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PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:03 am
Post subject: New Member

Hello All at C C .......Thanks All for excepting my membership....I am a CFS Junky!!! or was..(combat flight simultor ) the ORIGINAL ONLY!!! hehe still the BEST flight Sim ALL TIME..(in my opion) I flew originally with the MERC squadron....About two weeks,,,,then the 82nd,,,, (82nd_Rattlin) Myself N EW_Gorilla...also the Lipripper squadron .and Finally with The Elite WIng sqaudron...where I became the training officer(dogfighting)...Only Two squardons I never left .. Lipripper n Elite Wing.....I also flew solo under the name Death_Shimmer ....

Since the sad departure of CFS I havnt flown in AGES ANYWHERE n most likely will Not again....back in the day C C was huge in CFS......but I was always to busy flyin huntin for nannas.,,hehe Sry I never joined guyz.......

During my tme in CFS I was taught how to fly (dogfight) by Dagsdownunder....lipripper1 <-The ONLY guy who trained me with one purpose ONE goal to beat HIM!!!.His quote would be...If you dont beat me I have failed!! Unbelievable guy....without ego!!!...Epictimes.....EW_Goilla..<--I used to bug ole Rilla for hours askin how do you make that one move....hehe.....EW_baboon ...EW Rang etc....an especially BS_MoAce!!!! Who showed me unbelievable insight into the mental aspect of dogfighting!!!..as well as trim settings ETC ETC ETC cant say enough about him......(Iam sure MANY more).Pilots who ABOVE ALL considered flyin FAIR Far more important than winning! Something in EVERY game I play I HOLD steadfastly too UNWAVERING

IS amazing me to see SO many OLD faces from the early days of CFS still around here!!! and Look forward to seeing ya all once again......

Take care all and God Bless..Sry for goin on about ( the Old days) Just couldnt introduce myself without mentioning some of the TRULY great pilots and more important great people I met through that game.....

Finally and too that funny SISSY Squirrel..hehe.....A great friend....n also Great Pilot..whom I shared MANY hours online flying n dieing with and against.....GLAD your here bro......and Ty for the kind greetin to me on my arrival at C C


EW_Vineswinger <-----CUTEST APE inthe Elite Wing
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:37 pm
Post subject: Re: New Member

HIya Vine! Long time no see!

Reading your post sure did bring back some memories and the many hours of fun spent in CFS and the CFS Community. CC certainly has it's roots deep in CFS and has evolved from those beginnings... Smile

While we've taken/added some additional paths to CC, we certainly have retained some of the many pilots of CFS whom, has been involved in some type of flying in other games. While it's a sure bet you 'can't go back', there's still a lot of fun had participating in the other areas of flying or adding to a particular sim of choice in some way.

For instance the FS2004/FSX Civilian flight game. We've done a casual 'don't care about getting done' around the world flight that's lasted almost 4 years now. We fly this in real time with 1 flight a week on Sundays. A lot of CFS pilots came and went on this flight with some still making up the core such as UHU's Rodion and Fledermaus.

The best thing about the CC community is it's made up of great people who all contribute to the overall effort/success of the site to some degree. All the management duties are handled by it's members and decisions made based on input of those members. How cool is that? Wink

AND...it's about time you joined...lol Welcome!
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:13 pm
Post subject: Re: New Member


Skwerl's place.

Com-Central's cutest, fluffiest, twitchiest, tail.
CPU > Intel i9-9900k (o/c 4.9GHz); COOLING > BeQuiet! Dark Rock Pro 4;
MOBO > ASUS PRIME Z390-A; RAM > 2x32GB Corsair LPX 2666MHz;
GPU > Gigabyte GEFORCE GTX650Ti PCI-e 3.0 2Gb GDDR5;
AUDIO > Creative X-Fi Xtreme Music (plus - Universal Audio UAD2 Quad Custom accelerator);
HDD > 3x1TB+ M.2. SSDs; LCD > DELL - S2419HGF (1920x1080);
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:00 am
Post subject: Re: New Member


Thanks bro for the welcome!!! The site sure seems a great place not only to met old friends/new but also FLYING!!! Who knows one day I may even take up the old helmet n FINALLY do some flyin again!! hehe

Hope ya had a great thanksgiving!!!!

Peace bro
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:51 pm
Post subject: Re: New Member

Ok who let the monkies in? I though we had all agreed that havin a tree rat here was enough. But now if the monkies are gonna be flingin poo.... the tree rat will have to clean it up.

Happy thanksgivin vines. SMOOOOOOOOOOOOCHIES Bro lmao
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:04 pm
Post subject: Re: New Member

I ain't cleaning monkey poo up.
It's bigger than me!

