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JG300-Stoopy Power User

Offline Joined: Jan 05, 2005 Posts: 5840 Location: Group W bench
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 12:29 pm Post subject: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili!!! |
We're pleased to announce the addition of another fine swine to the rich heritage of the pigsty family, our latest member JG300-Chili W (aka Capt. Wild Bill Kelso in CFS3 MP)!!!!!
"Chili" has been the subject of some of our attention lately due to his excellent attitude and dogfighting ability in CFS3. As of last night he's passed the traditional entrance exam and survived his "trial by bonfire" (which any of us who've ground-looped the CFS3 Bf109 understand completely) and we're proud to have him in our ranks!
Hailing from NC USA, it sounds like his new JG300 nickname of "Chili" will have tremendous potential to create gaseous substances and help stink the place up with style, as befits any Wild Sau.....so raise a glass and welcome our new guy!
Welcome, JG300-Chili!!!!!!!!!!!
Snnnooorrrrt PooooooOOOOOTTT!!!!
_________________ "Once your reputation is ruined, you can live quite freely."
Last edited by JG300-Stoopy on Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:06 pm; edited 2 times in total |
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JG300-1Bullet Power User

Offline Joined: Jan 05, 2005 Posts: 1117 Location: Odessa, Texas
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:29 pm Post subject: Re: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili W.!!! |

You've never been lost until you've been lost at Mach 3
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JG300_Hunt Power User

Offline Joined: Mar 08, 2006 Posts: 750 Location: WA State
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JG300-fr8ycat Power User

Offline Joined: Mar 13, 2005 Posts: 1528 Location: Los Angeles
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 5:58 pm Post subject: Re: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili W.!!! |
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JG300-Dan736 Power User

Offline Joined: Jan 26, 2005 Posts: 484 Location: Burlinton Ont
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:27 pm Post subject: Re: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili W.!!! |
 Welcome th the sty Chili W! I wanted to post a few other screen shots including one of Fr8tycats exploding wing tip but I had trouble getting them uploaded to Photobucket,go figure.
eagles may soar but a weasel won't get sucked into a jet engine
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JG300-Hoppa Power User

Offline Joined: Jan 10, 2005 Posts: 583 Location: vernon BC
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:24 am Post subject: Re: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili W.!!! |
welcome chili.....damn glad to have another smelly being joining the ranks,!
I myself have been away from our battle front in cfs3 for a spell but have full intentions of poking my snout back in again here real soon, I need to go buy the game again cause I loaned it to a buddy who has kids, I should be back up and running this week and I thinks by the look of things I sure have been missing out on lotsa fun.
I'll let ya' know a lil about myself for ya anyways.
36, married no kids and aint gonna!!!!!!!!!
the proudest damn logger that probably ever walked. I hail from the deep sticks of british columbia but now call central alberta home
I work as a heavy equipment operator (hoe), and have a real knack for wreckin' stuff.
I have been a very proud sau for I think about 4 years now, I love all these guys and some of the great people I have met along the way here in com-central.
welcome sir chili and I look forward to our first meeting.
_________________ _
Many thing's in life are dirt cheap.........
is not one of them.....
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JG300-fr8ycat Power User

Offline Joined: Mar 13, 2005 Posts: 1528 Location: Los Angeles
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:38 am Post subject: Re: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili W.!!! |
- JG300-Dan736
I wanted to post a few other screen shots including one of Fr8tycats exploding wing tip but I had trouble getting them uploaded to Photobucket,go figure.
Sitting there minding my own business and heard a crunch and saw the screen shake. Thought I had one too many Pina Caladas when I looked to my right and saw a 190, pilots hand against his forehead screaming "Doh".
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Shadow_Bshwackr Janitor

Offline Joined: Jan 21, 2005 Posts: 7019 Location: Central Illinois, USA
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:35 pm Post subject: Re: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili W.!!! |
Welcome Chili!!!!
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JG300-Chili Power User

Offline Joined: Feb 18, 2007 Posts: 46 Location: Charlotte, North Carolina
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:55 pm Post subject: Re: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili W.!!! |
All I can say is Wow! Thanks for the warm welcome and invitation. Especially for tolerating my "touch and go" initiation. I'm pretty sure I tiki torched the end of every runway! Landing is no problem...but wheeling that 109 around...that's a new beast all together! So thanks again for the patience. I'll practice taxi-ing more often.
Also, I'm happy as a pig in $#!% to be involved with the likes of you guys. I'm only about a month into flying online and while most of my experiences have been fun...I'm also noticing some real hack flyers out there. (Namely the unlimited ammo kats that rubberband their triggers down!!) No honor in that sort of flying!! Sure...you're bound to hit something eventually! Anyhow...I've noticed you guys in rooms and have enjoyed your STY-le. I especially remember Stoopy...(I riddled him during a head on joust and busted him up pretty bad...Which opened up a hell of a joke that had me chortle beer bubbles out my nose! "Hang on Stoopy...Stoopy hang on"...yeah, good times.
So what sort of flying do you get into? I'm partial to team dogfights myself. Though I recently jumped in on a mission involving bombers that was pretty cool. Got shot down and was limited to gunner but still had a blast. I'm generally on CFS3 in the evenings after 5 est. and odd times during the weekends. Keep an eye out for me! SuuuuuuuuuuuWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Little bit about me...I'm a 30 year old, Graphic Designer/Pro Inline Hockey Goalie. I've lived in Charlotte, North Carolina for about 7 years now but am a native Texan. Never married, no kids, recently single but do have a pretty cool girl I'm seeing. I'm a big WWII history buff and have always had an appreciation for flight.
and...I'm terrible at taxi-ing 109's.
Alright Boys...Cheers to ya and I look forward to flying the 5 spot.
See you in the Sky's!
Lt. Chili Williams - # 5C
_________________ Cpt. Chili Williams - JG300 # 5 C,
Cpt. Wild Bill Kelso,
Lt. C. W. Biggs,
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Uhu_Fledermaus Aircraft Demolition Expert

Offline Joined: Nov 28, 2004 Posts: 4369 Location: Blaricum, The Netherlands ~GMT+1
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:55 pm Post subject: Re: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili!!! |
Welcome to Com-Central Chili !
You've picked a fine bunch of Wild Sau's !
They are LOUD, NOISY and SMELLY but most of all a great squadron and a bunch of friends!

