jarhead jenny


jarhead jenny

Freiherr_Kiefer (15-04-2014)
_POTD_VIEWS (1016)
pineapple patrol


pineapple patrol

Freiherr_Kiefer (13-02-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1016)
ugly is as ugly does


ugly is as ugly does

Freiherr_Kiefer (30-03-2012)
_POTD_VIEWS (1015)
getting away from the big city


getting away from the big city

Freiherr_Kiefer (20-11-2014)
_POTD_VIEWS (1015)
big honking snowflake


big honking snowflake

Freiherr_Kiefer (04-11-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1015)
My Jewel


My Jewel

siskens (31-01-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1015)
der beautyful alps


der beautyful alps

sven_c (08-04-2013)
_POTD_VIEWS (1015)
winter wolf


winter wolf

sven_c (11-04-2013)
_POTD_VIEWS (1015)
Flowers for the victims


Flowers for the victims

siskens (10-11-2014)
_POTD_VIEWS (1015)
Whadda mean you lost it to Ascout in a card game !


Whadda mean you lost it to Ascout in a card game !

Freiherr_Kiefer (08-01-2014)
_POTD_VIEWS (1015)
She's a Big'Un!


She's a Big'Un!

JG300-Stoopy (07-12-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1015)
Crap. Not again!!


Crap. Not again!!

sven_c (25-07-2012)
_POTD_VIEWS (1014)
uhhh.. A little help, please?


uhhh.. A little help, please?

sven_c (22-08-2012)
_POTD_VIEWS (1014)
towards a wintery photo-shoot


towards a wintery photo-shoot

siskens (18-01-2016)
_POTD_VIEWS (1014)
on the way


on the way

Freiherr_Kiefer (04-05-2016)
_POTD_VIEWS (1014)
Familiarization Kill


Familiarization Kill

JG300-Stoopy (06-01-2016)
_POTD_VIEWS (1014)
the USCG checks some activities


the USCG checks some activities

siskens (18-03-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1014)
low and slow


low and slow

siskens (15-09-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1014)
re-enacting Unternehmen Eiche


re-enacting Unternehmen Eiche

siskens (03-03-2016)
_POTD_VIEWS (1014)



Freiherr_Kiefer (02-02-2014)
_POTD_VIEWS (1014)
Happy 4th of July!


Happy 4th of July!

JG300-Stoopy (04-07-2014)
_POTD_VIEWS (1014)
Navy or nuthin


Navy or nuthin

Freiherr_Kiefer (30-12-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1013)
on the line


on the line

Freiherr_Kiefer (24-06-2013)
_POTD_VIEWS (1013)
gotta love it


gotta love it

Freiherr_Kiefer (10-09-2013)
_POTD_VIEWS (1013)
winter war


winter war

Freiherr_Kiefer (16-12-2013)
_POTD_VIEWS (1013)
Overnight transformation... or liberation?


Overnight transformation... or liberation?

JG300-Stoopy (11-07-2016)
_POTD_VIEWS (1013)
Bound for Brisbane


Bound for Brisbane

JG300-Stoopy (01-09-2016)
_POTD_VIEWS (1013)
William Tell's got nothing on me


William Tell's got nothing on me

Freiherr_Kiefer (11-03-2015)
_POTD_VIEWS (1013)
I wonder what this switch does


I wonder what this switch does

Freiherr_Kiefer (17-05-2012)
_POTD_VIEWS (1012)
night stalker


night stalker

Freiherr_Kiefer (05-10-2014)
_POTD_VIEWS (1012)