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Germany AFV Registers
The AFV ASSOCIATION was formed in 1964 to support the thoughts and research of all those interested in Armored Fighting Vehicles and related topics, such as AFV drawings. The emphasis has always been on sharing information and communicating with other members of similar interests; e.g. German armor, Japanese AFVs, or whatever.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:06 pm
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

You can find some useful stuff among Pierre-Olivier's albums:

I plan to visit Sinsheim in the near future, it's already pretty well covered in the albums above, but I'll ensure to double-check everything.

Trevor's data could be outdated/incomplete, but they are good starting point:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:21 pm
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

Here's the info I have from Lesley Delsing, plus some additions I made a few years ago (and a few notes to try to bring up to date).



In the end of 1993 there was a total of 104 T-72s allocated for use as hard target.

Army base: located at this barracks was the 10th (RU) armoured division.
T-34/85 SOV dep

Training area: located south of Cuxhaven. This training area is disbanded in 2004. It was in use since the days of the German emperor.
M26 Pershing USA scr
M26 Pershing USA scr
M46 Patton USA scr

Airbase: located at the former Russian air force base near Niedergorsdorf is this T-34 tank. The tank is missing its barrel and it’s in a very rusty condition. Probably a former Soviet gateguard from an army base near by.
T-34/85 pre sep04

Training area: located north of Magdeburg on the Colbitz-Letzlinger heide. This training area is the third in row behind Bergen and Grafenwöhr. From 1934 on the DEU used this area as test area for Artillery and anti-tank weapons. After the war the SOV used it as training area. The T-34 which is preserved is only the turret which is located along the public road dividing the training area. The other T-34 is a hull only which is in a very bad condition
T-34/85 SOV pre jun05
T-34/85 wre, hull jun05

Training area: located south of the city next to the B540 road towards Wolfhagen.
M41 W.Bulldog wre -
M41 W.Bulldog wre, hull -
M47 Patton DEU wre -

Army base: GFM Rommel barracks, museum
M47 Patton DEU pre jul02
M47 Patton DEU pre -

Town: The Motor Technica museum is located near Rehme, along the autobahn 2 from Bielefeld to Hannover. There was talk about a complete Panther ausf.A here, but it turned out to be only the left half of a Panther ausf.D turret.
Leopard 1A1A2 DEU 6019 pre, o/l from Koblenz (DEU) jun03
M41 W.Bulldog std? -
M47 Patton DEU std jun03
T-34/85 std feb04
T-34/85 DDR? wre jun03
T-34/85 DDR? wre jun03
T-55 DDR? ''00891'' std jun03

Training area:
T-34/85 wre dec05

Town: location of the young pioneers
T-34/85 pre -

Baruth Soviet War Cemetery, An der Fernstrasse (B96)
T-34/85 DEU out “301”
T-34/85 DEU out

Army base: Smith barracks, located in west central Germany in the state of Rheinland-Pfalz, just off Autobahn 62, between Kaiserslautern and Trier (most if not all vehicles are at or headed to Fort Bliss).
M4A1 Sherman US/GBR? pre - (now at Fort Bliss)
M24 Chaffee USA pre dec01 (now at Fort Bliss?)
M41 W.Bulldog USA pre -
M47 Patton USA pre dec01
Type 59 IRQ pre jul03
T-34/85 BIH/SCG pre - (now at Fort Bliss)
T-62 IRQ pre jul03
T-72 IRQ pre dec01 (now at Fort Bliss)

Training area?: This training area is also a former DEU training area since 1938. The turret of the Leopard 1A4 was cut open on the left side.
Leopard 1A4 DEU wre ‘04
Leopard 2 proto? DEU wre ‘04
T-72 DDR wre ‘04

Training area: located north-east of the city near the Bindlach community on the Oschenberg height. Near the training area was a former USA barrack.
T-34/85 wre '02

Army base: Bergen-Hohne Camp of the British army. In the past also home of a Dutch Tank Battalion but now only the British army uses this barracks. During a visit in February 2004 the Comet, Sherman and T-55 were gone.
7th Armoured Brigade Headquarters, located on Winsener Strasse (L298)
Chieftain mk ? GBR out
Centurion mk.12 GBR 42BA67 pre sep06
Comet mk.1 GBR dep
M4 Sherman GBR dep
T-55 IRQ R02FT747. dep
Type 59 IRQ pre sep06

Training area: this is the largest training area in Germany. In 1934 the German army started using this training area and is since then continue in use. The training area is located east of the A7 highway near Fallingbostel.

