Saturday, February 25, 2006 (00:45:38)
Hard feat this week, passing close to the Fuji San without crashing against it - well, the route has been planned so that you get quite near to the top of the chimney, but you're not requested to let yourselves drop into it 
#62 RJAA New Tokyo Intl / Narita (Japan) -> RJOO Osaka Intl (Japan)
Overall distance: 260,5 nm.
Estimated time: 1:34 h.
Aircraft: Spartan 7W Executive
Cruise speed: 180 KIAS
Cruise altitude: 12.000 ft.
Weather: set by server
Timeset: 17:00 local – 08:00 GMT
for more info go here
- Posted by: Uhu_Fledermaus
- Topic: Around the World
- Score: