Navy or nuthin


Navy or nuthin

Freiherr_Kiefer (30-12-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1005)
just a little fast


just a little fast

Freiherr_Kiefer (02-01-2016)
_POTD_VIEWS (1102)
Tudor Rose


Tudor Rose

Freiherr_Kiefer (05-01-2016)



Freiherr_Kiefer (07-01-2016)
Rank has it's privileges


Rank has it's privileges

Freiherr_Kiefer (10-01-2016)
_POTD_VIEWS (1012)
Roy Orbison tries his hand at Reno Sportsman class


Roy Orbison tries his hand at Reno Sportsman class

JG300-Stoopy (03-11-2015)
Scapoose departure, for good this time


Scapoose departure, for good this time

JG300-Stoopy (06-11-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1027)
And now a word from our Sponsor


And now a word from our Sponsor

JG300-Stoopy (09-11-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1028)
North Portland haze


North Portland haze

JG300-Stoopy (13-11-2015)
In honor of Veterans Day


In honor of Veterans Day

JG300-Stoopy (11-11-2015)
Heading up to the Columbia delta


Heading up to the Columbia delta

JG300-Stoopy (16-11-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1017)
Astoria Approach


Astoria Approach

JG300-Stoopy (19-11-2015)
target rich enviroment


target rich enviroment

piney (14-01-2016)
Must be a good day for fishin'


Must be a good day for fishin'

JG300-Stoopy (22-11-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1001)
Quick touch'n go at WA80, McLellan Field


Quick touch'n go at WA80, McLellan Field

JG300-Stoopy (25-11-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1062)
The aptly-named Silver Star Scenic Area....


The aptly-named Silver Star Scenic Area....

JG300-Stoopy (28-11-2015)
this will make the piggies squeal


this will make the piggies squeal

Freiherr_Kiefer (17-01-2016)
that dragon on the tail looks kinda boarish to me


that dragon on the tail looks kinda boarish to me

Freiherr_Kiefer (20-01-2016)
a  quiet afternoon


a quiet afternoon

siskens (11-12-2015)
The Aeronavale crossing the Pyrenees


The Aeronavale crossing the Pyrenees

siskens (14-12-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1075)
a fancy way of transporting the goodies


a fancy way of transporting the goodies

siskens (17-12-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1005)
pas de soucis ! Nous gardons votre calva....


pas de soucis ! Nous gardons votre calva....

siskens (20-12-2015)
preventive dusting


preventive dusting

siskens (23-12-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1077)
I'm watching you


I'm watching you

Freiherr_Kiefer (20-08-2010)
_POTD_VIEWS (1602)
the return of .....................................


the return of .....................................

Uhu_Fledermaus (07-08-2011)
_POTD_VIEWS (1264)
A2A B-17's in formation!


A2A B-17's in formation!

TuFun (27-10-2011)
_POTD_VIEWS (1433)



JG300-Ascout (29-03-2010)
_POTD_VIEWS (1497)
helsinki dawn


helsinki dawn

Freiherr_Kiefer (19-10-2010)
_POTD_VIEWS (1457)
Oh, Darn....


Oh, Darn....

JG300-Ascout (25-09-2012)
_POTD_VIEWS (1085)



Freiherr_Kiefer (02-02-2014)
_POTD_VIEWS (1014)