Range 1A:
M47 Patton wre feb04
M47 Patton wre feb04
M47 Patton wre feb04
M47 Patton wre feb04
M47 Patton wre feb04
M47 Patton wre feb04
M47 Patton wre feb04
M47 Patton wre feb04
M47 Patton wre feb04
M47 Patton wre feb04
M47 Patton wre feb04
M47 Patton wre feb04

range 5A:
T-72 DDR wre jun03

Range 6:
M47 Patton wre feb06

range 7B: the M47 is in a relatively good condition and was painted recently. The T-72 was nothing more than the hull without engine, roadwheels and enginedeck. The turret was put on top if it without gun barrel.
M47 Patton DEU wre feb04
T-72M DDR F01WT3689 wre feb04

range 8A: These two T-72M1s are used since September 1999 to fire live 120 mm HEAT-T rounds. So not much was left of them in February 2004.
T-72M1 DDR 001JN….. wre feb04
T-72M1 DDR wre feb04

range 9: this is the range were they used to shoot the Canadian Army Trophy (CAT) and the NL army uses to shoot the so-called ''Bult Francis Cup''. The hard targets mentioned below are there since 1999. The two Czechoslovakian built T-72s were from 1985 and so probably ‘’just’’ T-72s.
M47 Patton DEU wre feb06
M47 Patton DEU wre feb06
M48 Patton DEU wre feb06
M48 Patton DEU wre feb06
M48 Patton DEU wre feb06
M48A2 Patton DEU 262 wre feb06
T-72 DDR MHYT12ZNH wre feb06
T-72 DDR MHYT23CNH wre feb06
T-72 DDR wre apr02

storage part: near the town Bergen-Belsen is a road towards artillery positions nr. 160A and 160B. On the right side of this road is a small storage area. The M48s were all hulls.
M24 Chaffee DEU dep
M48A2G2 Patton DEU Y-…029 std feb04
M48 Patton DEU std feb04
M48 Patton DEU std feb04

Lager Horsten
HS-30 DEU out

Town: located at the Soviet memorial at the Strasse der 17 juni near Tiergarten which is close to the Brandenburger Tor.
T-34/76 SOV pre dec05
T-34/76 SOV pre dec05

Town: here in Karlshorst is the ‘’Museum of unconditional surrender’’ which was set up by the Soviets. If this museum still exists and the tank is still there is not known by me. The IS-2 is an early model.
IS-2 SOV pre nov04
T-34/85 SOV pre nov04

Berlin Tegel Airport, A105
M7 Priest USA out
M41 Walker Bulldog USA out

Training area: former US army training area and now home of a home defence unit of the German army. The training area is east of the city towards Leinfelden-Echterdingen.
M47 Patton wre feb05

Training area: located south east of the city at the lower part of the Bogenberg.
M47 Patton wre -

Army base: Rantzau barracks
M47 Patton ITA? pre jan06
Leopard 1A5 DEU pre jan06

Training area: until 1987 they had a PzKpfw VI ausf.B here which belonged to the army group Weichsel. After the war the British used it. In 1987 it was scrapped at Neumunster.
PzKpfw VI Tiger B DEU scr

Town: Soviet monument
T-34/85 SOV pre mar04
T-34/85 SOV pre mar04

Army barracks?:
Leopard 1A4 DEU pre -

Training area:
M47 Patton DEU wre '03

Army base: Roselies barracks
M47 Patton DEU pre -
M48A2C Patton DEU pre -

Navy base: at the navy material depot is this tank.
M47 Patton DEU std -

Training area: west of the city on a former airfield
M47 Patton DEU wre -

Army base: Armstrong barracks Büdingen is located just 16 miles from Hanau. The military installation in Büdingen, formerly known as Krüger Kaserne, was constructed between 1935 and 1939 for the German Machine Gun Battalion 3. This unit was replaced in 1939 by an anti-tank battalion which was stationed on the post until its deployment into combat in 1944.
M4A1 Sherman USA 68505 W-30162186? pre -

Town: in this town north east of Magdeburg near the swimming hall is a small Soviet war memorial. In the nineties this tank was driven on it own power on the plinth but after some young people tried to start it the engine was removed. There are talks that this tank will be scrapped in the near future. In front of the tank is a small German war cemetery.
T-34/85 SOV? W3049 pre oct05

Training area: east of this town on a hill called the Muckberg is this training area
M47 Patton wre sep05

Army base: Freiherr Von Fritsch barracks
Leopard 1A1A1 DEU pre jul02
M41 W.Bulldog DEU pre jul02
M47 Patton DEU pre jul02

Army base: system maintenace centrum 850
M47 Patton DEU pre -
M48A2GA2 DEU pre -

Training area: south of Delmenhorst in the Adelheide Part on the ground of a former German airforce airfield.
M47 Patton DEU wre -

Training area: located in front of the barrack on the banks of the Donau river. There is only one way to enter the training area because of the fences, woods and the Donau river.
M47 Patton wre -

Training area: located in the northern part of the city.
M47 Patton wre -

Training area: located between Ulm and Dornstadt west of the B10 road and south of the A8 highway.
M41 W.Bulldog wre -

Army base: once the home of the 1st (RU) Guards tank army. what is happened with this tank when the Russians pulled back is not known by me. Maybe this is the tank that is now at Schaarsbergen (NLD)?
T-34/85 SOV pre, to Schaarsbergen (NLD)? '89

Town: located a the military history museum at the Olbrichtplatz 3
Chieftain mk. GBR pre -
Leopard 1A1A2 DEU pre -
Leopard 1A4 DEU pre -
M48 Patton DEU pre -
T-34/85 pre dec05
T-34/85 pre dec05
T-54 DDR pre dec05
T-55 DDR pre -
T-55AM2 DDR pre aug04
T-72M DDR pre dec05

Training area: west of the town Ehlen and north of the A44 road.
M41 W.Bulldog wre -
M47 Patton DEU wre -

