C'mon Skipper, lets show those Decathlon pilots how it's REALLY done!
C'mon Skipper, lets show those Decathlon pilots how it's REALLY done!
_POTD_SUBON30-05-2011 15:09

piney - 25-06-2011 04:09  
Shadow_Bshwackr - 25-06-2011 05:24  
Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green
JG300-Ascout - 25-06-2011 05:30  
Apparently, Stoopy has grounded Ascout, Bullet, Dan, Fr8ycat and Willy and hired some new wingmen. Sad
JG300-Stoopy - 25-06-2011 07:39  
More like Stoopy was caught playing with himself via FS-Recorder....live wingmen would be far more fun if anyone is interested in formation aerobatics! Razz
JG300-Ascout - 25-06-2011 13:55  
Well, that one guy seems to have lost rudder authority. Mr. Green
JG300-Stoopy - 25-06-2011 14:04  
Well, when I'm leading a flight, "authority" is questionable right out of the gate.... Laughing
JG300-Ascout - 25-06-2011 15:44  
He's sho' 'nuff workin' that elevator though!