Skwerl's place.

Com-Central's cutest, fluffiest, twitchiest, tail.
CPU > Intel i9-9900k (o/c 4.9GHz); COOLING > BeQuiet! Dark Rock Pro 4;
MOBO > ASUS PRIME Z390-A; RAM > 2x32GB Corsair LPX 2666MHz;
GPU > Gigabyte GEFORCE GTX650Ti PCI-e 3.0 2Gb GDDR5;
AUDIO > Creative X-Fi Xtreme Music (plus - Universal Audio UAD2 Quad Custom accelerator);
HDD > 3x1TB+ M.2. SSDs; LCD > DELL - S2419HGF (1920x1080);
PSU > 650W be quiet Straight Power 11 - 80+ Gold;
CASE > BeQuiet! SILENT BASE 601; OS > Windows 11 Home Advanced (64-bit).
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:10 pm
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And probably just as smart Laughing Laughing

Bob Smart ([email protected])
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:24 am
Post subject: Re: New Member

Hiya Vines S~! Long time....

I have to agree with u that CFS1 was and still is the funnest and best flight sim ever. Since no one has come out with a flight sim as simple and fun I've gone on to ground pounding in JOPS.

I do the Sunday flights every now and then which is relaxing....lol a Big difference from CFS1. You will learn that there a lot us old pilots still hanging at CC mostly in Ms Kitty's Bombay Bar and Grill and if you haven't been invited there you will have to get onto Bush bout that one so you can fling some poo....lol !

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:28 am
Post subject: Re: New Member

Now hold on there a moment!
Poo-flingin' is a highly skilled past-time.
If there's any poo-flingin' ta be done, you need to have the correct licences and local government authorisation!
Far better to leave it to a professional.

(*...and Vines ain't cutest. Smells of wet socks too. Thousands of 'em.)
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 6:10 pm
Post subject: Re: New Member

- EW_PooFlinga
Now hold on there a moment!
Poo-flingin' is a highly skilled past-time.
If there's any poo-flingin' ta be done, you need to have the correct licences and local government authorisation!
Far better to leave it to a professional.

(*...and Vines ain't cutest. Smells of wet socks too. Thousands of 'em.)
and don't forget

the licenses have to be signed in triplicate with blue or black ink


riding horses is a lot like nuts n bolts, if the rider's nuts the horse bolts
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Forum Tree-Rat

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 7:24 pm
Post subject: Re: New Member



Skwerl's place.

Com-Central's cutest, fluffiest, twitchiest, tail.
CPU > Intel i9-9900k (o/c 4.9GHz); COOLING > BeQuiet! Dark Rock Pro 4;
MOBO > ASUS PRIME Z390-A; RAM > 2x32GB Corsair LPX 2666MHz;
GPU > Gigabyte GEFORCE GTX650Ti PCI-e 3.0 2Gb GDDR5;
AUDIO > Creative X-Fi Xtreme Music (plus - Universal Audio UAD2 Quad Custom accelerator);
HDD > 3x1TB+ M.2. SSDs; LCD > DELL - S2419HGF (1920x1080);
PSU > 650W be quiet Straight Power 11 - 80+ Gold;
CASE > BeQuiet! SILENT BASE 601; OS > Windows 11 Home Advanced (64-bit).
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:22 pm
Post subject: Re: New Member

lmao yeah shades i forgot thanks for the correction Razz

riding horses is a lot like nuts n bolts, if the rider's nuts the horse bolts
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:39 am
Post subject: Re: New Member

sniff sniff i smell monkey business!

Lay me place and bake me Pie
I'm starving for me Gravy
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:10 pm
Post subject: Re: New Member

'bout time vines saw his way here; welcome bro, good to type at ya again!

RAAF453_Wolfe CO

Reality is just an escape from your imagination....

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:50 am
Post subject: Re: New Member

~S~ all...........Bansheeeeeeeeeeeeee Hommmmyyyyyyyyyy Shadessssssssss A11111111111111111 Horseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Wolfeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <--Used to love typin peeps names like this.,,,,,,,,,, SRY hehe Hello ALL.........
First let me addresss,Mr Horseyyyyyyyyyyy Vines is CUTEST EW ALL time...........Is a fact,,, TY TY EW_Vineswinger <-----Takes bow........ haha GREAT seein all the old friends form CFS still around n Kickin..........hmmmmmmmmm Shades gave me some insite to mrs kitty place but iam nto sure HOW to get there LOL........Sry but Vines is STILL as CLOSE to PC illerate as they come.........But as ALWAYS...........Still Cutest EW......... Peace all look forward to chattin with ya soon........
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