Training area: located north-east of Gifhorn. This area was already in use in the second world war when this area was in use as test area and dropzone for bombs. The M41 Walker Bulldog and the T-72 are in a very bad condition. The M48 is a hull only
M41 WalkerBulldog wre '02
M47 Patton DEU wre '02
M47 Patton DEU wre '02
M48 Patton DEU wre '02
T-72 DDR wre '02

Training area: located west of the A7 road and east of the town Ellwangen
M47 Patton DEU wre -

Training area: on the B-207 between Schwarzenbek and Mölln. In the 90’s the area was disbanded.
M47 Patton DEU scr

Training area: located east of the city
M47 Patton DEU wre -

Army base: Camp Fallingbostel of the GBR
Centurion mk. GBR 44BA14 pre sep04
M4 Sherman GBR T479425 pre feb06

Training area: located on the terrain of a German army area of aerial munitions west of the city near the Röddenau community.
M47 Patton DEU wre -

Army base: 3rd (USA) armoured division museum. Back to the USA
M26 Pershing USA to USA

Air base: located at the Frankfurt – rhein Main airbase. At the US army part of this air base was / is this tank.
M4 Sherman USA pre mar03 (ex Bad Kissingen, now at Aberdeen Proving Ground)
T-54 SOV out

Training area: located east of the city near the B12 road.
M47 Patton wre -

Military Base, Erfurter Ring
HS 30 SPz DEU out

Army base: Allgäu barracks
M47 Patton DEU pre jan06
M48A2C Patton DEU pre jan06

Training area: west of the town between the Weissensee and the Hopfensee.
M47 Patton DEU? wre '02
M47 Patton DEU? wre '02

Former target range?, off Wiggersioher Strasse
M47 Patton USA/DEU wre

Army base: located between Bremen and Bremerhaven and in use since the days of the German emperor. In use as training aid for armoured recovery vehicle crews are at least two Leopard 1 s. Were they are located, on the barracks or on the training area, is not known by me.
Leopard 1 0-serie DEU ins apr06
Leopard 1A1A2/A4? DEU ins apr06
M46 Patton USA wre -
M47 Patton wre -
M47 Patton wre -
T-72 DDR ins -

Army base:
M26 Pershing USA std, ex Garlstedt (DEU)

Training area: second largest training area in Germany. Located north east from Nürnberg.
M41 W.Bulldog USA pre nov03
M47 Patton wre -
M60 USA wre
M60 USA wre -
M60 USA wre -

Training area: located west of the city between the A24 and B321 roads. This training area is divided in two parts. The largest southern part is next to the barracks.
T-34/85 wre ‘04

Army base: located here was the East German Non Commissioned Officers school. It was used as central collection point for the T-72 fleet of which 177 were send to Rockensußra and around 50 to Tank Workshop nr.2 in Grossenhain for export.

Training area: First in use in 1896 and now home of the infantry school. The T-34/85 hull and turret are separated and is in bad condition.
Jaguar 2 JgPz DEU std
Jaguar 2 JgPz DEU std
Jaguar 2 JgPz DEU std
M48 Patton wre ‘05
M48 Patton wre ‘05
M48 Patton turret USA/DEU wre
M48 Patton turret USA/DEU wre
M48A2 wre ‘05
T-34/85 wre '02
T-72 DDR wre ‘05
T-72M1 DDR wre sep03

Rail siding near A2/E30
T-55 SOV out Missing most running gear, tracks

Training area: this training area is divided in two parts 6 kilometres apart. Between these two areas in the town Sythen and a little futher south is the city Haltern. The western part is called Lavesumer Bruch and the eastern part is called Borkenberge.
Conqueror mk. GBR wre '03
Conqueror mk. GBR wre -
Conqueror mk. GBR wre -
M47 Patton wre '03
M47 Patton wre ‘03
M47 Patton wre ‘03

Training area:
M47 Patton DEU wre -

Training area: located west of the former barracks. The area itself is located in Hessen, the barracks in Niedersachsen.
M47 Patton scr

Training area: located east of the city. In the south the B8 from Regensburg to Neumarkst. The training area is disbanded and the hard targets are scrapped.
M47 Patton DEU wre ‘03

Training area: east of the city between the B7 and B487. Also on the training area is a small airstrip for gliders.
M47 Patton DEU wre -
T-34/85 wre -

Training area: Located north west of the city on the Osterberg hill
M47 Patton dep

Army base:
T-54 EGY pre -
T-62 EGY pre -
T-62 EGY pre -

Training area: located between Plön and Lütjenburg near the B430 road
M47 Patton DEU der -

Training area: located south of the city.
M47 Patton DEU der -

Training area: north of Ingolstadt and west of the town Hepberg and in sight of the AUDI factory in the south.
M47 Patton DEU? der '02

Training area: south east of Eggesin near the Polish border. The M48A2 turret is placed on top of a M48AVLB. The other M48 is only a hull
M48 Patton DEU der, hull -
T-34/85 der -

Town: Federal German Agency for Technical Relief (in German Technisches Hilfswerk THW)
Leopard 1 DEU std apr04

War memorial: This tank marks the place were the SOV seized their first bridgehead across the Oder river.
T-34/85 pre jun03

Army base: Rottal barracks
M47 Patton DEU pre jan06

Training area: former training area of the East German and now in use by the German army. The T-72s arrived after 1997. The T-34’s were in a bad condition.