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JG300_Hunt Power User

Offline Joined: Mar 08, 2006 Posts: 750 Location: WA State
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:23 pm Post subject: Re: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili!!! |
Glad you found your way over to the Sty Chili! Grab yourself a place to wallow and belly up to the bar later!
Make sure to make your way over to our Private forum. You'll find a few stickies with a lot of useful informatiion on the 109 and 190 as well as some other goodies!
For myself, I enjoy a good team dogfight. Best way to make good use out of the 190. I try to get involved in as many 90% games as I can find, however they are few and far between these days. The spray and pray games seem to be prevelant. A good mission is always a lot of fun. So is Bomber Dogfighting! Always a good game.
There are quite a few other fun games we need to host up one day - NGNG games, Mudpond Games, River Races, and of course Turkey used to host up some great airshow games (X-Country trip to Stonehedge was a fun one - not to mention inverted SLOW flight).
These days some of us are really involved in FS9 / FSX. We have some great members who contribute a lot to the community. Fr8ycat is a hell of a helicopter painter / designer as evident by his Loach. Stoopy is a man of many talents himself and has assembled quite the comprehensive packages available here on Com-C. Ascout is a great scenary designer with his most recent release being Phu Bai, Vietnam scenaries! Every Sunday COm-C hosts a Sunday Flight on a world tour. Just made our way into Malaysia.
Well, think that about sums up the flying bit! As said many times before, welcome aboard! I'm still relatively new compared to most the squadron, but you have definatley wandered into a great group of guys and most of all friends.
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JG300-Stoopy Power User

Offline Joined: Jan 05, 2005 Posts: 5840 Location: Group W bench
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:08 pm Post subject: Re: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili!!! |
WOW!! What Hunt said!!!! Sums it all up pretty well!
And is that a beechin' avatar or what??!! Man, you come prepared dontcha!
Basically for CFS3 the hot action, for me anyway, is the good ol'fashioned Team Dogfight. Nothing better than to exercise the good ol' teamwork skills. I haven't done a mission in a long time, years really, but my rig back than wasn't too enjoyable for them since it was pretty slow. Would be interesting to give it another shot since I'm up to modern specs now.
We ALMOST did a River Race the night of your "entrance exam" and we'll have to plan one very soon, it's a hoot! And not to mention a "Cheapshot" game, which takes some explaining but is an experience to remember, for sure!
And you better watch out, Chili......these guys are gonna try their very best to corrupt ya over to the darkside of FS2004! It's all good though....Personally I do just as much civil flight simming as CFS3, maybe more. When I'm not getting beat up in my FW-190, I'm usually doing any of the below or more:
Doing some formation aerobatic work around Ascout's FS9 JG300 Pigsty scenery with my favorite civvie plane:
Cruisin' around keeping up the rotary-wing skills with fr8ycat's OH-6A Cayuse:
Exercising the airmanship skills in bad weather with this fine little bird:
Going for a tow-up to do a little sky surfin'....
Tearing around in this latest acquisition (courtesy of winning the screenshot contest here, not to brag!)....
..and occasionally joining in a Sunday Round-The-World flight like Hunt said, with the other Com-C gang...
There's so much to do, you actually have to watch yourself against "Flight Sim Burnout", really! Do too much too fast and it becomes a blur. Which is why sometimes, intentionally maybe, things wil get slow, for me at least, and why we never have wanted to grow too much too fast...here we are in our fifth year and it's all due to the truly excellent people we have AND the friends we share here at Com-C.
But, as they say, the sty's the limit and I hope your stay is a long and happy one....welcome!!!
_________________ "Once your reputation is ruined, you can live quite freely."
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JG300-Ascout Power User

Offline Joined: Jan 05, 2005 Posts: 6257 Location: Cyberspace
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:10 pm Post subject: Re: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili!!! |
Hot Dang, fresh meat (uhhh...poor turn of phrase, strictly speaking....we don't do pork at meals 'round heah....)!
Welcome to the sty! Great avatar...and a great name! JG300-Fr8ycat must be delighted 'cuz now he's finally off latrine detail as the last new guy!
We is all about the fun, and versatility, and fun...and strawberries, and babes, and fun and you already found the Mexican food it seems so you're good to go!
_________________ "All facts go to clearly prove that Shades is a thrice-cursed traitor & mentally deranged person steeped in inveterate enmity toward mankind"
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JG300-fr8ycat Power User

Offline Joined: Mar 13, 2005 Posts: 1528 Location: Los Angeles
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:26 pm Post subject: Re: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili!!! |
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JG300-Lurps Power User

Offline Joined: Jan 11, 2005 Posts: 167 Location: In back of the sty .... sighting in my Luger ....
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:40 pm Post subject: Re: Please welcome our new member, JG300-Chili!!! |
Welcome aboard Chili ! The JG-300 cheerleading squad is standing by
to assist you with assimilation into the gruppe .......
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