Bandit

JG300-Stoopy (16-06-2019)
_POTD_VIEWS (1690)