Range 1/2/3: the T-72M is a 1983 Soviet built tank.
T-72M DDR F01WT3650 wre jan05
T-72 DDR wre jan04

Range 6: this in 1984 Czechoslovakian built tank is in relatively good shape since this tank is used as target for smaller calibre weapons.
T-72 DDR MHYT13BND wre jan05

Range 13: several T-72’s of which the oldest is a 1977 Soviet built example and the newest a 1985 Polish built one. The c/n’s 20WN9726, 10JN4924 and JB10IN488 I can not find in my list. Two of the T-34s here were hulls only
M48 Patton DEU wre jan05
M48 Patton DEU wre jan05
M48 Patton DEU wre jan05
M48 Patton DEU wre jan05
M48 Patton DEU wre jan05
M48A2GEAA2 Patton DEU wre jan05
T-34/85 wre jan05
T-34/85 wre jan05
T-34/85 wre jan05
T-34/85 wre jan05
T-55A(P) DDR 20WN9726 wre jan05
T-72 DDR 10JN4924 wre jan05
T-72 DDR Ja05W.4159 wre jan05
T-72 DDR JB10IN488 wre jan05
T-72 DDR C03JN232A l wre jan05
T-72 DDR G08WT8197 wre jan05
T-72 DDR MHYT02BNB wre jan05
T-72 DDR MHYT21CNH wre jan05

Town: located here in the Mayener Strasse 85-87 (along the river Mosel, next to the Europabridge), Koblenz-Lützen is the ''Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung'' (WTS). The Kpz 70 is a non-ballistic prototype. The tanks which are not noted are in various depots in Germany, but still property of the WTS.
Kpz 70 DEU 21 pre mar05
Leopard 1 DEU J041 pre mar05
Leopard 2 DEU PT16/T14mod pre mar05
Leopard 2 DEU ET02/T17 n/n mar05
PzKpfw IV ausf. H ESP 84611 n/n mar05
PzKpfw V Panther G DEU u/r Trier, (DEU)
T-34/85 n/n mar05
T-55AM2 DDR MHYA17KMG pre mar05
T-62 n/n mar05

Town: located in a museum
Leopard 1A1 DEU pre oct05

Training area: located east of the city between de B49 road and the Lahn.
M47 Patton DEU? wre '02
M47 Patton DEU? wre '02
M47 Patton DEU? wre '02

Training area: located between Torgelow and Pasewalk.
IS-2 wre -
T-34/85 wre -

Army base: Schweppermann barracks
M47 Patton DEU out
M48A2C Patton DEU pre jan06

Army base: 64th (RUS) Auto brigade
T-34/85 SOV pre -

T-34/85 pre ‘05

Army base: Lechrain barracks
M47 Patton DEU dep?
M48A2C DEU dep?

Training area: located 2 kilometres south of the city Landsberg am Lech directly near the B 17 road and directly near the former Lechrain barracks which was disbanded in 2001.
M47 Patton wre -

Training area: located 6 kilometres north of the city, west of the town Steinbach.
M47 Patton wre -

Training area: located at the Oranienburger heide. This training area is no longer in use.
IS-2 wre dec05
IS-2 wre dec05
T-34/85 wre dec05

Army base: Scharnhorst barracks
M48A2C Patton DEU pre -

Army barracks: located here was the East German officers school. After the reunification almost all of the 1500 T-55’s were collected here at this terrain. From this place the tanks were moved to Charlottenhof for demilitarisation and scrapping.

Training area: located on the premises of a former German army fueldump during the second world war, west of the town Loccum directly on the border with Nordrhein-Westfalen.
M47 Patton DEU wre -

Training area:
M47 Patton wre -
M47 Patton ITA wre -
T-34/85 wre -
T-34/85 wre -
T-72M / M1 DDR wre -

Army base: von Schlieffen barracks. The barracks are disbanded by the German army
Leopard 1A1A1 DEU pre -

Off Abtelstrasse
MOWAG Attrape' DEU out Anti-tank training vehicle

Army base: In 1876 this area was used as artillery and gun test for the Krupp firm. In 1957 the German army took it over for weapon and munitions tests. Today it is the largest gunnery place in Europe. Some of the tanks below are still in use for non-destructive tests. Other tanks, such as some T-72's, are used in ammunition tests. The Leopard 1A1A1 is without gun.
Leopard 1 DEU std, ex Koblenz (DEU) -
Leopard 1A1A1 DEU 5118 std '02
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M47 Patton ITA wre may04
M48A2 Patton std '02
M48A5 Patton std '02
T-34/85 std '02
T-55 DDR std '02
T-72 DDR .01WT3586 std '02
T-72 DDR .01WT3610 std '02
T-72 DDR MHYT17BND std '02

Town: located close to this small town is this tank. Before ending in the East German army this tank participated in the occupation of Sachsen and Thuringen in 1945.
T-34/85 DDR 883542 pre, ex Pössneck (DEU) nov05

Training area: former French army training area
M4 Sherman wre, hull jan06
M47 Patton wre jan06
M47 Patton wre jan06
M47 Patton wre jan06
M47 Patton wre jan06
M48A2 wre jan06
M48A2 wre jan06
M48A2 DEU wre jan06

Here is the tankschool of the German army located, the armour museum and two large training areas on the Luneburger Heide. Munster-North is in use since the first world war as production place for chemical weapons. In large area it is still forbidden to dig in the ground because of buried chemical weapons of the first and second world wars. Munster-South is now an artillery gunnery area. This area is in use since 1892.

Army base: Schultz-Lutz barracks
Leopard 1 0-serie DEU pre feb04
M47 Patton DEU 6361 pre feb04
M48A2C Patton DEU pre feb04

Army base: Freiherr Von Boeselager barracks
Leopard 1 0-serie DEU pre feb04
Leopard 1A4 DEU Y-020148 pre feb04
M41 W.Bulldog DEU pre -
M47 Patton DEU pre -

Army base: Panzertruppenschule
Leopard 1 0-serie DEU pre may05
M47 Patton DEU std feb04
M47 Patton DEU pres feb04

Deutsches Panzermuseum, Munster, Hans Krüger strasse 33
A7V replica DEU ind “Wotan”
Borgward IV DEU ind
BTR-152 SOV ind
Buffel DEU ind
Centurion mk.12 GBR pre mar02
Comet GBR pre mar02
GW PzKpfw II Wespe DEU ind
HS-30 SPz DEU ind
Jaguar 1 JgPz DEU ind
Jaguar 2 JgPz DEU ind
JgPz Kanone DEU out HK 3/2 Prototype
JgPz Kanone DEU ind
Kpz 70 DEU 7 pre mar02
Leopard 1 0-serie DEU pre feb04
Leopard 1 DEU std -
Leopard 1A1A4 DEU 7074X Y-808762 pre mar02
Leopard 1A2A1 DEU std -
Leopard 1A3 DEU std -
Leopard 1A4 DEU 15105 Y-882485 pre mar02
Leopard 1A5 DEU 6512X Y-128441 pre jan06
Leopard 2 DEU PT14/T13 pre mar02
Leopard 2A4 DEU pre feb05
M4A1 Sherman pre mar02
M41 W.Bulldog DEU pre mar02
M47 Patton BEL 28803 pre feb04
M48A2C Patton DEU pre mar02
M48A2GEAA2 Patton DEU pre jun05
M60A1 USA 988610 pre jun05
Marder 1 DEU out
PzJg V Jagdpanther DEU ind
PzKpfw I Ausf A DEU ind
PzKpfw III Ausf M DEU ind
PzKpfw IV ausf. G DEU 83072 pre mar02
PzKpfw V Panther A FRA 210767 pre jun03
PzKpfw VI Tiger B DEU 280101 pre jun05
PzKpfw VI Tiger E FRA 251114 pre o/l Saumur (FRA) sep04
PT-76 SOV out
SP1A Hotchkiss FRA/DEU ind
SpPz 2 Luchs prototype DEU out
Strv M/21-29 SWE ind
StuPz IV SturmTiger DEU ind (on loan from US Army Ordnance Museum, APG)
T-34/76B pre mar02
T-34/85 EGY pre mar02
T-54AM2B(P) DDR 705K326DD pre mar02
T-55 DDR 59N1278D87 pre mar02
T-55AM2B? DDR MHYA52DKN pre mar02
T-62 N06WT5351 pre mar02
T-72M1 DDR pre mar02

Training area: Munster-north
M48 Patton wre feb04
T-72 DDR wre ‘04
T-72 DDR wre ‘04
T-72 DDR wre ‘04

Training area: Munster South
M48 Patton wre feb04
T-72 DDR wre feb04

Army base: Ernst-Moritz-Arndt barracks
Leopard 1A4 DEU pre -
M47 Patton DEU pre -

Army base: the M48 has the muzzle brake from a M47 Patton
Leopard 1A1A1 DEU pre -
M47 Patton DEU pre -
M48A2C Patton DEU pre -

Training area: located between Neustadt and Schwarmstedt.
M47 Patton DEU wre -

Town: Westwall museum, located just south of Pirmasens is the Festungswerk Gerstfeldhohe.
M41 W.Bulldog DEU pre dec05
M42 Duster DEU out
PzKpfw II DEU std Mostly scratchbuilt, few original parts
Sd.Kfz. 251 SPW DEU ind

Training area: this training area is located on the premises of a former second world war ammunition storage south west of the city.
M47 Patton DEU wre -

Training area: the fourth largest training area in Germany. In 1945 it was first used by the SOV and in 1990 it was taken over by the DEU. It stretches from the Muskauers heide towards Nochten in eastern direction to the Polish border.
T-34/85 wre mar05
T-34/85 wre mar05
T-72 DDR F01WT3609 wre mar05
T-72 DDR wre mar05
T-72 DDR wre mar05
T-72 DDR wre mar05
T-72 DDR wre mar05

Training area: the fourth largest training area in Germany. In 1945 it was first used by the SOV and in 1990 it was taken over by the DEU. It stretches from the Muskauers heide towards Nochten in eastern direction to the Polish border.
This training area was in the past named Nochten.

The following wrecks were found which were in use as hard target.

3 x BeobachtungsPanzer, no numbers

M48A2GA2 Patton r/n Y-505730

3 x PT-76 ex DDR, no numbers

RaketenJagdPanzer (Jaguar) s/ns Y-416536, Y-861706, + 6 without r/n

4 x T-34/85 unknown, unable to check the numbers

T-34/85 c/n 2417682
T-34/85 c/n 424242686
T-34/85 c/n 424242642 (or 424242042, six and zero were very difficult to read))
If I understood correctly they were Polish built (with the two plates of the hull armour welded directly together)

T-55 ex DDR

T-72 ex DDR (Czechoslovak built)
T-72 ex DDR, unknown, frontal armour (where the number is) was hit by several rounds
T-72M ex DDR c/n MHY T02 AND (1984 Czech built)
T-72M ex DDR c/n D05JLN271 (1986 Polish built)
T-72M ex DDR c/n A10J..... (1983 Polish built)
T-72M ex DDR c/n F01WT3609 (1983 Soviet built)

There were more hard targets but I was unable to get close to it, seen were several HS30 Kurz, more T-72s, more RkJgdPzs and probably a M48 Bridgelayer hull.

Army base: Grenzland barracks
M47 Patton DEU pre jan06

Army base: Wagrien barracks
M47 Patton DEU pre jan06

Army base: Robert’s barracks?
Type 59/69 IRQ pre -

Army base: Here al the old T-34s were collected and from here on transported to Charlottenhof near Gorlitz or Roggensußra in Thüringen for scrapping. Several T-34’s modified to resemble a US tank for movies were also stored here.
T-34/85 pre -

Town: this tank was located at ‘’the house of the young pioneers’’ as a sign of the East German and Soviet friendship. It is relocated to Moedlareuth.
T-34/85 DDR 883542 to Moedlareuth (DEU)

Training area: located Northwest of the town Oldenburg direct and the Ostsee coast. The 0-serie Leopard 1 is in a very bad condition.
Leopard 1 0-serie DEU wre jun01
Leopard 1A3 DEU 14... wre mar02
Leopard 1A3 DEU 14... wre mar02
Leopard 1A3 DEU 14... wre mar02
Leopard 1A3 DEU 14... wre mar02
Leopard 1A3 DEU 14... wre mar02
Leopard 1A3 DEU 14... wre mar02

Air force base: located 2 km north of Ribnitz Damgarten and located at one of the larger former Soviet air force bases is a museum with several vehicles and two tanks.
T-55 DDR pre sep05
T-72M DDR pre apr05

T-34/85 pre sep03
T-34/85 pre sep03

Town: The T-34s went to this place for scrapping together with 177 T-72 of the East German army. The first 20 T-72s arrived in November 1993 from Haide. The T-72s were demilitarised, after which they were kept for 33 days of verification time. After that they were scrapped or used as hard target. Company responsibly for this was the ‘’Industrieabbrüche Metallrecycling Menteroda GmbH’’. At June 2005 there were more than 300 Leopard 1s in storage awaiting scrapping. Types were Leopard 1A1A1, Leopard 1A2 and the last ten surviving Leopard 1A3s in Germany.

Town: located here is the museum for historic army techniques
M47 Patton pre -

Rottauer museum for Vehicles, Military Technology and Contemporary History, Rottau 11a
M47 Patton pre ‘05
Sd.Kfz. 251 SPW DEU out

Army base: the M47 is at the navy depot in Bremen-Farge
M47 Patton DEU to Bremen-Farge (DEU)

Training area: located between the Lützow barracks in Schwanewede-Heidkamp and the Weser-Geest barracks in Schwanewede-Neuenkirchen. The terrain was during the second world was in use as a fueldump for the German navy. Some parts of the big fueltanks are still visible.
M47 Patton wre -
M47 Patton wre -

Training area: located in the Knüllmountains between the towns Schwalmstadt and Bad Hersfeld.
M41 W.Bulldog DEU wre -
M47 Patton wre -

Training area: located north of the city and east of the B286 between the towns Dittelbrunn and Maßbach.
M47 Patton wre -
M47 Patton wre -
M47 Patton wre -

Training area: south of the city near Stern-Buchholz, west of the B106 road. In use with the East German army and the SOV. From this time are the following tanks which were modified to look like a Chieftain and Leopard 1. The T-34 has to look like a Chieftain and the T-54/55 like a Leopard 1.
T-34/85 wre ‘91
T-54/55? wre ‘91

Army base: former Netherlands army base which is closed in may 2006
Centurion mk.5/2 NLD ‘’KX-14-86’’ to Amersfoort (NLD)
Centurion mk.5/2 NLD KX-15-12 to Amersfoort (NLD)
Leopard 1V NLD 12227 KU-92-26 to Amersfoort (NLD)
Leopard 1V NLD 12259 KU-92-58 to Amersfoort (NLD)

Training area: located on the B 71 between Zeven and Bremervörde. On the edge of the training area was the Netherlands army barracks. The Sherman tank was moved from the training area to the barracks.
M4A1 Sherman dep

Town: Seelöwer Höhe museum
T-34/85 pre jun03

Training area: located south east of the Teutoburger woods. In 1892 started the use of this area and therefore it is one of the oldest training areas in Germany. In the north of the training area in the town Augustdorf. In the coming years the military use will end and the area will be integrated in the Senne national park. The T-34/M48 is a T-34 hull with a M48 turret.
Chieftain mk. GBR wre ‘03
Centurion mk. GBR wre -
Centurion mk. GBR wre -
M47 Patton wre ‘04
M47 Patton wre ‘04
M47 Patton wre ‘04
T-34 wre ‘03
T-34 wre ‘03

Town: located here is the Auto und Technik museum. The museum is located in the Obere and 2 right on the A6 highway between Heilbron and Mannheim (exit Sinsheim). One of the 0-serie Leopards is only the hull.
Leopard 1 0-serie DEU Y-547207 pre -
Leopard 1 0-serie DEU pre jun03
Leopard 1 0-serie DEU pre -
Leopard 1A1A2 DEU Y-121003 pre jun03
M4A1 Sherman pre jun03
M4A3 Sherman Firefly USA out SN 73410; Originally an M4A3(105) 1
M7 Priest USA out
M24 Chaffee pre jun03
M26 Pershing pre jun03
M26A1 Pershing pre jun03
M32 USA out
M40? USA out
M47 Patton USA/DEU out
PzJg 38(t) Marder III Ausf H DEU ind
PzJg V Jagdpanther DEU ind
PzKpfw III Ausf N DEU ind
PzKpfw IV ausf. J DEU pre, ex Saumur (FRA) jun03
PzKpfw V Panther A DEU pre jun03
SP1A Hotchkiss DEU out
T-34/85 pre aug00
T-34/85 pre jun03
T-54/55 pre -
T-72 DDR pre jun03

The Mr.Flick panther. It should be one of the REME built panthers and was rediscovered in 1977 at a scrapyard in Surrey. It is last seen in a large shed in/around Solingen.
PzKpfw V Panther pre -

Army base: Located at the Sonthofer Jäger barracks in the NBC-school were they have the following tanks. The Leopard 1 is located in the area were they train to detect radiation levels and replaces the M48 here. The Leopard came directly from a storage depot.
Leopard 1A4 DEU ins ‘05
M47 Patton DEU ins '02
M48A2C Patton DEU ins '02

Technical Museum, Geibstrasse
M32 USA/FRA out Formerly used by French fire brigades

Army base: Herrenwald barracks
M47 Patton DEU pre -

Training area: located in the Southeast of the town.
M41 W. Bulldog wre sep03
M47 Patton wre sep03

Town: located here is the museum für militär- und zeitgeschichte. The source of the construction number is the museum.
Leopard 1A1A2 DEU X6217? pre -
T-34/85 pre -

Training area: between the cities Aachen and Stolberg is the training area located on the western part of the citypart Münsterbusch. Still visible at this training area are bunkers and obstacles from the Westwall.
M41 W. Bulldog wre ‘04
M47 Patton wre ‘04
M47 Patton wre ‘04

Army base: Kelley barracks is located in the city of Moehringen on the southeast corner of Stuttgart.
M4A1 Sherman USA pre ‘04

Training area: located east of the city between the A81 and the B27.
M47 Patton wre -

Training area: mainly used by the US army. Not in use as training area anymore.
M47 Patton 823 894 wre -

Town: military historic wheeled and tracked vehicle collection
Leopard 1A4 DEU pre sep05

Factory: located at the Rheinmetall facility here is the turret of the VT5 prototype of the Leopard 1A6
Leopard 1 DEU std, turret

Training area: located south of the B 437 between Varel and Bockhorn on the premised of a former German air force airfield.
M47 Patton DEU wre -

Army base: Rose barracks has been described as the "school house" for the US Army, Europe. It is located about 30 miles west of the Czech Republic border and 50 miles northeast of Nuernberg
M4A3 Sherman USA pre - (There were 2 Shermans – “Cobra King” now at Fort Knox, and 1 M4A1E8 now at Fort Bliss)

Army base: Located around the former Ordensburg was the training area which was in use since 1946 by the British army and after that by the Belgian army. On the premises of the Ordensburg was one Leopard 1 in use as instructional vehicle. In the past there were two, but one departed with unknown destination. The # 54616 could be c/n 8364, 8464, 8664 or 8864. Leopard 1(BE) c/n B8120 is dumped without turret.
Leopard 1(BE) BEL B8120 54536 dmp sep04
Leopard 1(BE) BEL B7444 54515 scr
Leopard 1(BE) BEL scr
Leopard 1(BE) BEL B..64 54616 ins sep04
M26 Pershing BEL scr
M46 Patton scr

Off Zum Birkenhoff
SP1A Hotchkiss DEU out

Training area:
M47 Patton wre dec05

On Molderstrasse?, off Celler Strasse (L284)
HS-30 SPz DEU out

Training area: located north west of the city. The area is forrested terrain with hills. On the northern edge of the training area is the airfield Ailertchen, which was used by the German air force during the 2nd world war.
M41 Walker Bulldog DEU wre -

Army base: Located at the Wiesbaden army air field is the 1st (USA) Armoured Division (these should be headed to Fort Bliss? www.1ad.army.mil/secti...ndex.html)
M1 Abrams USA pre jan05
M2 Half-Track USA out
M4A1 Sherman USA pre jan05
M24 Chaffee USA pre jan05
M26 Pershing USA pre jan05
M41 Walker Bulldog USA pre jan05
M47 Patton USA pre jan05
M48 Patton USA pre jan05
M60 USA pre jan05
T-34/85 pre jan05

Training area: located west of the city near the A1 highway.
M47 Patton wre -

Training area: In use by the German army since 1936. It is located on the border between Bavaria and Hessen.
M47 Patton wre -

Army base: located here in the woods south of Berlin was the former headquarters of the Western Group of Forces (SOV in Germany). Before the Soviets took over it was the headquarters of the German army before and during the second world war.
T-34/85 SOV pre '89

Town: Soviet war cementary
T-34/85 pre jul05
T-34/85 pre jul05

Army base: Leighton Barracks is approximately 70 miles southeast of Frankfurt. During World War II, the German Air Force built a small air base here. It now serves as headquarters for the 1st (USA) Infantry Division, along with subordinate units.
M4 Sherman USA pre jun04
T-72 IRQ pre -
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:24 pm
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

Also, be sure to check through these (page by page) on waymarking.com:


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:54 pm
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

- Massimo_Foti

Trevor's data could be outdated/incomplete, but they are good starting point:


I haven't started putting my Preserved Tanks in Germany online yet, perhaps after Britain, Switzerland and Italy. To see what's already in the database - mostly from Preserved German Tanks - you can use Massimo's link. However, if also want to see the photo's used in PGT you should modify it slightly as follows:


You are welcome to include links in the register to the Profile page for each tank - more photos are added over time but the link will stay the same.


Dr Trevor Larkum
Preserved Tanks: PreservedTanks.com
Armour Archive: ArmourArchive.co.uk

Last edited by TrevorLarkum on Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:01 pm
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

To see what's already in the database - mostly from Preserved German Tanks - you can use Massimo's link. However, if also want to see the photo's used in PGT you should modify it slightly as follows

As you can imagine, I figured out the URL by playing around with the querystring... Sorry if I missed some piece along the way Laughing

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:09 pm
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

You did well! Plans for PTC include some nice user interface to create a query but for now I have to make the links by hand myself.

Anyone not interested in databases and programming, stop reading this post now!

In case you are interested, the Select is a binary bitflag with bits as follows (using this country, Germany, as an example):

1: Preserved German Tanks (information and photos as published)
2: Preserved German Tanks Update (information and photos since it was published)
4: Preserved Tanks in Germany (as in the first link)
8: Preserved Tanks in Germany Update (currently empty, as I've not worked on PTiG yet)
16: Spare photos (i.e. not used in the options above)
32: NavPix

A basic principle is that, with the exclusion of 'spare' photos, by design a photo will be exclusive to a particular query (to put it another way, you will see different photos of a particular tank in Preserved German Tanks and Preserved Tanks in Germany).
So the first link was correct for PTiG, but I know that's as good as empty. So an alternative is to return all tanks in Germany but show photographs from PGT ('1'), PGT Update ('2') and any spare ('16'). 1+2+4+16 gives us the 23.


Dr Trevor Larkum
Preserved Tanks: PreservedTanks.com
Armour Archive: ArmourArchive.co.uk

Last edited by TrevorLarkum on Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:27 pm
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers


maybe strange question, how many years did it take you to get this list??

At the moment I'm searching around on the German "Forum der Wehrmacht"
They have an special topic about museums and stuff like that
The only problem is, it is not split by country Rolling Eyes

So it takes some time, however I have seen some nice museums and picture's of them from all over Europe


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:41 pm
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

All most forgot

who has an nice big picture of an German AFV to put on the front of the register?

I do not care what vehicle, only that is German and in an German museum collection for example:
WW 1 : Schwerer Kampfwagen A7V (Panzermuseum Munster)
WW 2: Tiger, Panther, Pz I till IV, ...
modern: Leopard 1, Leopard 2, ...

So please: no US or Russian AFV with German markings Mr. Green Mr. Green


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:23 am
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

Not the A7V, as it's a replica.


Dr Trevor Larkum
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Armour Archive: ArmourArchive.co.uk
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:49 am
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

Not the A7V, as it's a replica

I know Wink
But the only surviving A7V is in Australia and that is to far away


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:09 am
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

Replicas on the front of a country register are forbidden; it's the law! If it's not... it should be Laughing

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:35 am
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

Replicas on the front of a country register are forbidden; it's the law! If it's not... it should be

I agree, just checking Twisted Evil

And I also prefer an original AFV from the country the register is about


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:55 am
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

- Michel_Krauss

Jim, thanks for the link to Henriks Military Museums Site
It will be useful to finding the museums, even there is only just the name of the museum Wink
Are you just running the site or also making update's?

My intention is to update the site and make it mobile-phone compatible as soon as possible. The JED app is now available for the iPhone if anyone out there has one - its a bit thin at the moment but I am working as fast as possible to add stuff to it and the museum pages will be included. There will be a means of adding new museums and amending existing information.

In the meantime anyone recommend any Youtube videos so I can overwrite the test ones on the listing?


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not serious about anything military..

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:54 pm
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

All most forgot

who has an nice big picture of an German AFV to put on the front of the register?


I made some nice pictures in Trier last year. Maybe they are interesting.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:26 pm
Post subject: Re: Germany AFV Registers

Hi Wim,

I like them both (both Panther's from from the WTS, Koblenz I think)

Could you send me an copy of it in original size?
Then I could trim the edges an little so only the Panther remains

To see what looks best

And so far you are the only one who has offered picture's

I don't want to use picture's directly taken of the internet, there is an chance of copyrigth problems, etc.


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